Can a 10 year old babysit toddlers?

Is 10 years old to early to babysit toddlers? My daughter wants to start babysitting I just wasn’t sure…shes pretty mature fo rher age and it will be in my own when I am home


Yes she can as long as an adult is there

They sure can, especially if they are wanting to. :two_hearts:

Great practice learning while you are there too.

Check the laws in your state as every state is different. If an incident was to occur while under her care the law will come into effect

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It’s like a mother’s helper. I have a 9 year old play and keep an eye on my 3 year old GD. Only if I’m home

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If you are there it’s fine. It’s a bit too early by herself for any period of time.


Maybe setup a baby monitor or nanny cam so you can monitor the babysitting.


Double check your laws love, as long as you’re comfortable with it, I don’t personally see the problem, especially because you stated that you would be there too. I started babysitting at 9/10 years old, granted it was much different 20 years ago, but it all depends on how comfortable YOU are with it.


I started babysitting when I was 10

Jeez, you can tell that most of the people commenting did not read the whole post. A 10 year old is perfectly capable of watching over toddlers while a parent is occupied with something else within the home. That was called a Mother’s Helper back in the day. If she wants to help out, let her.


Yep totally fine, as long as there is an adult around.

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I was 7 and watching my two younger brothers so I really don’t see the problem with it. My own daughter loves to “babysit” her little brother. Really they are just playing in the room without me in it :joy: but it gives her a sense of responsibility. Once she’s a little older I’ll pay her and she can learn about money management as well. I think if a child is wanting that responsibility then we should try and encourage that.

Absolutely if you are home I can’t see a problem.

No! I’d say at least 12 depending on maturity but 13 better

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If you are willing to babysit as well then sure.

Depends on the child. Some level of maturity and all kids ate different. My 11 year wouldn’t be able. She needs to find herself first

Did no one read after the first sentence? She is going to be home with her kid while they are babysitting. I think it’s fine. One of my kids would have been able to babysit a 10 but the other one went out I’m able to. If you’re home in case there’s an emergency then let them try


As long as an adult is there “supervising”.


I started babysitting my aunts baby, my cousin lol when I was about 8. Of course there was always an adult at home until I got a little older. But I loved watching him and at that age I loved feeling needed by my aunt bcuz she was cool and I looked up to her!
I feel like she should start out slow so that she gets to understand how much is needed to be able to continue babysitting. It’s a lot of responsibility but if you feel she is ready is all that matters!
My oldest has always been mature for his age and started watching his younger brother for me at a young age.


Back in the day I was babysitting my moms friends babies at 8-9 years old. But we were built different. I was left alone at the age of 7 doing things for myself. Nowadays that is unheard of.


I would say if you were going on a short trip say to the grocery store or something like that or if you are working from home I need someone to watch the younger kids while you’re on the computer and her phone yes I watch the kids in my neighborhood when I was that age but that was a long time ago things are different these days but especially if you’re at home and need the other kids to be occupied give her a chance

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My daughter helped me babysit a 5 yr old last summer, she was 9. My daughter enjoyed it and I taught her how to manage her own finances. Definitely helped entertain the 5 yr old.

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Yes. It depends on 10 year old and whether it’s legal in your state. I started babysitting at 9.

Depends on the situation. Definitely don’t let the negative Nacy’s who can’t read past the first sentence form your decision :roll_eyes: but it really does depend on the maturity of your child. I’m sure I’ll get tons of hate but I let my 11 year old watch her 3 year old sister so I can run to the end of our street to the Dollar General - not for an extended shopping trip, I’m talking run in get what i need and be home in less than twenty minutes tops and ONLY at 3 yr old’s nap time. But my 11 year old is very mature, knows how to use her phone, we live one street away from the police station in a rural mostly crime free area. Would I do that in a big city? Heck no. She’s a smart girl, she can handle it. And she likes the candy bar and orange soda reward. If you’re going to be home as you stated, why not? It’ll help her get comfortable for real deal child care.

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Yes, of course but not all 10 year olds can. Every child just like adults are different. I was babysitting at 8 & 9 years old for pay & all by myself. We lived close to a mobile home park so it was walking distance. As I kept doing it, I even got a regular job every week at 10, 11 yrs old babysitting. I was babysitting 3 children at once, one was only a year younger than myself. They didn’t fully trust their daughter or maybe I should say they didn’t think she was as responsible as I so, I watched them all. It was never over a few hours at a time but, I remember loving it. When you don’t grow up rich you very much appreciate having your own money. I was very responsible. My mom knew I could do it & the people trust me, there were phones everywhere I babysat so, it’s just way it was. But, I agree 100% it totally depends on the individual.


No, most states allow 12 year old to stay home by themselves for only 30 min max. Check yor state to see.

This totally depends on the child and the state you live in. I was babysitting a 9 month old and his big sister (she was 3-4, I can’t actually remember anymore) when I was only 9 years old. For about 2-2 1/2 hours Monday through Friday.


