If anyone wouldn’t mind sharing their own personal experiences, i could really use some uplifing stories. Does anyone have stories or their own experiences where they have been in a tough situation like financially, bad relationships, single mom, struggling with jobs, bad living situation, car issues, mental health issues etc etc, but are better now and living a good life? I struggle with all of these things and am trying so hard every single day but get sucked in deeper. One bad thing after another… it never ends it seems. I’m really wanting some hope to grasp onto. I would love to read everyone’s personal experiences of how their life changed completely, and maybe even how they did it.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can anyone share their happy ending as a single mom?
Wish i could say it does but same for me just seems to get harder
Im not very good at “advice “ but I’ve learned is to prioritize it all & Take a very big deep breath, with one day at a time , and when you feel overwhelmed, remember that the days not over
I was a single mom for years struggling going to school etc met my person online fell in love he met my little they also fell in love now we have a house and more littles. Graduated nursing school whole thing it gets better. We started by renting a room in a strangers house in a state I knew no one nor had any family in. Everything was so difficult but moms find a way you got this at the time I thought death was easier now I look back like dang I did that.
I was a single mom for 5 years. In between a dated a couple guys but didn’t work out. I have 3 children and their dad lives states away. Yes I struggled, cried many tears. But never gave up because of them. I have my dad a few minutes away that helped and jobs that allowed me to bring them after school if needed. Then in 2019 I met my husband. I had stopped looking and figured I was meant to be a single mom but God had other plans
I left my sons father when my son was 1 month old. I had to buy everything new. I stayed with my dad. He was on a fixed income so I paid a little rent and support my child and I. Went to court no child support cause dad gets ssi. It’s been rough and a struggle I worked some jobs til I couldn’t medically. It’s rough. But you know what we are making it. He’s gonna get older and be proud. My son is 9 now. I’m in a healthy relationship with a good man but I still support my son. I’ll ask for help if I need it but my son is my responsibility. You can do this mammma there is lots of people who will talk to you and help you when you need it. When you feel like the world is against you and want to give up reach out to 1 of us.
Your list of what going on says mental health. That’s first. If you have an issue get the help you need. Then, next is change jobs and get put of bad living situation. If its really bad, go to a shelter with your child(ren).
Don’t feel bad honey. Being a single parent is though I don’t have to tell you that you know. But we do it and keep going for our kids. They’ll eventually grow up, realising how much you did for them and they will love you just as much as you love them . It does get better Hun , hang in there
It’s not the circumstances but how you react/respond to them. Don’t be defeated be resourceful. I’ve been a single mom, a coparenting mom, a student/working mom & everything in between. But always the best mom I could be at that time, that part never changes. The good days outweigh the bad. As they get older certain things get easier. Focus on what you have & what you need to do to get to where you want to be.
To get the happy ending, you have to have grit and change your mindset. In five years you’ll still have struggles, in 20 years you’ll still have struggles, but they’ll be different struggles and the ones you have today will be long forgotten. Change your reaction and your mindset
Single mom and sued for custody while deployed to Iraq. I won in court when he realized I had recorded every conversation we had had for 3 years.
The best thing abt my deployment, while we helped many ppl over there, I met my husband. It’s been 14yrs and while bad things happen, you decide how you deal with it. My children are watching so quitting isn’t an option.
So when I was 23, I filed for divorce. My ex husband was I think 28 at the time, cheating on me with a 18yo. I found out while at his probation check in for driving without a license. I drove right to the courthouse to file the divorce. A couple months later, I found out I had thyroid cancer. Week after that I got arrested for a lick and stick, and having a bowl in my car. The weed charge got dropped since he had no need to ask about that and I was honest about it. I got a lick and stick because I was a single mom, making minimal wage barely getting by. I was like who wants a 24yo divorced, single mom eith a shit job who ready has a past of cancer and other things I wish to not share. Fast forward to now, I’ve been with my boyfriend for 8 years. We have our own place together, I have a decent 2014 chevy malibu, a decent job I actually really enjoy, and my ex isn’t anywhere in the picture. You got this mama!
