Can a judge order my childs father to get vaccinated?

Can a judge order my child’s father to get vaccinated? I know it’s everyone’s personal choice, but he doesn’t take the necessary precautions & he takes her out all day every weekend to who knows where & with who…


No I dont believe they can

No I don’t think they can. If he doesn’t want to get vaccinated he shouldn’t have to just to see his child.

No, a judge cannot order him to take the vaccine.

Wow, what is wrong with you? Stop buying into the propaganda, worry about your own stuff and focus on being a good co-parent. If the virus were really that deadly, there would be bodies of the homeless lined up. Give your head a shake !!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can a judge order my childs father to get vaccinated?

I doubt it since it’s not fda approved


Good luck with that. What he does with his child on his time is his business.


No. The army isn’t even forcing the covid vaccine.


His body, his choice.


think if this was the other way around and he wanted the judge to force u to put something in your body…


Even if it was possible to make this happen it would not solve your concern. You said he takes your child with him……so even if he was vaccinated your child is still exposed to others. Just food for thought :woman_shrugging:t2:


No and the judge shouldn’t. You can still get covid fully vaccinated… I would never even think of forcing this upon my ex


No. Keep out of his medical choices. None of your business.


Uhmmm. No.
Think about how YOU would fee if you didn’t agree or want something going into your body and he tried to force you? You’d probably be livid.


Wow…very irresponsible father .
Unfortunately I don’t think so…
Phone a lawyer. They might have a answer


How many people do YOU have her around that isn’t vaccinated??? Don’t be a hipicrite. Sound like your bitter and don’t like his choice of friends or company.


It’s not fully approved. So no. No one can order him to have it done.

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You can’t force anyone to get vaccinated. If your not together and he isn’t neglecting her it isn’t your business.


His body his choice.

That’s none of your business. Tf.

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It’s unfortunate that we are faced with this especially because it’s bringing so much confusion and division. If a child has a compromised immune system or lives with someone that does and the adult in one home agrees to vaccinate everyone in the home who safely can but the child’s family in a different home (other parent) doesn’t agree, that’s a tough one.

Judges only enforce, “award” or strongly suggest, unless it is a situation that suggests imminent danger. I hope the best for this family.

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He can’t be forced no. But if you are concerned about your child’s health & well being then stop sending her with him.

Seriously you can’t force someone with there own body to do that . Would you wanna be forced


It’s none of your business


That’s kind of a common sense question… or lack there of.

Using ur kid to have someone vaccinated. Thats too much. Smh


The Media has created some right crackpots… trying to control someone who you are no longer with it seems to me


He can say that he identifies as vaccinated :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Lol what country do you live in???

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No a judge can’t and either can you …she’ll need one healthy parent leave him alone!!


My exhubs lives in another state. I cannot control what HE does during HIS visitation outside of our custody agreement. Also, a lot of places have lifted restrictions and some based on the personal choice of a vaccinated and non vaccinated persons. You cannot control everything or expect to. To even bring this up to lawyer is a waste of time because no one is being forced to vaccinate or should they be.

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It’s none of your business :roll_eyes: His body his choice.


he should get it to protect everyone around him


Hahaha. The vaccine does not stop you from getting and or spreading the virus. It simply lessens the way your body reacts to it. So what if he gets the vaccines.
In the end he would still bring her out and about. She would still be exposed to the virus anyway.


Wow!!! Keep living in fear :roll_eyes:

Is this for real? Sometimes I think over half these posts are a joke or someone in need of attention because their bored. The shot is his personal decision along with what he does with her during HIS time. Sweet baby Jesus :woman_facepalming:


Ok first of all- Is the judge making you or your child to be vaccinated? I’m willing to bet no is your answer. So why would they make the father? From what I have saw only certain work places are the only ones who are making people get vaccinated. So why would they make other random people?

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No no one can’t force vaccinations on anyone

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Nope …can he order you to get the flu vaccine? I think he should file for full custody based on your question :roll_eyes:


Would you be okay with your ex going to a judge to force you to do something with your body? Maybe he could say that he doesn’t want you having children with any other men so you need to go get your tubes tied? Sounds preposterous, right? Because it is :woozy_face:Regardless of whether he has the vaccination or not, if he isn’t taking precautions to avoid getting it, he can still get it and if your daughter is in these same environments as him she could get it regardless of whether her father is vaccinated or not.


