I have a 1 month old baby girl. My question is she will sleep fine during the day for a span of 3 to 4.5 hours at a time usually once a day. At night though from the wee hours of 12 to 6ish everytime I put her down after feeding or getting her to sleep she wakes back up within 20 to 30 mins. It is driving me crazy. I can’t fit the life of me figure out why. Ive tried swaddling her, not swaddling her, tried multiple pacifiers which none I can really get her to take, I make sure her diaper is dry, she is usually fed or just been fed…I get her back asleep either but holding her, gently patting her butt, or put her back on my Boob for a bit … (Not all 3 usually only one of the 3)… Then she will go to sleep fine, I’ll wait a few then put her back down and it happens all over again.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Breastfed baby won't sleep much at night: Advice?
She’s got her night and day mixed up. You have to wake her during the day so she’ll sleep at night.
I would try to let her nap, at most, one to two hours during the day and maybe bring her outside during her awake times in the morning. Make it super dark during bed time, other than a small night light to make it easier on you.
Keep her up. My daughter just did the same. Had the days and nights confused. I know it’s hard for you’re tired yourself.
Do not keep your baby up. They need to sleep to grow and over tired babies are nightmares.
Start a bedtime routine.
Your baby is also a month old and cluster feeding starts to happen where the baby will be up more often.
Keep her up… Keep light in the day an dark at night… Then she will learn dark is time to sleep.
That’s too long during the day
Put something that smells
Like you in where she is sleeping
Make the day, bright, loud, and busy, and then at night, dark, quiet and boring.
She hasn’t figured out the difference between night and day yet.
She should in the next few weeks.
Make sure she goes down for naps in bright lit spaces during the day.
And at night, a quiet dark room.
She’s just got her days and nights mixed up! Make it loud and bright in the daytime and dark and quiet at bedtime - she will eventually have it right and sleep for you! Took my daughter about a week or so of a routine and she was great!
This is natural for a young baby . Doesn’t matter if you breast feed or bottle . This too shall pass
Our pediatrician told us to do gentle things to wake our daughter if napping went over 2 hour starches during the day. Diaper change, taking pjs off and putting back on, warm washcloth on legs, arms or feet. One of these always got her up! I know they are sooo sleepy. You need to switch those days and nights back. Hugs.
She’s only teeny tiny and still getting used to life outside of her nice cosy close to mama place its absolutely normal for her to want to be close to you at night time.
She is napping to long during the day. Let her nap a hour are two and wake her up.
Nurse her… It will wear you out… She needs to nurse… Growth spurt for a year straight! Keep her awake as much as you can during the day.
Mu niece was HORRIBLE until about 2
Nursed my youngest for 2 years and he didn’t sleep like I would’ve liked until we weaned.
A 1 month old doesn’t sleep much. It’s normal. They are in the “4th trimester.” It’s just a season
Ok babies when they are 12 months and under DO NOT SLEEP ALL NIGHT there are very few that do sleep through the night. Most nursing babies usually wake every 2/3/4 hours to eat—- society needs to stop telling us that babies need to sleep all night. Ummmm no they need the comfort of their mama that’s all they know can’t accept them not sleeping then maybe you should rethink parenting sorry not sorry
Both my babies were like this. They just want to be close to you. A swing worked wonders for mine. The constant movement helped them sleep. If that didn’t work I had to resort to co sleeping.
She probably wants you
She’s…a baby. This is what they do. That’s too long for her to sleep during the day
When its night time make sure it stays dark. Do not put the tv on, dont talk loud, dont use the phone. Try using white noise at night. And then when its an appropriate time that you want to wake up turn all the lights on and open the curtains, start talking loudly, or put the tv on. This will help her brain start to learn when its bed time. I highly recommend breaking up that nap too. Instead of one long one shoot for 3 short ones. Infants shouldnt be awake or asleep for long periods of time. They need spurts of both sleep and wakefulness. When my son was an infant we would wake at 8am. He was back down for a nap at 1030 to 1130. Then back down from 2pm-3pm. Then back down from 530pm-630pm. Then we would be asleep by 9pm and he would wake every 3 hours to breastfeed and would go right back to sleep. For naps i would create a night time environment. Room super dark with white noise playing and he would nurse to sleep. I would also usually nap with him at least 2 out of 3 naps. If i didnt i would be sleep deprived lol
I’m having the same issues with my 3 month old
Her hours maybe mixed up. Bath her in the evening to see if she’ll adjust.
My son was like that until well after he was a year old. It feels like torture. I would.definatwly shorten her nap time.diring the day. Even though that is probably when you actually catch up on your sleep. Try a 2 hour nap instead and try to keep her awake as long as possible after that. If she falls back asleep early go to sleep too so you will be one the same schedule. It might just take her time to get regulated. Like I said my son was like that until well after he was a year old.
Those are way too long of stretches for a one month old be sleeping you should be waking her up every 2 to 3 hours to feed her she sounds like she’s cluster feeding at night to compensate for the lack of adequate feeds during the day
Swaddle her in the tee shirt you used that day, that helped me with my 4 kids. She’ll be able to smell you.
I’d also recommend making sure that you get the baby up and keep the baby awake during the day for longer stretches and don’t let them sleep that long. They are so used to getting nutrition through the umbilical cord that it’s very difficult for babies to know their own hunger cues. They were often sleep through normal feeding periods
Maybe not getting enough milk
Have you tried sleep training? Look up the details for the theory and practice. It may be that the baby is being over stimulated when waking up for feeding.
