Happened two times. The first time I had to end it because we were young and wanted totally different things for our futures. He wanted me to change my dreams and I wouldn’t. I left because I had a lot of drive to do well and he did not. But he was a great person. It was hard and is still sad sometimes! I really enjoyed being around him and truly cared for him.
The second time I left because once again we were young, but his parents were extremely controlling and there was nothing he could do to change it. I gave up. He was also a good person, and we don’t dislike each other and have had very positive conversations after our relationship ended
A lot of my relationships ended just because we weren’t right for eachother. I’m friends with those exes still. Someone can be a great person, a great friend, and you can love them but they can still not be right for you. And that’s okay, it’s maturity realizing it instead of forcing it and hiring you both later.
Ive done it before when I just felt like that “spark” wasn’t quite there for both of us as it should have been. He was an amazing person and friend… but that’s how far my love for him really went. It always felt more friendly then actually being in love and I didn’t want to hold him back from someone who could give him the love he deserved. We have stayed friends. It has been a little awkward at times because I know he really wanted more but it just wasn’t fair to drag him along when I knew in my heart we weren’t completely right for each other.
Life is too short and if it’s not right it best to be friends if possible and find your forever love
You love them or you don’t
I had to do it. He was a great guy. Treated me well but there was just no chemistry between us. I tried for a long time but felt it was unfair to the both of us. I sat him down and was just completely honest with him. It hurt really badly. I cared for him and didn’t want to see him hurt. In the end, I think it worked out. I’ve been with my current partner 4 years and I’m happy. He’s now happily married and has a child.
Mine is still one of my best of friends. It took time.
Yeah, one of my exs I broke it off. I just wasn’t really into it anymore. Nothing was wrong with our relationship. We’re still friends & it’s been like, 12 years.
If they are a good person, but just not YOUR good person, so be it. Sometimes we are better as friends. Or there isn’t that true love there. Good luck
the good ones with me turned to bad in their efforts to try and make me give them another chance even though it wasn’t the right time for me & i was trying to work through my struggles. I literally would be kind and do my best to try and be a friend but that wasn’t enough for them.
I’ve broken up with a few genuinely good people. That doesn’t mean they were meant for me. It just wasn’t right.
Good people do not equal a good relationship. I’d anyone asks why you tell them to mind their own fn business. Dunno what’s so hard about that. If you have that many questions about it then maybe you should think about how you really feel
You know what? At the time, I thought they were good. But now, 20 years later I realize more and more the people I thought were too good for me in some way or just not right with in some way. They just * weren’t the Right person *. And they weren’t that great and definitely, not too good for me. At the time the reasons were, too good for me and just not right. But man. Wait 20 years and look at same relationship or time in life and it looks so different
I did. Definitely broke my own heart to do but it was something that had to be done. Took me a good 6 months to actually take that step and walk away from a good person. Nothing was wrong with him or me we were just way too different. 2 very different mindsets, too way different upbringings, 2 way different future goals, very different lifestyles and so much more. It was a painful ending almost 6 months later and the love is still there but I’m actually happier now on my own than I was before while with him.
I’m currently engaged to one of the best guys I’ve ever met and the best father, but we’ve been considering ending our engagement/relationship because we just grew apart
Sometimes it looks great on the surface, but you know deep down it’s just not your true love… it’s hard and it sucks but the real thing is out there… found mine almost 8 years strong now… don’t settle!
Hey good guys, I’m single looking for a good guy lol.
Yes. Was in a relationship with a very nice guy for 5.5 years. Should have ended it at year three but because he was such a nice guy I didn’t - I just got in happier. Not his fault but ultimately it made both of us unhappy. In the end I had moved back in with my parents (was young) after a year living with him that just wasn’t working. Decided to end it. Got hit by a car on the way to meet him. Woke up in hospital with him there worried as anything and wanting to look after me and nurse me back to health and I just knew I couldn’t do that to either of us. I needed to focus on me and recover and I couldn’t let him look after me knowing my heart wasn’t in it. So I ended it, finally. No harsh words nothing nasty, just the truth. He’s moved on, married with kids and same here.
I had a relationship almost 10 years ago that was like you said. He wasnt a bad guy, I just wasnt in love anymore. He had his flaws. He was more ignorant of my needs than blatantly ignoring them. It was his first real relationship and after 3 years it was apparent. We get along now! We talk every so often just stuff like how is the family, how old were getting, and what video games we play lol.
My sons father is the same way. Hes not a bad guy, his situation is complicated and we agreed it wasnt going to work. We stay in touch, weve went and spent summers with him and his family and even during the last hurricane he housed us for a few nights because well my fiance, me and his son needed ac and water (it was miserably hot yo not have power). I send him pics of our son ect.
That’s just life. A good person doesnt exactly mean that they’re good for you ya know?
I broke up with a great guy, but I was never into him the way he was into me. I basically tried to force myself because he was such a good one. I wished him happiness and that someday he finds someone who is as in love with him as he is with them because he deserves that. I found out recently that he’s still single, never married…that made me sad because I’m sure he’s still a great guy! Just wasn’t my guy.
Yep. Been there.
Do I regret it? Yes and no. But I realized if he’s not making me happy I had to let him go. Life is too short to be unhappy.
i did that he was a really good guy a really good guy the age difference started to get to me i was older it was all me it took me a good while and it’s been almost 6 years since then and i do regret every bit of leaving him !!!
Good person and good for you are different things. He could be the best person in the world but not meant to be with you or not in this time.
