Can a childs father get their information if they wanted it?

Asking for my sister… Her child’s dad is asking for her birth certificate and social but she’s living with her and she plans to file her on her taxes. Is he able to get that info on his own ?


If he is on her birth certificate, yes, he can

As long as he’s on the birth certificate, he can get a copy of the birth certificate and the social. 


He can yes. Do they not have a custody agreement? Typically they put in there who is to claim the child for taxes when. Usually it is every other year but that is circumstantial

Yes. He has just as many right to the child as her

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Who cares…if it’s his child he has as much right as her to have it she should give it to him…as far as filing taxes there’s laws for that


Yes. He can if he’s on her birth certificate. If he’s paying child support, then typically he can claim the child every other year, unless they have a custody agreement saying differently


He can yes, it’s not just your sisters child. It’s his too

He’s the child’s father, he has a right to that information. Hopefully he will use that information for good.


It’s not just for taxes. It’s what is required to provide documents when a parent is putting a child on health insurance as well as putting them down as a beneficiary if anything is to happen to him. Every job will ask or any time someone adds children to their insurance coverage.

Yes if he’s on it he can get the documents. But if he don’t spend equal amount of overnights with him, he should claim the child n his taxes

Check out the health department on getting birth certificate.

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I mean it’s his child so he should have that information

If his name is on the Birth Certificate, he can go down and get it. And when you get that you can file a few child social security card. It takes time tho…

For those of you saying it his child it’s his right. I don’t know this person circumstance. Just because a man “donates” sperm doesn’t mean, he’s a good man. Doesn’t mean he helps. Doesn’t mean he mentally, physically or financially there for that child. Doesn’t mean he deserves or have the right to anything!

I wish people fought over who’s taking care of the kid as hard as they fought over these kids legal paperwork pertaining to income from child. Imagine being upset the other parent of your kid has the same rights as you do.

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I never gave that information to my sperm donor. He tried to pull the b.s that it was for insurance for a job he was gonna be starting! :sweat_smile: I just laughed at him and told him they were good they have insurance and didn’t need his. :woman_shrugging: but the sperm donor also did not pay child support, didn’t have a job and at that point hadn’t even spent 24hrs total with my children they were 6 months old. Oh and it was conveniently at tax time :rofl::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: no one is that stupid. Plus :face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_peeking_eye: I watched him pull that same b.s line with his first b.m :joy:

Yes they can easy get that paperwork. Request a pin on child’s social security for taxes. If they don’t have the pin it will be rejected. Get An Identity Protection PIN | Internal Revenue Service if child lives with her more than 6 months of the tax year. She can claim the child. Unless the divorce degree or custody agreement says otherwise

Yes. If there’s no custody/tax order.

If he is on birth certificate yes he can get it. As for taxes if no paper work it’s the first one that files first. Done been threw that.

If he’s on the birth certificate absolutely

The child has TWO parents and especially if he’s listed on the birth cert than yes, absolutely can get copies because that’s HIS child as well!!

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As everyone has said; if he’s on the birth certificate he can get copies. Why is he asking for the info? If it’s for tax filing, as indicated in the post, she may want to see about getting a court order about that, because if there isn’t one whoever files first can claim the child.

Doesn’t really matter about tax filing. If the child lives with you but he has visitation only you still get the EITC and child tax credit. That will benefit you