Boys missing the toilet, floor smells like straight pee

I need some advice……I have 4 kids total boy - 30, girl - 28, boy - 17 and boy - 13. My 2 older ones are out of the house adulting. So now I have 3 boys left in the household (including hubby). My question is, how do you keep your bath room from smelling like a boys college football locker room?? It seems impossible, and I mean impossible for All 3 to actually hit the water when they’re peeing. I swear their ding a ling turns into a water wiggle when they step up to the toilet. You can see pee on the floor, all over the stool, sometimes on the wall……it’s crazy!!! I’ve tried everything that I’m aware of to help the situation. I’ve put Clorox wipes in there so they can clean it up right after they pee. I’ve tried spray bleach cleaner as well as vinegar and water; I even bought “My pet peed” and saturated the area with it, let it soak and come back to Scrub it down. NOTHING works. I’m afraid the urine has seeped down into the seams of our vinyl plank flooring. Any advice would be appreciated. I love all you mamas :heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation: