For my son’s 7th birthday, I have rented a hall and I am seeking recommendations for enjoyable games. What can be done to keep the kids occupied and allow them to have fun without needing constant adult supervision?
Kids birthday party ideas… musical chairs… pin the tail n the donkey… statues… Pass the parcel…
Always need adult supervision when having kid birthday party
Give em all nerf guns and let him have at it
Balloon relay races or balloon “volleyball”
Pin the tail on the donkey, musical chairs, sack race, freeze tag,
Duck, Duck, Goose, Telephone, Follow the Leader, Simon Says, Stop and Go, Musical Chairs—either the usual way or having everyone have to fit on the chairs left, kids exercise audio, Pin the Tail on the Donkey (use painter’s tape), pass an orange under the chin (no hands).
Play a kids exercise/action video, play trivia or kids Jeopardy, get two or more plastic bowling sets and divide the kids into teams. Teach a dance routine like the Macarena or a line or circle dance like the Texas Two-step. Have someone teach them magic tricks or how to tie knots with rope. Kids have to eat two Saltines in 5 seconds and then whistle Yankee Doodle or another well known tune—do this at a table over paper plates.
Stupid people tricks: See who can lick their elbow, touch their nose with their tongue, clasp their hands behind them with one arm over their shoulder and one behind their back, who can clasp their hands around their ankles while seated with knees apart and roll on the floor, or bend at the waist with their head against a facing wall and pick up a stool or chair.
That was the age I started paying for Ultra Zone, Ice Skating, etc. so I could keep them out of my house and let someone else wrangle them.