You’re the oooops. Get child support and find one who isn’t a POS. Let him explain his new payroll deduction
If he has you blocked on social media then he’s hiding something. I would personally create another profile and find him before even bringing it up because there’s a reason he’s blocking you.
There’s nothing to bring up…. Move on and treat yourself the way you and your child should be treated. Best of luck. How heartbreaking
Yiiiiikes. Just move the hell on, you and your baby. It sounds like you’re already on your own anyways. That is not okay at all.
There’s a difference between privacy and secrecy. Big time red flags.
I wouldn’t. Time to just move on. He clearly doesn’t care as much about this relationship as you do.
He would be my next ex
Hes probably married.
I would first get custody of child and then move on. If he’s blocked you after the child was born so he couldn’t even see pics of his kid, then he’s NOT your SO. His actions show everything you need to know about how he feels. I’m sorry this happened to you, but you and your child deserve better treatment.
It’s important to get the court papers in order first so that he can’t just come take child and there’s nothing you can do about it! Best of luck
Ooooh girl. He’s got a whole other life and you’re probably an “oops”. He’s not your SO, he’s probably married. Move on, file for CS.
Someone who has unfriended or blocked you on Facebook…is not your friend in the world eather…sign up for child support and move on…cause they are not in your world on Facebook or in real time …
You have to know he has no feelings for you right? Move on and leave him in the dust
Anyone else wanna see his profile? Give us his name lol
This is awful to say but I am willing to bet this man is married and can’t have his baby popping up o. His fees for his wife to see. When he posts about her he probably just blocked you from seeing the post. Now shit got real and either he got caught or he’s knows he about to. File for support and let his karma paly out.
It is vey obvious that he is up to no good.
Sis he got a whole other life
He’s not your SO.
He’s someone else’s and is trying to hide you and that child.
You are waisting precious time girl
Hes deff hiding something
Why are you tolerating this mess? He has you as the side chick. Take control of your life.
I would bring it up like…
I’d leave that “relationship” in a heartbeat
Show up unannounced and confront him
Your no longer together
It sounds like that man has a whole other family somewhere
I wouldn’t. Bye! Walk away, don’t look back.
Oh ——— NO, so your his little secret, while he’s got another life. SO SAD
GTFO you and your child deserve better!
You already know girl… move on….
Sounds like he’s married to me. Why ain’t you living together since yous have a child together,why has he blocked you probably cause he doesn’t want his wife to see you sorry but this shows alot of red flags
Sounds like he has someone else
Why would you bring it up if he wanted to be private then he wouldn’t be on the world wide web?! You know social sites. Girl you need to wake up
He’s cheating I’m sorry. I’m all for privacy too but there’s a difference between keeping your relationship private and having your relationship be a secret. He’s got a whole other life and doesn’t want you nor the child to be seen. How many red flags do you see here?
Get child support, you won’t be a secret anymore
Your the side chick…
Bring it up hell… let sleeping dogs lie
You don’t have a man, you have a dude you sleep with. If you’re blocked on social media, then he has another life without you. Either he doesn’t want you to know or he doesn’t want them to know. Either way, you ain’t the only one he’s messing with. Take your kid and get away from him.
“Why tf am I blocked?”
I’m thinking you being blocked on fb is the least of your issue in this relationship
He’s hiding you from someone else.
Sounds like he’s entertaining someone else
1000% he has another life. Was in the same boat before I opened my eyes and wised up
I think he is pretty much telling u he wants out … u deserve better … pls dont settle for less … hugs
It’s because he’s actually got a wife and kids probably and you’re the side chick in the secret and so is that child
By accepting he may be married and don’t want wife to find out
Show up with your kid and wish his wife and kids a happy new yr.
Ask him what the he’ll is going on. Be sure you are getting child support. This isn’t a life you want to live. Find some else.
something is not right! He is not in the same relationship you think you are in or he wouldn’t be hiding. Get a lawyer, get custody, get child support!
You are Long distance and have a kid? Sis… go file your child support
If he has you blocked its for a reason…why bring it up block his a** in life.Move on
He has a whole another life sweetheart. Get out
Because you are the side chick
Only way I’d “bring it up” is with a child support order. I’ve been blocked by a SO, he went on to marry and impregnate another woman.
Financially protect that baby of yours and cut emotional ties.
