Best way to potty train girls at night?

What is the best way to potty train my girl through the night? She already does great during the day but i still put a pull up through the night


I use to buy two padding liners for the bathroom make sure kids weren’t not cold at all and got night lights from Amazon you just push from their room to the bathroom - and just remind them and reward them for not having an accident at night - and make sure to have them not drink anything prior to bed - and go to the restroom before bed

My daughter is the same way…I’m not worried at all. She’s getting less and less dry throughout the night.
Maybe cut of drinks after 5-6pm…depending on bedtime

I sat an alarm every 2 hrs & got her up to pee. It was a very exhausting week but that’s all it took. (We did it during the summer, so we didn’t have school or work)

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They will do it themselves when they are ready.

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Wait until she’s old enough. Night time potty training is developmental and can take a few years after daytime potty training.


I kept a potty in my kid’s bedrooms so there was somewhere close by to go pee in when they woke up at night

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Nighttime potty training is a subconscious thing. When the bladder and brain “click” then she will start to be dry more and more. It generally just takes more time.


Just went through this with my 3 year old. She was wearing pull ups at night still and then one night I just put her in panties and told her we were going to try it and see how it works out. She said okay and we haven’t been back to pull ups. It’s been over a month now with no accidents. But all children are different. It may take more time and that’s okay. I just make her go to the rest room right before she lays down.

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Lessen any night time drinks and have her go right before bed, once she starts consistently staying dry over night she will get the hang of it to get up if she does have to go.
Both my daughter’s were trained day and night within week of me doing that and they were both 2.
Good luck… some kids do take alil longer tho for night time training

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We let ours decide on her own. We never cut water or set alarms. That doesn’t train them. They have to start recognizing and waking up. With time.


Set an alarm for every couple of hours once she gets used to it space it out more until it’s like 2 times a night works great


We let our daughter decide on her own. One night she just started to come get me tell me she needed to pee. So we would get up to go. And eventually she she did it on her own. We tried to wake her up at night but she was just soooo sleepy she would cry and not pee.


Wait till she is old enough to do it on her own.


i would cut drinks off at 7:15 (the kids go to bed at 8:30).

bathroom before bed.
then i’d make them get up before i go to bed for the night (usually around 11). if i wake up in the middle of the night (usually at 2:30/3), i’d get them up too. all of my kids were 100% potty trained by 18 months except for my special needs kiddo (he was closer to 2.5).

My oldest daughter was completely potty trained by the time she was 2. Almost never wet the bed. My youngest daughter had to wear protection at night until she was 5. It just depends on the child. I caught my oldest at precisely the right moment when she had to go potty and from then on she did the rest herself. The best thing to do is to limit liquid intake late in the evening and just have patience.

Be patient and let her body develop and she’ll make it clear when she’s ready to transition to underwear and be night time trained. It takes their little bodies longer to develop the ability to read the signal that they have to go and wake themselves up. Pediatric urologist no longer recommend the wake up method as it prohibits the developing of that signal to wake them when they actually need to go as you’re likely waking them before they truly need to go. I know pull ups are pricey and extra laundry is frustrating but let her and her body lead on this one.


Stop liquids after 700pm make her sit on toilet and try before bed. Plus bribe them if she can go a week or month she gets a new toy. Night lights in bathrooms and where she walk at nite from bedroom

Not much you can do until they just learn to hold it at night limit liquids before bed put a pull up on my four year old still has accidents from time to time my 7 year old boy he was completely potty trained by two and a half no night time accidents anything just for some kids it just doesn’t click in their brain their body just does not wake them to go it just goes so get a plastic sheet pull up on and limit liquids before bed eventually she’ll outgrow it

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Make sure you stop liquids early. Potty break before bed. Night light for if she wakes up. Walk her the way she needs to go from her room and have a nightlight wherever you need one so she can see. Maybe put her own potty in her room. Or suggest she come get you when she needs to go potty.