Best ways to potty train boys?

can you please ask a question about effective ways to potty train a 3 1/2 year old boy, especially with bowel movements!


I did lots and lots of encouragement. My last was my hardest but he potty trained at 2 1/2 he knew how but didnā€™t want to. We did everything to try to encouragement but not force. We ended up buying a book called Letā€™s Get This Potty Started and for some reason it just clicked :joy: He thought the puns that he understood were so funny. He will be 3 this month and we still read it almost every single day :joy:

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All 3 of mine were potty trained before the age of 2. This has been over 20 yrs ago. I just took them to the potty multiple times a day and put big boy/girl underwear on them throughout the day. I didnā€™t have to bribe them with anything. When they would use the potty I always cheered them for a great job.

Just potty trained mine. Just reminding them to go and going with them. Let them have accidents it happens. Still clean them with wipes or shower. Show them they shouldnā€™t go on themselves.

Great question! My grandson is 2 and not even speaking full sentences yet, but his potty chair is there, usually with his feet in the bowlā€‹:laughing::woman_facepalming:

I have both girl & boy children. Girls are by far easier overall with potty training lol
I found what helped my son go poop in the potty is first knowing when/what time of the day he generally poops my son I found typically pooped around the same time each day. So that was easier for me to know when to put him on the potty. Also make sure he isnā€™t distracted when on the potty. Donā€™t allow any toys, devices or anything like that. I also found that running the water in the sink the sound of it helped the process of him pooping.

Montessori potty training. All 3 of mine were totally trained by 18 months

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The 3 day potty training! Worked amazing with my 3 kids.

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Blow bubbles. It helps them not strain & makes it fun

Part of potty training is the child being able to recognize the bodily feelings of having to go #1 and #2
I had boys so for peeing in the toilet I used a few pieces of cereal in the bowl and they played sink the cereal. Itā€™s fun and promotes aiming skills
Praise and Prizes

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Start on a Saturday morning. Cold turkey, every 30-45 min potty breaks for 2 whole days. Then move to 1 hour then 90 min etc. Accidents they help clean up. No dancing back n forth between diapers and underware. Thatā€™s confusing. Unless at bedtime (no sleeping in to prevent bedwetting)

My boy will be 4 in October but he last month started with toilet and ja he wears a pull-up pants and nappy at nite his number 2 his say must go in his pullups but no1 he masterd

Told mkk Ik me to pee on a tree and draw a picture ā€¦ super excited :laughing:

My son learned to pee outside. However the pooping was the problem. Until his little friend was over one day and he saw him poop on the toilet. He decided he could too lol

Also when my son went poop in the potty he was rewarded. He likes hot wheels so each time he would poop he would get a hot wheel.

My son didnā€™t like to poop on the toilet so I placed a nappy in the loo a few times so he could go then changed the nappy to toilet roll, I reduced the amount of toilet roll daily and then he was just fine to go without

Get him up first thing in the morning and sit him on potty

Switch to underwear and put him on the toilet multiple times a day! Get ready for accidents! My son potty trained in a week or so with #1 and 2 weeks with #2, but wears a pull up to bed. He will wake up when he needs to use the bathroom now so that does take some time

I recommend Toilet Training In Less Than 24 hours. At 3.5, Iā€™m guessing your boy could pass the skills test and be trained pretty quickly. My daughter, who was a contrary little cuss, took slightly more than that but she awoke from her nap dry the next day and that was it. Her sister wore diapers at night for months after training her the old fashioned way.

Underwear with cartoon or marvel characters. Reward ( M&M, Gummy bear) and do potty dance after success. Put something to aim at in toliet. Poop is more difficult with some kids. Have Dad help out and call him a big boy now. There is a song for potty dance on UTube.

Mine practically trained themselves. My oldest decided while playing with friends that were wearing big boy underwear and not diapers that he wanted big boy underwear and be able to go pp outside. Within a week he was good no diapers, pull ups or accidents. My last oneā€™s grandpa would put underwear on him and take him outside to play and told him when he had to potty just do it in the outdoors. No issues with him since. Probably not the best advice but itā€™s truly just the encouragement and confidence they both were given from me and others to be a big boy.

Cheerios for peeingā€¦make a game out of it

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With my oldest, it was a rough start. I tried before he was ready and it was miserable on both of us. Very frustratingā€¦ so, be sure momma that heā€™s ready.
When I tried again later on, it was during the summer and I believe he was about 4 - I was able to have him start peeing outside on the tree that was basically less than 10 steps from the front porch and have him run around naked or in ā€œbig boy underwearā€; and watch when heā€™d be ready to go :poop: as well as asking every 15-30min so I could rush him to the toilet. I did the same with his little brother thatā€™s two years younger and worked like a charm with him too. Nighttime took a little while longer but I was okay with that.

Yes I have a 3 almost 4 year old that will not poop in the potty no mater what I do

Put 2 cheerios in the toilet and tell them if they hit the target they get a treatā€¦I used a gummy bear as reward.

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There are very good strategies in ā€œoh crapā€ potty training bookā€™ I potty trained two very stubborn boys lol good luck!!!

Cherrios in the toilet and have him hit the bullseye or blue water turns green when you potty in it

Put cherrios in the toilet, and tell them they need to sink them, work for my boys

As a childminder I support parents with toilet learning from the time their child is confident in their feet, we start by doing stand up pull up changes when wet and going to sit on the little toilet, then adding in the children starting to taking off leggings/trousers/shorts etc themselves as well, then identifying that their pull up needs changing and changing it, going to the toilet a whilst wearing a pull up and so on until they are confident enough to go to the upstairs bathroom by themselves. Itā€™s worked for me for over 10 years and rarely once the children are using the upstairs bathroom do the children have any ā€˜missesā€™ as I call them. Using pull ups means I donā€™t have any puddles on the carpet of my house and I am not distracted from the children by cleaning up all the time

Ok all these ideas are all well and good I have 7 children and 2 of my boys are still not dry at night and I have done the hole taking um 2 the toilet thing they are both deep sleepers and both boys are dry all day have been forever but at nyt completely different stories Iā€™ve tried everything nothing as worked they will sleep no matter what 1 is 5 1 is 3