With divorce papers.
He’s a control freak and a cheater, sorry, you were the “other”. File for your support and hopefully custody - I’d hate to see how he treats kids if he treats grown adults like this. Find some counseling as well, your self esteem needs work - sorry to sound harsh, those words apply to me as well, I sometimes settle for less than I deserve as well. Good luck, and perfect love to you and your child.
I wouldn’t. I would leave…
Simple close that chapter and don’t look back
That is NOT an SO. That’s an EX cus he is cheating
You’re the other woman. He has a whole other family girl.
Say goodbye as you are slamming the door in his face
You are a side chick who he knocked up. Serve him with child support papers because his wife needs to know.
Yeah sounds like he is living a double life
Create a new fb under a fake name and spy on his ass. Then file for child support and do a pop up.
Also reach out to his family. See what’s going on.
I wouldn’t bring it up. Go file for child support and move on. Soon as he gets hit with child support he’ll contact you REAL quick.
I can’t deal with some of you on here … I truly can’t
He’s cheating even if it’s just talking to others speaking from experience of 2 past relationships.
You’re the other woman and he doesn’t want someone know he has a baby.
Sooo he blocked you cause he likes to stay private? What does he need to keep from you? I’d be glad and move on with my life.
Leave. They are cheating
Make a fake page and snoop. My bets is he is hiding secrets. You need to find out what and move on
Baby girl, sounds like you are his hidden little secret. Perhaps he is married .
Move on,social media is an ok thing.But if your partner has you blocked it’s for a reason.We close our curtains/blinds for privacy.If you chose to find out why I’m quite sure you will find something you won’t be able to live with.
Ohh sis you may be a side piece not even knowing you’re a side piece
Even if he wanted to keep it private why is he blocking you because only reason he doesn’t want people to know about you.
Leave him, go for custody and child support sounds like you and your child are a hidden secret and he’s probably married or has a whole other family.
He wouldn’t be my SO. He has another woman
apparently he doesn’t want any one to know about you because he is obviously seeing and having sex with other ppl girl WAKE UP
Sounds like he doesn’t want anyone to know
With a court order for child support!
He acts like he’s not your SO. He might be someone else’s SO.
You’re probably a side piece
I wouldn’t bring it up. I’d move on. Life to short for someone to treat you like a side piece
post his profile. we’ll tell you whats on his page
You only hide shit like that when you dirty.
You are not together
He’s hiding you and the kid. I’d just coparent and move on
It’s a fair assumption to say he doesn’t like to stay private or he wouldn’t have any social media at all especially Facebook, block him from your account and see how quickly the game changes, something tells me with the roles reversed he wouldn’t be ok with that. They say pick and choose your battles, do yourself a favor and choose to walk away with your dignity intact. Whatever he is hiding leave it hidden so it doesn’t destroy you, God sees things we can’t or don’t and he has protected you, leave that door closed girl once it’s opened it can’t be shut.
Lol I would make a fake Facebook of a hot guy and make my page in a relationship with that page and when he said something be like oh shoot I thought you were blocked!
Think you know the answer to this already!
What’s with people and being so blinded? This literally answers itself
What’s his name and prof? I’ll set him up and rob him
SMH. I’m sorry you’re going through this. My husband has a …profile on Instagram. He doesn’t show photos of himself. It’s more of a …support profile for something…but I am added to it. Although there’s not mention of me. I understand his want for privacy of OTHERS not knowing his personal life but he should be keeping YOU in and them out. You 100 percent without a doubt should be added and definitely not blocked. That makes me mad to just think of him doing that to you. Who tf does he think he is? Ugh.
So if I’m feeling petty I’d definitely reach out to a pretty viral tiktoker who sets up cheaters like this for women and then blows them up and posts their ways in the videos.
First I’d say byeeee but post his profile name we will creep for you!
Apparently wishes to have distance from you and your baby. I’d make his wish come true, asap.
Move on he’s not worth it
Maybe he is a criminal, drug dealer, in the mafia and doesn’t let anyone know about either of you to protect you. I’ve seen too many movies.
I wouldn’t. Just know that doesn’t suggest a healthy or loyal relationship. Don’t count on him to be your forever person
I would say I have been duped and give yourself a good talking to. I’m sorry to say but he doesn’t give a damn about you or your child and you need to move on.