This is just an idea, no guarantees.
Add real milky rice cereal at night feeding.
She is probably still hungry and not getting satisfied enough to sleep. It’s possible your milk is low fat content. It happens.
I breastfeed (3rd time mom just had my lo few months ago) I found that feeding a bottle at bed time is helpful just to make sure the oz are correct usually after breastfeeding throughout the day i feel empty at night so depending on age my lo takes a 3-4oz bottle at bedtime after a breastfeeding session. It helps them sleep longer and you know about how many oz they intake per feeding.
I had enough breast milk to feed an Army. Sadly I found out it was mostly too diluted. My daughter wanted to feed constantly. Never slept much. It was a relief when I started her on formula. She was starving. ( I felt terrible ) However , she started sleeping better after formula .
She’s got her days and nights backwards. Very common with itty bitty babas . Try your hardest to keep her awake in the evening, don’t let her nap as much . Maybe also supplement her with formula at nights until her sleeping pattern regulates
As a breastfeeding mom this is quite normal for a 1 month old baby it will take another few months to get use to the outside world,you’re doing an amazing job, keep it up and if the baby has enough wet and poo nappies baby is getting g enough milk,don’t listen to anyone that comes with training ideas ,they still don’t know the difference between night and day…just follow your instincts and that’s it!
Nobody tells us is so hard is but try to get help from friends and family, so important ,
You’re amazing and doing a great job!!!
Don’t let her sleep so much during the day. She’ll eat more as she’s awake. Feed more before bed, try to set routine as much as possible, and she will pick up faster than you think
Maybe express and give her a bottle at night at least you will know how much she is getting and it may satisfy her so she sleeps
Denise Semoso are you facing this too? Except mine is bottle fed.
Bless your heart. Sweet thing has days and nights switched. You have to Keep baby up longer during the day at all cost. Even if it means fits are thrown. Play extra with baby, wash face, whatever. KEEP BABY UP!!! If you do put baby down for a day nap, don’t let it go over an hour. Wake baby up.
It doesn’t just happen with babies. My 7 yr old did this over the summer. It’s tough getting it switched back around. But you can do it.
We turned on the radio at night.for about 3 days…it worked like a charm…i hope this works as well for you as it did for us…baby slept so good with just a little music on. He had his days and nights mixed up also…my 4th baby.
She is sleeping too much in the day so isn’t feeding as much meaning she is awake more at night and needing extra food. Basically sounds like your day and night cycle with her is backwards, wake her for more feeds in the day. Be persistent with it.
Sounds like she had her days and and nights mixed up my youngest did this for a while didn’t get him on a good schedule till I kept him up majority of day it was hard due to him being so little they sleep a lot when they are that little anyways but when they have days and nights mixed your only choice is to try and keep them up as much as you can during day and then they will sleep at night
Maybe she is cluster feeding?
When my nursing baby was 1 month, I was waking her to feed during the day. I fed her every 2 hours and that 2 hrs started from the time you started feeding. Then at night she slept longer because she was actually tired. I did that until she was at least 3 months old.
Because she just spent her whole life inside your warm body getting familiar with that and then boom new everything and I’d want my mommy to cuddle also
She might have her days and nights mixed up. You might try getting her up sooner during the day, then seeing if she sleeps more at night. As it is, it’s not uncommon for little ones to have weird sleep patterns. You kinda have to sleep when they do. I know you don’t get a whole lot done around the house that way, but it’s not forever. Do the best you can. Another writer suggested giving formula to supplement your breast milk. That’s a great idea.
She may not be getting full.
Then again, she may want you . Just cuddle her. One day she won’t want to cuddle anymore.
Sincerely, a momma who knows.
This is sooooo normal fifa any baby,not just breastfed babies. When they’re in the womb, they are rocked to sleep in the day whilst you’re up and about then they are awake at night whilst you’re stationary. Imagine having to try to break a 9 month habot/routine? It’s going to take a lot longer than 1 month. It’ll come but not yet.
Give it a few months. Baby just came out from your warm womb and isn’t used to it yet
Keep her awake during the day, don’t let her have those 4 hour naps at a time, keep her awake. Taking her clothes off, talking to her, feeding her will help keep her awake, do tummy time on the floor, just keep her awake for longer periods than she’s asleep… good luck.
Babies can’t distinguish between day and night and will often spend many nights awake and sleep during the day. She will eventually figure it out. Hang in there, it will get easier, but for now follow her schedule. Let her sleep when she wants to. If you keep her awake during the day she will become overtired and it will be harder to get her to sleep at night.
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Sounds like mine when I was breast feeding , I had to top him up with formula at night , he then use to sleep at least 6 hours or more ,
Or like another post said she could have her day and night mixed up , sounds like your doing your best so keep going it does get easier
She’s cluster feeding and she’s only one month. She’s not supposed to sleep through the night just yet
Babies her age are NOT supposed to be sleeping through the night. I would not let her sleep that long t in the day, it still may not help at night. She’s a baby, not a toddler. Do NOT do sleep training, just let your baby be a baby and keep doing what you are doing. Your baby will even sleep through the night.
Put her in bed with you. Oftentimes that’s all it takes.
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