No. You sound ridiculous. :woman_facepalming:t2::joy:


Lol no I couldn’t even get my ex to have a flu shot when we were together and I am on immune suppression medication so I highly doubt I’d have any chance now but honestly I wouldn’t even bother to ask let alone try and get a judge for it :rofl:

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how does him getting vaccined help the child ??? I’m confused if the child is with him where he goes then he/she would still be at the same risk :thinking:


Yall wanna scream “MY BODY MY CHOICE” … Well guess what… HIS BODY HUS CHOICE. :woman_shrugging:t2:


No a judge can’t order that

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That’s his parenting time and his right to do as he pleases :woman_shrugging:t3: it sounds more like you’re upset you don’t know what they do or who they’re around. Even if he did get vaccinated are you going to demand proof every person he comes in contact with is vaccinated as well? Just be happy he’s involved with his child :woman_facepalming:t3:

Ummm can the judge force you to get an abortion!? Tubes tied!?
Wth is wrong even thinking a judge should be able to make something do something to their body!! His body his choice the same as yours okay :face_with_monocle:


Vaccinating him only makes sure that covid is less severe for him. Doesn’t prevent him from getting it. And him being vaccinated doesn’t do anything for your daughter. :woman_facepalming:


Have you seen or heard about them admitting the fact that they have ruined our future with what’s in the vaccines???
Its causing heart attacks, its killing babies in the womb, causing periods for weeks at a time and are killing the sperm count in men. Its causing some to have brain damage… wow. I cant believe people are still getting the vaccine… they are literally wiping us out…

So sorry you had to hear all that I’m glad you are conscious of your baby being exposed I would be too. Hope the baby isn’t exposed. Good luck.


NOPE you can’t what he does on his time isn’t your business


Look up everything the CDC is admitting right now on the flaws in the shot… omgosh my heart aches for these babies being forced to be vaccinated


lmao no :rofl::rofl: stop being a controlling b


Thanks for the laugh​:rofl::rofl:


Uhmm. If you and your daughter got vaccinated then it doesn’t matter if he has or not. NO a judge cannot make him get the vaccine. That’s ridiculous.


Did you really start out saying you know it’s a choice but want to have a judge force it?! Are you nuts?!


Why would you think a judge could do this? If he doesnt want it get over it. I had covid & refuse to get that in my body. I dont blame him for not getting it. Ive worked in the medical field long enough to know when the government lies. & lots of my nurse friends have agreed it is not something you want to get. :unamused: I hope you realize how ridiculous you sound.


That’s just plain crazy right there.


No :roll_eyes: it sounds like you’re just being bitter honestly.


I’ve had it three times and refuse to get the vaccine if you get it just don’t laze around it makes it worse


If vaccines work then what’s the concern?! Oh wait the “COVID” vaccine doesn’t cure or prevent sooooo uh no


It’s his body his choice. That is ridiculous you would even ask.


Wow :open_mouth: can a judge make the entire population be vaccinated then . Dumb don’t let your kids out at
All then


Did we not read Fauci’s email leak!?


As someone who is has a compromised immune system, I absolutely do not think forcing this vaccine on someone is even remotely responsible. We have NO idea how this will effect someone long term. You cant even sue the manufacturer if you have a reaction from the vaccine. His body, his choice.


You have lost your got- damn-mind… how dare you request any type of push on ANYONES medical rights. Holy fkn shit… the fact that there are people out here in this world who would think this is ok is a little scary. Mind your own damn business ma’am

Depends, they’ve just come out with recent studies stating this vaccine is causing heart issues in younger adults aka 15-40. So I can understand his hesitation, if he were to develop a health issue or something due to taking the vaccine are you gonna pay his bills and stuff? Absolutely not, so no. I don’t think you get to dictate that, let alone decide if YOU are gonna withhold a child from her father over a vaccination that my own OBGYN told me to hold off of due to being pregnant, my child’s pediatrician even said not to give the vaccine right now because there hasn’t been enough testing and if we’re not careful it can be like how it was back in 2004 when that new flu strain was going around, they rushed the vaccine and a bunch of people got sick. I was one of the kids who was hospitalized for two weeks for multiple organ failure due to my body rejecting the vaccine. The thing is, you don’t know enough about the vaccine to really say if it’s working or not, all we’ve noticed as the people is that the vaccine has been supposedly getting fixed for the past almost year and everytime they’ve come back to us saying the materials they used in the product as causing serious health issues. If they can’t get the vaccine right, I wouldn’t expect him to be pumping 20 million different types of shots until they find the right one. Just my two cents on the whole thing.


Legally (at least over here) nobody can be forced to have any form of medical procedure without informed consent, which includes vaccination. Due to that, you legally cannot withhold your child from his father if he chooses to not get this experimental vaccine

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I just had a friend get her 2nd covid shot and was dead 5 days later perfectly healthy she was till then. She was 36 yrs old


Wow. Ok.

  1. I don’t follow covid precautions either. No masks. No social distancing. Lockdowns didn’t really happen where I’m at.
    I haven’t had it.
    Several family members who complied with all the rules even had a n95 at work? Caught it. So all those precautions aren’t offering much protection. They’re mostly a placebo.

  2. You can still get and transmit covid with the vaccine. I’ve had SEVERAL people test positive and get sick after thiers.