I can’t say for all of those but I had a mental breakdown because I was burnt out. Thankfully I had the help of my mother. All I can say is eventually, you will appreciate your freedom. Being a parent will get easier. Make time to care for yourself. If you have a hobby, use that hobby to possibly make some extra cash. I used to crochet for a bit for extra money. See if there’s some government aid wherever you are, I’m sure there is but you’ll need to really look into it.
I left when my daughter was about a year and a half old. Her dad was into drugs pretty bad. Drained our accounts. Stole my cars etc. I left. I packed up whatever I could and moved in with my mom for about a year. I am super fortunate to have had a good job where I could work and save. I worked night shift and my mom kept my daughter for me. I finally moved out of her house after a year or so of being there. My rent was high and then I got laid off bc of Covid and I was SO scared I’d lose my job for good. I developed severe anxiety after my divorce. And I’ve never had that in my life. It was awful. I’ve finally got it under control. All of that was in 2020. And now we still live in the same house I started renting while Saving money to finally buy. I met an amazing guy who is the best role model for my daughter. It gets better. I promise
Single Mom of two. Both are happily married and living a good life. 5 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren.
no ending in sight…
Awww hugs and prayers. I’ve seen a lot of single moms nailed being a single parent. I don’t know the feeling but I know God always takes care of His children. Look for community around to get help. Pray for good people to help you and support you and your children. You got this
I was a struggle single mother of 4 children then happened to meet a guy without looking for one , now 2 more children married and own a home good job , definitely light at the end of a dark time just matter of going through the darkness to get to the light
Took my three daughters and moved to a homeless shelter for a month left everything behind its been 6 years I went back to school have a great job and I’m engaged to a wonderful guy
Where there’s a will there’s a way.
Single mum of 6 children 11yrs relationship left at 11 weeks pregnant with my now 2 yrs old with celebal posy it does get easier once u let go takes time but u will get there just keep busy and put all in to your children I left my ex because he cheated on me and is a narsitic man and a alcholic bully stay x
2 years ago I was in the worst situation my life couldv been with everyone of those, I’m now in the best situation I could be keep positive keep plodding along it will work out
My oldest is 11 almost 12, and I was with his dad for 5 years, and the whole time he cheated or lied to me. He even used to physically abuse me occasionally. And all the time I stayed because we were a family and I didn’t grow up with a dad, so I didn’t want to ruin that for my son. Well one day I just got fed up with it all and I left him. Now he was an OK dad when he came around which wasn’t often, and I never filed for child support, or denied him when he wanted to see his son. I even went the extra mile and dropped him off a lot. Well I was suffering because I had a little 5 year old, with no job, so I had to move in with my mom, and work full time to support us, it was really hard and I don’t know how I survived it sometimes. I used to cry myself to sleep, often, but when my son would sneak in my bed in the middle of the night I had to pretend that I was fine. And wake up with a smile on my face. But this seemed to work for us for a few years (my ex and i) until he had a mental break down, and thought everybody was touching my son. He came over and called me all kinds of names, then he slapped me, held me down on the bed and punched me in my face. In front of my kids. My son tried to help me but he grabbed him and told him he was going to watch while he did this to me. It was horrible. My son was crying saying he should have tried to defend me better and he didn’t think anybody on his dad’s side of the family would want to be around him because he’s his dad’s son. He got chsrged with 3 felonies, and 2 misdemeanors. Anyways, I filed for a restraining order, and a change of custody. I got the order, and got sole legal placement and sole legal custody.
Sooooo … Not me, but my momma. She divorced my dad when I was 2. She was single a long time and when she got a boyfriend I was about 8. Long story short he tried to sexually abuse me so my mom left him when I was 9. She’s been single since and I’m 27. She absolutely LOVES being single. She loves not having anyone to explain or answer to. She loves being able to go anywhere whenever she wants. She still works full time as a engineer and owns her own home, her own car and is 100% the most financially stable person I’ve ever met in my life. She absolutely adores my children and she’s around for every event! Here is a picture of her with my son this morning on his first day! She’s literally his favorite person in the world. She’s been single for almost 20 years and she couldn’t be happier with her life.
