Birthday food ideas?

Birthday food ideas ? ADults and kids .

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Pulled pork on Hawaiian rolls,pineapple coleslaw hot dogs and chips

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Sandwiches,sausage rolls,party pies,mini hotdogs,small quiches and chicken strips

Sliders, meat balls, cocktail winners, sausage balls, ham ball, pin wheels, any dips with chips, fruit tray, veggie tray, meat tray, sandwiches, burgers, pizza, hot dogs…

Pizza is a safe bet all the time.

We have always done pizza, grilled burgers & hot dogs & chips. You can usually make everyone happy with this.

Pizza what we do for birthday otherwise hotdogs

Mac and cheese, cut fruit, veggies and dips (ranch dressing, hummus, onion dip). Sliders: White Castle frozen ones can save you time. Little sandwiches: ham, chicken, cheese. A friend would layer peanut butter and jelly between three slices of bread and cut it into little strips—kid canapés. Hot dogs & chili. Spaghetti.