No. And you can still get COVID with the vaccine.
Nope violates personal rights…
Its everyone’s personal choice, except my ex.
No. You can’t do that.
“I know it’s everyone’s personal choice”…. didn’t you just answer your own question? It’s HIS choice. Not yours.
Would it make you feel better if he “identifies as vaccinated”?
No I do not think a judge would make anybody get vaccinated for the covid like that. It is your choice if you want to get vaccinated or not. Actually it’s violating your rights!!! Honestly I don’t even think the Judge would look at that or acknowledge that
Be lucky your daughter has a father who takes her everywhere… all this nonsense in the last year in a half and has she gotten it yet? No? Just like most of the population. Force a vaccine on him that he doesn’t even want, then have some horrible side effect- maybe even death happen to him and see how you and your daughter feel then . You’re the ex for a reason. Stop trying to control his life.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can a judge order my childs father to get vaccinated?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can a judge order my childs father to get vaccinated?
You might be able to petition the Court to suspend his visitation rights until SHE is able to be vaccinated.
No you can’t control what he does as long as she is taken care of safe and happy stop being a control freak and let him be a parent
Why worry just about his status? If she’s going everywhere around who knows, I’d be more concerned about one of those other people she’s around. He can be covered but doesn’t mean those places he’s taking her are full of only vaccinated people.
Do yourself a favor and give him full custody so she don’t grow up into a Karen like you.
A judge cannot force it, but maybe there can be a hearing in regards to the ‘uncertainty and safety precautions not taken’ while she is in his care. We are in the middle of Pandemic still and people are still getting sick, and most places do still have precautions in place, but it is up to the people going out (your ex and child) to be cautious. So ask your lawyer and see what can be done.
This poster didn’t ask for all the negativity she just asked for advice and her question to be answered. Everyone parents differently. I’m so disappointed to see how cruel people can be.
Did you know the FDA does not say the vaccine will prevent COVID.
You say it’s everyone’s personal choice but you want to take that personal choice away from him, you sounds like a bit of a control freak to me
Special kind of stupid, wow, someone really bought the propaganda
No wonder he didn’t marry you. Geez. Seriously??
Uhm…even with the vaccine you can get and spread covid…
OP just said it’s everyone’s personal choice but she really doesn’t believe that does she?
I don’t think any court would force a vaccine in any circumstance, but I would be interested to find out if that can effect custody/visitation orders.
Just because he’d be vaccinated doesnt mean he can’t still get it or give to your daughter! Get it in your head and stop forcing your controlling shit unto others.
A fully vaccinated cruise ship just announced 2 cases of covid aboard. The people who got the vaccine are the experiment. Look out for many health problems in the future for the people who did not read up on the vaccine before taking it. So sad.
International Neuemberg code .NO.
Some people shouldn’t be allowed to have children. This mom poster being one of them.
You shouldnt mandate it nor let your kids take it. Its a false security. Sounds like your a control freak. Its a .3 percent death rate get a grip.
This is a trial drug. Last time government entities forced experimental drugs on the populace, they were found guilty in the Nuremberg Trials, lady. Ease up!
To my knowledge nobody can get forced to do anything medically.
“Send me an endless list of ways I can f*ck with my baby daddy.”
You can literally see why Americans have suffered horrifically with this virus … 0.3 death rate Mortality Risk of COVID-19 - Our World in Data
Case fatality rate is over 14% in some countries
Can someone be forced to take an experimental vaccine? Don’t think that’s legal. It’s experimental until 2023. It’s your choice if you want to get it. But you can’t force others. And the him getting the vaccine won’t protect your child from getting sick.
Welcome to Nazi Germany, “show me your papers”
I feel bad for her kid.
Wow I can’t believe the rude comments on here from other “parents” a parent that’s looking for advice should never be called anything negative. They are great parents to be asking for advice from strangers. I just hope/pray that no one is really affected by someone else’s stupid comments!!!
This was the dumbest thing I’ve ever read!!! Lol!!!
That is not your concern.
No you can’t force a vaccine on anyone
I can understand the concern but lol, no. Just…no
No you can’t force anyone to be injected with anything thankfully. But If you do ask the judge can you record him laughing at you and post it for the rest of us to enjoy?
Haha. No. That’s none of your business. Judge will tell you that if you want him to let you live your life no questions asked, you have to let him do the same.
Trust that he loves her and wouldn’t consciously put her in harms way. What you see as harmful or risky is simply your opinion.
While his refusal to take proper precautions is a risk to your child and possibly you as well the judge can’t force him to be vaccinated.
The right of body autonomy is established which will cover vaccines, organ donation, and abortions alike. You can’t force someone to use their body to help/save someone else if they don’t want to.
“I know everybody has the right to decide for themselves, but I just want to have a judge remove his right”……so I guess that means it would be okay for him to decide what you do with your body too, right?
Did NOBODYS parents teach them body autonomy and what it actually means? Just because you have a kid with him, doesn’t mean you get to decide anything for him, ever
I mean no offense with this comment, but in all honesty the vaccine protects the person who takes it, no one else. Meaning if he gets vaccinated he’s protecting himself not your child or anyone else around him. You can still get infected with covid since the purpose of the vaccine is to minimize symptoms not prevent you from getting infected. Not only you can still get infected but you will infect others as well. I understand your concerns because just one person’s carelessness can potentially risk the health of your whole household, but thank God this nightmare is almost gone. Have a good day.
No you can’t force a man to get any type of medical procedure done, but us women can’t get medical procedures done that we actually want🤷🏼♀️
You can surely ask and hopefully the judge will realize the wrong parent has custody.
This is a joke… right?
The vaccine is meant to protect the person taking it. If you’re truly concerned about your daughter’s well being, get her vaccinated.
Are you cool with him deciding your medical stuff? Didn’t think so.
People like this really walk among us
That’s almost like asking a judge to get an order for a woman to get an abortion
No but hopefully he will have sense enough to.
Sounds to me like you are trying to start unnecessary problems. Is the child truly in danger? Probably not. Just like you don’t want your ex judging everything you do with your child and your personal medical choices, maybe you shouldn’t worry so much about his. If a child is not being neglected or abused is any manner by a parent then honestly just hush.
You can’t force someone to get a vaccine. However I still wear a mask in public, I don’t want Covid, but I’m also waiting a year or more to see what it does to people. I get its been going since SARS but still.
I’m sure they cannot force him to vaccinate. As a mom I’m sure u worry about ur kiddo but there’s not a lot u can do while she’s with him on visits. Maybe request if they do go out she wears her mask.
Stupidest comment ever
Youre not the brightest bulb in the box are ya?
When you go to court, instead of asking that asinine question, go ahead and give the baby daddy full custody because that child does not deserve to be raised by someone so dim.
Keep your child at home … explain you made the decision and that’s why he / she can’t see their father …
vacination is voluntary
Trade your freedom for safety, except they can’t keep you safe…
Ha, Um no a judge can NOT order your ex to get vaccinated. I can’t believe this was even asked.
He sounds like a pos parent. Yes, let your kid be exposed and possibly die from preventable diseases.
Very smart.
Maybe he refuses to live in fear. Hopefully passing that on to his daughter.
Are you still together? If not this is why. He is a grown man he can make his own decisions.
No the judge cannot force anyone to have a vaccine. Think about it, if he does and the person dies, then happens to the judge? Prison for murder?
No way!! People have lost their minds.
It’s not a vaccine. Let’s start there…
Girl, no a judge cannot withhold children and force someone against their will to get a vaccine.