Can a 10 year old babysit toddlers?

I think 10 is a great age to learn to care for others smaller than you, under the supervision of a responsible adult

I was watching newborns when I was 6
She’s good lol

I started babysitting when I was 12 years old. My mom said I was always more matured for my age. I would babysit small babies/toddlers/children. In retrospect, I would not have known what to do if something bad happened.

I was 7 when I first started watching kids with my mom their too help out did this for about four years an then I went off on my own sat kids at peoples home an they was satisfied children were kept up fed, an cared for.

I’d personally say 11/12 on own but start out slowly to see how she adapts.

I don’t see a problem with it since you’ll be home with your child.

My 9yr old (almost 10) is a huge help with her younger siblings when I’m home. She will be doing a stay safe course next month and babysitter course next summer. Obviously she’s never alone with them completely but she is really great with the toddler and baby while I do dishes, make dinner or run for a quick shower.

Not even a little bit lol
Maybe when parent is in the shower or cooking. But def not home alone.

Too early, at 12 yes but at 10 I was left with toddlers daily and it was horribly unsafe. I should have never been doing it.

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You figure it out with a test. Legally, i don’t think she can be alone with a little one until she is 13. Take a day and have her do all the things for the toddler.

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In your home while you’re home? Why not, a decent trial run, and she’ll have an adult to help if needed.

So it really depends on the child. Since it will be when you’re home I’d say it’s really fine. My son 9 and is amazing with and loves to help with my 7 month old. Obv not ready to be alone with her or anything. He likes to pick her up and carry her around, play with her, he comes running when she cries like if I’m not there lol. He does get tired sometimes tho and is like byeeeee haha. So it’s definitely an eye opening experience to how much work kiddos are. I’d just say over see her and be ready to assist her hands on lol. If I were to hire a sitter I’d never choose a 10 year old but I’d be more than ok with an adult watching and her playing with and helping tending to any needs.

If you are home the whole time and she wants to for short periods of time, I don’t see why not. I started working as a “mommy’s helper” when I was about 10. Mainly playing with the 2 kids while their mom did what she needed to do around the house.

If you’re supervising them I dont see a problem.

If your home sure why not. She how she enjoys it.

She changed the post to read “When I am home”. That wasn’t there at first.

I did but i would say thats not the right answer. I would let her watch them while you are home if she wants to but no i wouldnt allow that…state laws might not either.

I tiink if ur there then yes alone not a chance x

Florida the law is twelve to babysit, and ten to be home alone

I know someone who has 10 she will be 11 in February. she watches her brother he’s 7 now. She is mature for her age.

We only did that back in the old days… lol

As long as your home then I don’t see any issues.

I was 11 when I started babysitting parents trusted me with infants & toddlers I did have an infant sister at home so that may of helped too

My sitter started at 11. Her mom was our babysitter and we had the same situation. I said sure. Mom was there and I had her until she was about 20 years old.

Ppl should reread the post.This mum is going to be home :house_with_garden: she’s not babysitting on her own

I was that young lol guess I was just trusted and very lucky nothing happened ! In any case make sure there is a trusted neighbor close by and contact numbers ! Anything can happen any moment even now at our ages

If your home with her, sure

She should take a babysitting course and the home alone safety course.

I started babysitting my baby (few months old) cousin at 10. My mom was there the first few times to make sure I didn’t actually need help and then I babysat alone after that. My 8 year old is wanting to babysit her cousin and I’ll leave them alone for like 15-20 minutes but not actually alone just to see if she can. It’s all about the child in question. Making sure they feel comfortable and confident I feel is key. Once they start question themselves is when it goes poorly lol

I would say as long as you are there, anything could happen and she might not know how to react in bad situations, what if the toddler was choking/ fell down a flight of stairs etc would she know what to do?

My daughter’s 8 she sits and plays with her sister who is 10m whilst I do housework washing cleaning changing beds ect, people need to read the full post before commenting :sleeping:

Probably be good call CPS and ask them

Everybody should be supervised babysitting for a while before they can do it on their own if they’re a kid. I think it’d be great for her to learn and since it’s something she wants to do I’d do it :woman_shrugging: as long as you’re home because there’s something’s I didn’t even know till I was a mom like babies can’t have water or honey grapes should be cut that kinda thing.

Honestly, i think kids should be 13 before being by themselves but not being responsible for anyone younger than themselves. 15 for being responsible for anyone younger. And even then maybe just while the younger ones are sleeping.
Teens these days aren’t as responsible as we were.

Idk what state ur in but in illinois the legal age is 14

It depends on where you live I wouldn’t do it but it’s also illegal to leave a kid of kids alone with anyone under the age of 13 here

If there is no adult no some kids that age aren’t mature enough if your home ok because you can also check on everyone make sure ok.

Given that it will be in your home, while you’re there, I would say let her do it.

This will give her experience, while being supervised, so that as she gets older she can actually babysit on her own and earn some money.

I would recommend checking your local laws before allowing her to babysit unsupervised though. In my state, a child can be home alone at the age of 8, can babysit siblings at the age of 10 but has to be 13 to babysit other children, unsupervised.

Yall really comparing 90’s kids(or whatever) to kids now? :rofl::rofl::rofl: Just because we did it doesn’t mean they’re the same