Birthday ideas for a 6-year-old?

My daughter turns 6 on march 6 . What have you moms done for golden birthdays ? I need to start planning soon .


My daughter has her golden birthday march 8th I’m doing golden theme decorations and cake plus will get her gold tutu and stuff at party city

My daughter turns ten on that day :smiley:

When my son turned 6 we did a Batman theme he loved it

Ask her what she’d like to do and if it’s reasonable do it.

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Honestly I try to keep it simple. I simply ask my daughter what she wants her decorations and cake to be. Then I ask what games she wants at the party. Sometimes we even do a piñata!

She just turned 7 and I just threw her a party with some friends and family at the house. She had a blast!

I don’t have much money, so simple is best for us lol


My granddaughter turns 5 on the 3rd. My stepson and daughter in law are doing a her royal 5-ness theme. I’ll be 36 on the 11th, no party for me maybe my husband taking me to dinner.

My daughter is turning 6 in april & im turning our house into a spa for her & her friends lol. We got face mask & robes & doing pedis & manis. Doing makeup, set up a luxury picnic. 

My kids golden birthdays aren’t til 26 and 30 :joy::woman_shrugging:

Skating rink, or jump park. I’ve done slumber parties with art projects galore

Art/Paint party

Color War Birthday Party

I’d hide something gold (coins, rocks painted gold, small gifts wrapped in gold etc) with clues to the next 1 until the final golden surprise being some form of jewelry or gold colored bank or memento box.

Decorate all in gold.

Paint her nails gold, use gold hair accessories, give her a gold outfit. You can make or have someone make her a shirt with a gold 6 on it.

Send her a bouquet of 6 flowers with a gold bear during lunch or recess at school.

We rented a local gymnastics facility that included bounce houses and invited everyone since it was a flat rate for the party. The kids had so much fun!

We did a Alice and wonderland party for my granddaughter.

I don’t get the idea of a golden birthday. At six she’s probably going to be more interested in having a themed party with a cake and games. Princess party, SpongeBob party and Scooby Doo party are the ones I remember doing around that age.