Give him what he wants. His loss. Give him privacy and block him back. Stop reaching out to him and move on. He doesn’t deserve an explanation either. Just cut off all communication. This man has another woman and/or family. He’s trying to live two separate lives. He needs a taste of his own medicine.
Also, I just wanted to add to my last comment…. If you must know the truth, then investigate him further. The internet is a beautiful source. Look him up on public records, find out if he has other children he is paying child support for, and pay attention to the girls that like & comment on his posts. Or start reaching out to his “girl friends” on social media and introduce yourself to them. You could also hire a private investigator. I might sound crazy, but I ALWAYS search public records before I date or trust anybody.
Bring it up? He blocked you so you can stay his side chick.
I understand wanting to be private with your relationship but why blocked
I don’t think you two are a couple…
My ex was cheating through fakebook… never posted about us.
I’d say that’s a BIG RED FLAG !!!
Go to his house and introduce your baby to his wife…
He’s cheating… I would just move on.
Sounds like he is not who you think he is… Definitely not Father material
He got a wife sis… you just the side that accidentally got pregnant… move on to someone who to shows you off and show you the attention you deserve and need.
Biggggg ol red flag! I would NOT be okay with that. Unfriending sure, but blocked? HELL NAH
He blocked you for a reason and it’s not a good one. My ex husband never even told people he worked with about me. He would go out for drinks with them and everything. He used to tell me that he doesn’t like people to know his business. I wasn’t very strong when I was with him. It’s bullshit to be kept hidden. If he’s so private then why is he on Facebook? It should NOT be ok that he has you blocked. Flat out ask him why you are blocked especially if you are a couple and have a child. And when he gives you the bullshit answers, or if he gets mad at you for questioning him, he’s up to no good.
Definitely has a main piece. Move on and find someone you deserve. Fuck all that.
If it’s long distance sounds like you may have been his side chick which is why you’re blocked on his Facebook never posts about you cause his SO is on his fbook account. Of course he’ll lie to you tho I guarantee it. He doesn’t want other people to know about this child whatsoever.
What going on with these females! Getting treated like shit and then hop on FB for advice?!
My guess is he is living another life! Have you met his family/friends? How far do you guys live apart? How often do y’all see each other and how often do y’all communicate?
Private is one thing but why hide a beautiful baby and his spouse. Sounds a bit odd.
I wouldn’t. Make a fake profile or have a friend show you what’s on it first. Then when you have all the information move forward with a conversation.
Its called his coward way of breaking up with you
With a brick through his car window personally…
I’m guessing that he is married with a family already.
Make a fake account and friend him.
He’s cheating. I know that’s 100% because my ex who is also my sons father did the same exact thing to me while he was cheating while we shared a baby together
You the side chick…. Leave his ass and take him for child support
Damn. Sometimes I wish there was a follow up with some of these posts so I can read how it played out…
You are not his significant other, you are his side piece. I’m sorry.
Hmmm… sounds like he doesn’t want his wife to know he knocked his side piece up
My husband never posts about me. I rarely post about him.
But blocking you like that…
Why are you still trying? You can’t make him care.
I would break up with him.
Find out who he’s with and tell his wife or other side piece your pregnant with his kid. He ruined your life, ruin his.
On another serious note, just move on from him and don’t look back or force him to be in the child’s life. The kid and you are better off without him. Slap him with child support once baby is born if you need too. They’ll do a dna test if he won’t sign the birth certificate!
Run as fast as you can
He has a wife! Long distance never works out.
He doesn’t want someone to know about you,if i had to guess it would be his wife
A guy who was already married and I had no idea did that to me. Cut him off while you can.
been there and he was hiding me from his ex wife he was still seeing and all his new potentials. I would tell him to fix it or hit the road.
Leave him. At the end of my 1st marriage my gaslighting narcissist ex had me blocked and you know what, he was cheating the whole time.(I should have known cause I let him come back after catching him cheating the “1st” time ).
He’s married or has another home.
I think he already has a WHOLE other life. You might need to do your own thing unfortunately.
Blocked you because he has someone else. You’re the side chick
Throw them away they sound like a useless SO.
You guys stress me out in this group cause WHAT
Try and do some digging on him from another Facebook profile , that isn’t blocked. Something is very off here, I’m so sorry.
What’s his name? I’ll add him and talk to him
Obviously he has a lot to hide!!!