  3. This isn’t the first corona vaccine that’s been produced BUT the ones produced before had such negative side effects in humans they never passed regulations. And. This. Was. Built. Off. Of. Those.
    They bypassed trials. They upped timelines under the guise of having no other treatments available (which was bullshit. By the way. Breathing treatments like nebulizers and Albuterol inhalers or Prednisone have done awesome for patients whose doctors used common sense medicine)
    They may have worked out short term side effects but they know NOTHING of long term side effects. NOTHING. We. Are. The. Experiment.
    You can literally put a magnet to the injection site and have it stick.

  4. Even people who believe the virus is bad…who follow all the guidelines have hesitated at the vaccine. I know someone whose holding off because of a seizure disorder. Even if I trusted it I have an unknown allergy and doc wouldn’t risk it. There’s other conditions that could make this vaccine dangerous.

  5. Ultimately. If you want to follow all the precautions and get yourself vaccinated as well…go for it. Your body. Your choice. But you cannot force a medical procedure on someone because of YOUR beliefs and you cannot withhold your child from their other parent because their beliefs differ from your own.

Get your head checked please.


YOU are very WRONG to try to FORCE ANYONE to take that EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY SHOT that does NOT meet CDC requirements for a vaccine and FDA has never approved it. Plus NO one can be held accountable should he have an adverse reaction or dies. Up to 10% that take that shot has adverse reactions or dies. Why would anyone require someone to take that SHOT for a virus that is 99.6% survivable ?? Leave him ALONE!!! Its his decision and ONLY his. He has to be the one to AGREE to be a guinea pig for that EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY SHOT NOT YOU.


Okay, but if they’re together, and they’re both exposed to the virus, him having the vaccine won’t prevent her from catching covid. :person_facepalming: The vaccine only protects the individual. There’s no “vaccination bubble” that will protect her.

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This has got to be a joke?!?!

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It’s sad that you would even consider trying to force him to have any medical care done to his own body.


If that’s the case then I’m pretty sure everyone would be vaccinated…

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most dumbest post ive read to date :joy::joy::joy:


Ok I’m not agreeing with you. I feel it’s wrong to force anyone to take medication/drugs they don’t want especially 1 that isn’t fully tested. I wouldn’t say it’s impossible though. Judges have forced parents to take other drugs such as antidepressants, anti-siezure & the flu vaccine. Usually this is used to control the mother in custody situations though. Some schools are requiring the covid vaccine for the 2021-22 school year.

I think you’re wrong for asking. Covid has been a threat for over a year. Since his lifestyle bothers you so much have you even attempted to modify his visitation since March 2019? Or are you just now “concerned” with your child’s well being? You know him taking the vaccine isn’t going to protect your daughter much? He’ll still be taking her everywhere. She can get it from a total stranger.

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Sadly, no. I don’t think a judge can do that.

Vaccines don’t prevent shit :poop::woman_shrugging:t3:

I’m sure your baby’s daddy could flip the switch and get full custody :woman_shrugging:


No one can force him to do anything his body his choice :woman_shrugging:


Don’t be so dang controlling
let him chose to get it or not

Why do women think oh he my baby daddy and he has to do every little thing I want or you can’t see the kids that’s messed up


If he doesn’t want it then he doesn’t want it?…

My girls dads has had his first and is due his second, but I’ve not had mine, I don’t personally want it tbh…
but people keep trying to make me have it… if I don’t want it I will not have it:/


I sure hope every single person stating “his body, his choice” votes the same way for our reproductive rights. Suddenly we should all have autonomy and rights to make our own health care choices, whent pregnant women get treated like a second class citizen with no rights. Just sayin. #PotMeetKettle


Especially since covid vaccine has not been tested
People are dying from covid vaccine complications
And the real vaccine is to come out a year from now

Let him parent
Don’t be controlling


Seeing as this virus has been around for years and years and he has yet to get it living his life normal and not like a scared sheep I’d say he is good he probably has a natural immune to it bc he hasnt been hiding under a rock and wearing a mask that has been scientifically proven to lower your immune system!! Worry about yourself stay in your lane and please dont make yourself look dumb in front of a judge and waist their time and dont keep your child from a father who actually loves them and wants to spend time with them bc most of us dont have that luxury!!


Some folks really shouldn’t breed. Smh


Simple answer… no.

You cannot force anyone to do something it’s against their human rights!!

Wow why are you feeling the need to control this man? No a court will not make him have the vaccine. It is his own personal choice if he has it or not and has absolutely nothing to do with you.


You dont need the inject

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can a judge order my childs father to get vaccinated?

Is this a serious question or are you being sarcastic. Lord I hope you are being sarcastic. Just in case you are being serious, no, you cannot get a judge to force your ex to get the covid shot.


It’s his body, so it’s his choice :woman_shrugging: You never should force someone to do something they don’t want to do


Nope, and if my ex tried some bull shit like this I’d be absolutely furious!


If you push for that, thats shitty.


Hahahahahahahahaha. No.


No and that’s not your business…