Honey, I’m not going to go in depth of my struggles, but stay strong and be proud of your accomplishments! It’s never easy, but looking in your children’s eyes, know that you’ve done that! When they grow up, they’ll appreciate you and love you 10 fold!! You’ve got this!
I’ve been a single mom for 12 years. I’ve never had a man live with my son and i so idk how that would be. Financially, we receive child support and it does help. I’ve been where you are. It does get easier to manage and maintain. Finding a higher power helped me get through my darkest days over the years. I would go to church and put all my burdens out there. Cry it out until no tears were left. While being a single mom, I’ve worked multiple jobs at once, have gotten 3 degrees, had car issue’s, no car at one time but having a higher power and faith, I was able to keep looking at the positive and realizing that my son needed me. And that keeps me going.
I did it! I can’t say my life is “easy” by any means. Single mom with one then shortly got back together with my ex and became single mom of 2. So hard. Not ideal. My second was born incredibly sick and I couldn’t have a job for one year until he was cleared medically to be under the care of others. Welfare sucked. When my youngest was 3 I met someone (online) and since we have had 2 more and we got guardianship of our nephew so five kids total. I have moved up in the group home world and work with at risk teens which I love immensely.
Mommying is hard, doing it alone is obviously even harder! And will feel AWFUL at times. You just fake it til you make it and make the most memories you can with your babies. It’s not all bad though and nothing stays the same.
When I had my first son I left their dad for the first time and went to a shelter for three months to get on my feet - my oldest has been with me when I lost my vehicles and we had to take the bus to daycare and work - my oldest has molded me to the women I am since he was born I’m great full for him because I never will or won’t give up - it’s always going to be rough but that’s why we don’t give up when one door closes a new one opens - remember that and find a good positive uplifting place for you like a support group or church - that helped me meet really good people along the way -
I was 20 yrs old, 4 months pregnant with our second child when my then fiance’, passed away in a car accident 2 miles from our home. I was 1000 miles from my home town and at a loss for many years. I had moved back home with my parents, gotten pregnant again because I thought i needed a man. That went south quick and fast. All the sudden it was me and 3 kids living with my parents 7 miles out of town and no vehicle and no job. My parents while they meant well were completely toxic. I wasn’t allowed to raise my kids how I wanted, they never babysat and I was completely stuck with no way out. I then got pregnant with my 4th child while on the 10 year IUD. Single 4 kids and living with my parents. It was a living hell. Zero independence. 8 years later I met a man that saw me for who I wanted to be and not the situation I was in. He took my kids in as his own and showed us all what love really looks like. We had our own struggles, but on this day I can say we both work full time own 2 vehicles, we rent a beautiful 3 bedroom 2 bath house, our kids are happy and we have 2 of the sweetest dogs u can imagine.
You will rise above the struggles sis, you deserve to be happy. Stay consistent, stay focused, and pick your battles wisely sending positive vibes
Life is good but it sure isn’t easy at times. Took until my mid 40’s to not overly worry about the things that won’t matter a month or year from now—so to me, what I do worry about is the health of my loved ones/daughters, a stable job, a good car and housing. The rest is relative and NOT worth the anxiety and stress, since it will accumulate and start to take its toll on your overall health. You have to be able to depend on yourself first — while keeping, loving, appreciating only those that are sincerely good, helpful, trustworthy, loyal and/or kind in your inner circle—while making sure you treat them back with the same regard.
It can and will get better. Only you have the power over your life to make positive changes happen.
I just left my ex barley a little over a week ago. It’s been the best thing for my mental health! He emotionally, mentally, & verbally abused me for years!! He controlled everything I was allowed & not allowed to do. Even in a little over a week, I feel “free” so to speak. I can come home without the stress & anxiety he would give me. Not knowing which mood he would be in. What I was going to be in “trouble” for. He is my kids dad, but they are terrified of him. My kids attitudes have changed, they are so much happier now to. Getting rid of the negativity energy will be so good for your mental health. I’m not saying it’s been way for me, but I try to look at the positives that have been happening .