Uhhhh girl nooo. RED FLAGS. Red flags everywhere…
You and your child are obviously not a priority
I’d throw the whole man away he’s hiding something and it’s pretty obvious
Well it this point I think you can stop calling him your significant other​:woman_shrugging:t2:
Honestly id care about f-book in relationship i dont care to be f-book friends with my partner either. Its a boundary/privacy thing for me too, and no i dont cheat on anyone in many yrs i dont go anywhere. I find couples drama on my feed ALOT from other couples and i dont want that. To each their own tho. If it bothers you then move on
Bring it up? I would block him right out of my life.
He has you blocked on fb bc he likes privacy? Baby girl he would delete his whole account if that were the case, not just you. Dont be so gullible. That man obvious has anotber home/wife somewhere
Why are you gonna base a relationship on social media? What is wrong with people these days? Lol call, send a letter, pay for a plane/train ticket, etc.
I’m not FB friends with mine SO. he has his friends. I have mine. We don’t have each other blocked tho. If it bothers u just ask. Simple as that.
find a different SO. He’s in different relationships too… trust me
Whats his name, ill creep
How do u do long distance with someone u have a child with?? And hellllll no!
I’m sure this isn’t just about Facebook, did you must have seen other things, piece them together again and ask for opinions if you want.
You’re not that significant
Because he got another family living 2 lives… you really that gullible?
You… don’t. You just end it. Something isn’t right there and he doesn’t care
I hope you’re getting child support.
Let me get this straight, other random people are allowed to be his “friend” on social media but the mother of his child / SO can’t and is blocked? I totally understand being private and not broadcasting every moment of one’s life on the internet, but this is beyond sus.
If he likes to stay private he wouldn’t be on social media! He is hiding something or you are his side chick.
Sooooo many questions with this one.
This is a joke right? That’s not how it works. Girl run…
So me and you got the same baby daddy huh?
I would make a fake profile and friend him to see what’s up. It kinda sounds like his cheating.
Saying hello-goodbye!
Lol, how do you bring it up? Flat out and ask him, wtf is he worried about that he needs to block you. However, that fact that your “SO” that you just had a baby with and are still a long distant "relationship " pretty much sums up the scenario, it’s logic not science…
Your the side chick… sorry to break it to you. No disrespect.
Umm no big Red flag if he blocks u on social media talking about he wanna stay private no baby he is hiding you from something or vice versa
I wouldnt…tell him to kick rocks
What? I’d not bring it up, I’d block him from my life like bye
I’d bring it up by never acknowledging he existed.
Red flag… RED FLAG!! He probably has a whole wife and kids at home. Girl, RUN.
Block his calls and see how he likes it
You are the side chick….Probably is married and has another family
He 100% has a different family.
What?! That’s not a relationship, your his side piece he got pregnant and doesn’t want his family and friends to find out. You have to know that. Who hides their partner and child from the world??…someone who doesn’t want the world to know they exist, is who….
Lol sit at his doorstep like hello dear haha
Just ask him! Why the secrecy? You maybe long distance but you’re a family. He shouldn’t need to keep a secret life if he’s nothing to hide but this screams another family, another life to me. If you know where he’s at, it’d take a trip, but not with your child incase it got messy as they don’t need to see that, and confront whoever opens that door
Secret life that you don’t know about probably married
I’d block him in real life… no phone calls, no texts, no pictures, nothing. He wants to play games, play bigger games, better games… send him papers for child support and best yet don’t take him back, ever. Wait till you find someone worth your time. He sounds like he’s got a wife/ family somewhere else… maybe do a little research from someone else’s Facebook?? Go visit him at work, to really see what’s up.
File for child support if you haven’t already, and break it off. Sorry but he is not your s o.
His probably got another gf and trying to hide his kid that’s sus as.
Oooo send me his information and I’ll investigate…. Lol
Clearly he wants you to show up in person preferably at his door, without warning. Also, file for child support ASAP
Hes hiding you and the child
Fucken DIRTBAG… If that’s not a flashing red flag im not sure what is.
Make sure he pays child support take him to court you’ll feel better about yourself
Might as well ask him for an open relationship so you both can have other lives, because he definitely does.
Oh honey…don’t be stupid.
He doesn’t even care enough to add you to social media. Respect yourself more
Red flag I had 2 exs do that to me . One or two things are happening either he is ashamed to be with you or he cheating on you and doesn’t want the other women to know about you or you knowing about her. I’d mail him his stuff and tell him it’s over.
What’s his name? Location? I’ll find out why.
Dump his ass! Shady AF!
How can women be so intelligent but yet so f*cking stupid. If he doesn’t have social media for work then okay … but HIM not friending and/or blocking throws up huge red flags.
You deserve better - move Tf on
I wouldn’t I would move on
He is playing you. Move on. File for child support