Yes they sure can its good practice for when time comes for you to actually need to leave them. Never to early to teach them that responsibility while your nearby. And for the younger siblings to learn the rules when your not around.


Um. How old child being babysat? If a responsible adult is around for support.

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If you’re there too, close by to listen and check on them. (I’m sure she wants to do it all herself but she’s still pretty young I definitely would still be watching) You think she is capable of helping out with the toddler. Great way for her to help out, and you can get a couple things done while she entertains the toddler. Grow her babysitting skills and experience so if she ever does babysit when she’s older.

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If you are there with her


I was 10 when I was forced to watch my cousin. Check your city laws. Maybe start out with small/quick trips to the store. And make each one a little longer.


Our 10 year old watches our 5 year old, at their grandmothers house where theres access to an adult if needed, when we have date nights

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A 10-year-old child still needs to be taken care of and no matter how mature he is, I can’t imagine him solving a problem that arises with another child, in addition to losing his childhood.

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While someone else is home yes alone no. I don’t think a 10 year old could do the heimlich maneuver on a toddler if needed and I don’t want anyone who can’t do the heimlich watching other kids honestly

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STOP! I can’t believe this is even a question!

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I wouldn’t even let my 10 year old babysit himself let alone another child


Only if an adult is in the house


Everybody on this post is freaking out, I remember taking care of my younger siblings when I was younger, how do you think they survived back in the day :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:


Never by themselves, specially other people kids

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Some of mine were able and capable others not. Depends on the kid


That is against the law in most places in the states lmao


Check your laws in your state or local. Most places they have to be 12 and frequently they will place a limit on how long how many kids and whether they have to be siblings or if they can babysit other children. Maturity is a huge factor in whether they are ready or not to babysit.


I let my 10 year old supervise while I’m washing dishes or laundry but I won’t leave alone.


Way too young. She should even be left alone herself at that age.


I think it depends on how old the toddler is and the care they will receive in that time.

Depends on state laws…illinois is 13.w some babysitting class…but my preference is am adult…so…no not a 10y old

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I’d say as long as there’s an adult near helping to supervise. How else will she learn if she doesn’t get the chance. It makes me a little sad to see so many people saying no and completely missing the part where poster said she would be there with daughter.


Absolutely not. Lmao maybe for like a shower or a long visit to the toilet, but further than that, nope.

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I’ve taken care of babies since I was able to walk. Not kidding. I would literally change diapers at 4 when my baby brother was born. I’d help my mom as much as she’d let me. I absolutely loved it! Every baby cousin and child I was around, I always nurtured and cared for. I started watching my first baby at 11. He was three months old. My mom was home but she worked nights so she’d be asleep the whole time. I’d take him for walks around the block, I’d feed him, cuddle him, everything. I knew about SIDS and safe sleep. I knew burping a baby was important… I knew how to hold them. I learned his cry and what was wrong when he would cry. This was in 2001. I was paid 160$ every every Friday. I did this for a few years until I started taking on more and more kids… I eventually was a professional nanny and now own and operate my own daycare. Kids are my jam. My calling. They have been since I was born like I said. Not every 10 year old is capable though. These days I’d be scared. Lol! I have a ten year old daughter and I barley trust her to keep an eye on my four year old while I’m in the shower. So it all depends on your judgement. Even at 16, some kids aren’t capable. It all depends on the person/kid.


In the 70’s,early 80’s noone would take issue with it.I babysat when I was 10 but I don’t know about now.Looking back it probably wasn’t a great

She can help you, yes. But not ‘babysitting’ as such.

ABSOLUTELY not and any parent that left a toddler with a 10 year old in charge needs their head read


No! Absolutely not!! 14 is the age you can babysit. You are not fit to have children if you allow a 10 Yr old to babysit.

If you’re there yes that’s fine if the other parents are ok with it. My almost 11yr old get $5 an hr from my friends to entertain/babysit their Kids when they are home just so they can get stuff done

With parental supervision ? Why not?

See if your Ted Cross offers babysitting classes. ! They learn CPR and other classes

I wouldn’t call that baby sitting. She’d be a “mother’s helper”. Sure! Let her play with her siblings. You’re there in an emergency, illness or other situation she isn’t sure how to handle. It’ll give you time to do things you need to do.

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You aren’t even allowed a child under 12 to be alone for any length of time in most places,let alone putting them in charge of other, younger, children.

I absolutely would never. That to me sounds crazy. :confused:


The post literally says she will be home and present with the child babysitting and the child being watched my goodness.

Since you will be home with your child and the child they are babysitting I see no problem since you would be there if an emergency arises.

Most states do not have home alone laws in place. But here are the ones that do

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I certainly wouldn’t be ok with this unless your actually taking full responsibility and keeping an eye on them both

The law says different. A ten year old cannot make quick decisions if something happens or to keep it from happening. I don’t know about all states but in my state the earliest is 13 but many states it’s 16.


If you’re there to supervise and help out, I don’t see why not.

No, far too young. In most states a 10 year old cannot even be home alone.


