Best shoes for a toddler?

Help! I’m in search of a pair of shoes. Size 7 are small and scrunch his feet near the toes and at the width. Size 8 is too large and he falls because he has so much space by the toes. I managed to find size 7.5 in stride rites. Can anyone recommend what to do to help my 2 year old? Keep buying stride rites or is there another shoe you all have tried? Any and all feedback is appreciated but please be nice.


Not sure where you live, but many towns have specialty show shops for children where they really know how to measure them correctly. Do you have a local mom’s FB page where you can ask?

My 5 year old is in 9.5 and my favorite is Temu. You have to watch because some come as size 26 (closer to US size 9) some 27 or some 28 (closer to US size 10) but for the $8 or so per pair, it’s worth it to have shoes that fit him. They aren’t the best quality but I don’t need them to fit for a year, he’ll outgrow them before they fall apart.

I’d honestly just get an 8. They grow so fast, they’ll probably fit him in a few weeks. He’ll learn to walk and run while they’re a little loose.


Stride rite or Clarks. It’s important to get well fitting shoes at that age so width is important too. Good quality shoes will help prevent a load of issues which are expensive to correct such as the feet rolling inwards. You should be able to roll the fabric across with your finger and have a thumbs width at the end. Anything less is too small. The Size 7 sound way too small so you probably do need the 8 just in a different style. Feet grow first so they might look long for a week or so. Get them checked every six weeks.

We did slide rite till she grew out of them. The used to able to special order.

If you have a clarkes store they were always good

Keep buying stride rite good quality for the money

Stride rite helped my guy.

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Mine will be 2 in august he’s obsessed with putting his own shoes on right now so we do these Walmart Velcro Spider-Man shoes or Nikes that Velcro and open up and then he loves his little crocs… when playing outside he falls a lot but he just gets right up dusts himself off and keeps going but he isn’t falling because he doesn’t have stability he is just wild and at this age they try to climb everything and run around like a crazy person

Stride Rite definitely. They’ve been around for YEARS. I’m 38 and my mom used to buy them for me when I was a youngin’.

Crocs and even off brand versions of crocs often are wide at the toes.