I knew this guy for 30 years. We worked together. We dated for 9 years. He IS a good person. Everyone likes him. But he doesn’t want to get married and his idea of a commitment is totally different than mine. I grew and changed. We split last November. We still see each other and do things together. We’re better friends.
Is it because your bored? Like they’re not a challenge and you want that? I’ve broken up with several people because I couldn’t “fix them” because there was nothing really wrong with them, it’s still taking a lot of soul searching to figure out why I can’t accept and love people who aren’t broken af.
I’m actually going through this now, we are ending our relationship almost 5 years in … it was just getting really toxic. He’s such a beautiful person but I guess with time lost ourselves in the mix of every thing … it’s hard for me to let go but I’m trying… so any tips for me to keep from getting deeply depressed (I do have kids from a previous marriage) they are my strength and my motivation!! But how do I find peace within myself? To let go and find myself as a person again… please no bad comments or anything this is hard to go through. Have a wonderful day/evening
I’ve broke up with a good woman, I personally wasn’t mentally ready to be in a long relationship. I had lot of things going on and really needed to take care of myself and truly learned to love myself.
They always looking for that aka. "BAD BOY " never the good guy !!!
Ive had to break up with a wonderful man before. Id loved/trusted him for yrs since i was a kid. The situation just wouldnt have wkd out. He had a real special needs kid that was hitting me/his brothers/my animals and i just didnt know if i could be nice around this kid much longer. I raised 2 sons ive just never been around a child that hostile before. I suffer with chronic illness/pain most days and i just needed to have peace for myself to heal/live. I broke up with phone call(we didnt live together). I was so devistated i couldnt do it person. I still feel so sad about it somedays but i dont think its fair to a child to be around someone that is irritated with said child all the time
Yes I actually have had to. But I was just 17 at the time and he had just turned 17 and distance was an issue for us. We actually still have that distance issue but we wound up getting back together years later and now he will be applying to teaching positions in my area soon and then moving up to my area if he gets one.
Yes. After 2 years, I broke up with my best friend. An absolutely amazing guy! For most of the second year, I pushed through and tried to find or develope feelings I just didn’t have. It broke my heart and his. I love him, just not in a romantic/relationship way. He is still my best friend and still a huge part of my world. My teens spend more time with him than they do me lol
Yes! We have a daughter and are still very much good friends. He even helps babysit my child to my now partner to let us get out without kids
I did. He was a good man to me and my son. But I felt like the relationship ran it’s course. I’m happier now and still in love with my current man. He’s engaged but his sister said that he stated I’m still the love of his life. I’m mad at him cause he said he would visit my son as he was a father figured and just stop and blocked me and hasn’t had anything to do with my son he blames it on his gf be a Man U considered him as ur son kids come before the person u date
Got out from relationship, even though we really loved each other,but we just weren’t good together. We’ll at least I thought he loved me ,but I start to realise that he didn’t.
You can be with a good person and still not be happy or satisfied. After a while just having love isn’t enough if the connection is gone. There’s many other factors outside of abuse and mistreatment to leave a relationship. Sometimes people come into your life to teach you a lesson. It doesn’t have to be good or bad. And sometimes you need that to find out what you really want and need in a partner.
I did in highschool. He was a fantastic guy, but treated me like a sister, not a girlfriend. He never held my hand, he never kissed me, no hugs, nothing. I loved him to bits but I was just his friend. I was looking for an eventual husband and I doubt he ever would have progressed the relationship.
I divorced my 2nd husband because we simply were not a good couple together. We were and are great parents and coparent very well but we just were not a good couple. It took me 14 years to finally give up and realize no matter what I did we’d never work out. We together 4 years before we married, married 7 years before the split, split 14 years before the divorce was final. I wasted so many years hoping one of us would change when in reality we are just 2 people with nothiung but our sons and grandkids in common. We are both much happier since we gave up 6 years ago and finalized the divorce.
Rule # 1; you are under ZERO obligation to explain to anyone about a choice you made for yourself. Rule #2, you only have to talk about it if you want to talk about it. Standard answer that answers everyone’s question, “Why’d you break up”? Because I wanted to, my reasons, my own. “Do you regret it?” … I haven’t thought about it, why are you thinking about it? then to kill the rest of the conversation about your dating life, all you have to say is, “I am currently happy doing what I am doing now, I don’t really want to dwell on something I did yesterday, lets talk about what we are doing moving forward with our lives.”
Me and my ex.
We are both good people with good hearts we just make better friends than we do a couple
You cannot force yourself to be in love with someone
I dated someone who worshipped the ground I walked on, his family was amazing, they loved me, I still get random checkups from them, he was young, I had just left a 5 year relationship and had a year old baby, I had been living alone for about 6 months at that time post breakup. He was ALL in, talked about kids, getting married, wanted me to move in with him, when I expressed I didnt want to give up my independence anytime soon after my last relationship trama this man was willing to move in with me and pay half my Bill’s just cause even tho he had a home that was paid off but I was stubborn and we dated for a year and a half before I finally ended the relationship. Nothing wrong with him, he was a good person and after awhile we were able to become good friends again. I moved on to find the husband I’m with now, and this relationship has been way more of a struggle, but I wouldnt say I regretted my decision, I think my advice would be to let him go, your probably going to end up in a worse relationship but itll make you appreciate the next time you find a nice, boring man. Unfortunately if your not happy now it isnt going to get better with time. The grass will just always look greener until you are at a stage in your life to appreciate a good person.