Yes sure if the adult is in the house why not if the adult isn’t then no as you stated you will be in the house so it’s all good


I have 5 children my 13 year old goes out with her friends or studies most of the time, my 8 yr old son does homework, plays out or goes on his console, so when I’m cooking, cleaning etc and their dads not at home my 11 year old daughter will take my 16 month and almost 3 yr old girls into the living room and play games and mind them i give her some money for doing it and she loves doing it, even though I’m only in the next room she feel so happy and helpful when i ask her and pay her, its learning skills for her and she’s also playing with her siblings :blush:

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Don’t ask the internet. That’s ur first mistake.

No! The most basic role with minimal responsibility is 14 so why give the responsibility of a very young child to another young child ? They are kids that can not fully connect with that level of responsibility. Easily distracted and most certainly not mature enough to handle an emergency. I’m not interested in what others did 20/30/40 years ago either. You can not compare childhoods, times are different.


I wouldn’t hire a 10 year old to babysit my toddler even if the 10 year old parent was home. I know some 10 year olds can be very mature for their age, however; if something unfortunate happened like a fire, break-in, bad weather, choking accident I think they would react like any other 10 year old kid. I would wait a few more years. If anything maybe this mom could get a sitting gig and pay her child to help her. You can start prepping her for sitting by taking classes. CPR, basic first aid etc.


If there’s an adult in the same house in case of emergencies. A 10 year old won’t react appropriately to an injury, a seizure, a medical emergency, a fire, a child choking…

Yes…stop it karen , some childern are taught , some families depend on the girls to know responsibilities. I was peeling potatoes at 4. Frying egg sandwiches at 5…


I wouldn’t let a 10 yr old baby sit a toddler
Bit that’s just my own personal opinion

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Absolutely not! Can a 10yr old give CPR? No.

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Not in the state of illinons


My biggest thing about is if someone went and left to go to the shop for say 10 mins but something happened to them while they were out and couldn’t get home to the children, if that makes sense

Nah too young, i wont let her baby sit my child. If there is adult around ok.

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If you are in the home there is no reason she can’t try it and see if she enjoys it :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s to young in my opinion

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I would say all by herself, no. But since you’ll be there, in case something happens, it should be okay.

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Check the laws in your state.

Well, i always said it depends on maturity level. Is she old enough to babysit by herself? I probably wouldn’t feel comfortable with that even if she is mature for her age. But with u in the same house so if a emergency comes up ur right there or if anything happens ur right there, i could see trying that in small increments. It would be good practice. Once in a blue ny daughter would watch my son when he was a year-ish so i could shower n she was 10

I’ve helped my mom babysit around that age :woman_shrugging: but never left fully responsible for another tiny human while I was still a small human.

My daughter is 8 and she helps her older brother (17 and 14) watch our baby (1). We call her little momma because she is so attentive to him but I can’t imagine leaving her responsible for him even in 2 years.

I wouldn’t personally leave a 10 year old home alone with a toddler no. Especically in the world we live in today. Besides alot of states that is illegal so if caught you could get them taken away if left alone at home by themselves. Look up the laws in your state and maybe once your daughter is the right age try it out a little bit at a time. You could even try it out now just don’t leave the house. Like maybe go take a little nap. Just make sure to set everything up for them first maybe put on a movie.

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I’d say at least 12 but still think that’s iffy

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No 10 is to young in my opinion

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At home yes. My 11 year old watches her sisters (they’re not toddlers) while I mow or I’m doing a project. She comes and gets me when there is an issue or she needs something. She wants to babysit but wants me to leave so she can “do it for real” and that is NOT happening for several more years. When I was her age I was babysitting multiple children for 8+ hours, and I did over night babysitting by 12, but the 90s early 00s were a very different time.


Not usually. They have to be 12+ (at the earliest) and trained in cpr

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If you wanna end up on Dateline, sure

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Babysit…no. play with a younger sibling while you ate in earshot… yes.

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My 10 and 11 year old help me out with my 2 year old while I’m busy doing something like laundry or something.

No. You can google the legal age for babysitting for each state.

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This is really a dumb question. If you are there she’s not really babysitting. But I babysat 4 kids when I was 10 at their home. Depends


Back then, my sister and I started babysitting at age 8. Now days, these children built different lol but tbh, times are different as well.

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Depending on her maturity. I myself was raising my 2 cousins with my Nana at the age of 10. However I grew up fast n acted like I was way older than I was.

Check with your states laws.

There’s no right or wrong answer…depends on the maturity level, city, times…etc

My daughter is 12 and 14 yr old son has been watching my 5 yr old for a few years now. Started out short trips to the store and worked our way up. But My kids are responsible and do fine. If you will be home then she will be just fine

I, baby sat at the age of 10. Most weekends, I had babysitting jobs for 6 years and made lots of money. My parents raised me to be responsible and what to do if there was a emergency, I knew how to cook and teach the children how to tie shoes, alphabet, read. It was exciting to watch these kids grow. Many sought me out on Facebook because of their memories we all made.