It’s hard, Honey. No doubt about it. What I did, my kids were 5 and 6 when my marriage fell through, was sit the kids down and explain that we were on our own and had to be the three musketeers… all for one and one for all. We had to stick together and work together if we were going to make it. It was tough because they didn’t get along very well and fought a lot. I worked night shift and LPNs didn’t get paid well then. I often didn’t eat so that they could. I was lucky. I had three high school girls whose parents would let them sleep at my apartment and be with my kids overnight so I could work. My kids had to be driven to and from school, at schools across town from each other… my daughter was in kindergarten half days in the morning, and my son in first grade till 2:30. I didn’t get much sleep in the daytime. It was all broken up. I was constantly exhausted. I was too tired to be hungry. But I wasn’t eating but 3 or 4 times a week. It was tough. But we made it. My divorce finally went through and I got permission from the court to move back to my home state. The pay was much better. I got to eat regularly. And I got to work days. I found myself in another bad marriage. He was cheating and his kids from another marriage were torturing my kids. That ended abruptly. I had a car wreck not long after. Had to buy a car at a buy here pay here place. It broke down. They sold me another. It was repo’d. I was in another marriage by then and the in-laws bought a new car and gave their old car to me. That marriage didn’t last either. He didn’t like kids… even kids that were almost grown. I ended up leaving. Found another guy, we ended up married. He was a good person, but he had fallen into the bottle long ago. I just didn’t realize how bad. And it was bad. It ended up killing him, 20 years after we divorced. We had remained close after the divorce, and his death broke my heart. My kids were grown at this point. One was married happily, after 3 tries, and living in another state. My daughter was divorced, with two kids. She was so happy to have them because, for awhile, we thought she couldn’t have kids. I ended up with a real loser. Ended up moving in with my daughter. She was with a loser at the time who didn’t like me at all. He started mistreating us both. So I put some money together and moved near my son. That’s where I am today. I’m still close with my kids. Over the years I’ve battled mental issues, bad marriages, unstable romantic relationships, fighting children, towering bills, and adoptive mother disapproval well into my adulthood, to the point where she disowned me in favor of my oldest stepsister. I lost practically all my inheritance. The only thing that has changed my life is a strong belief in God. Holding tight to Jesus’ Hand. Keeping a tight bond with my children. And getting myself an emotional support dog to be with me when I have my meltdowns when things get tough or don’t add up. Some people can come out better off in life. I wish I knew how. I’m always going to live hand to mouth. That’s just how it is. But I’m satisfied because I had an adoptive father who adored me, even though he only lived with me for 11 years of my life. I was 11 when he died. I have many precious memories of good times in my life that nobody can spoil or take away from me. That is my wealth. They will be the stories I tell to my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. That is my legacy… my high school yearbooks and old photographs of people in strange clothing in places my family won’t recognize. But I’ll tell them, those were some of the best years of my life. Some of my closest friends… but there was more to my life… much more… and it included them too. And someday, they’ll have their own stories to tell… like me… and my Grandma Clark before me…
I have been through hell, abusive relationships and a marriage. I was a single momma to 3 boys busting my butt daily to provide then I met this man he showed me that not only was I worth being loved but so were my boys. We added a little girl to the mix
I find when you’ve been in horrible or trying situations you learn to appreciate the little things, learn to pick your battles, learn to let all the small stuff go. Like if you’ve ridden the scariest roller coaster the Tilt-A-Whirl seems like no big deal. You learn to prioritize and skip anything unnecessary, which is a lot more than you think.
The less you have the less you have to take care of/maintain. Kids fed? Homework done? They know you love them? You’re fine. If you eat more vegetarian meals you can save money. Kids may like raw fruits and vegetables with dip. It’s not that hard to cook simple meals from scratch.
Buy pie shells, dump in any leftovers of meats/poultry & vegetables (dump in a small bag of frozen mixed vegetables) & cream of anything soup together, put in pie shell (top with instant mashed potatoes and Parmesan cheese if you want) and bake for pot pie. Same thing: 2-4 eggs, add whatever’s on hand (ham, bacon, onions for traditional Quiche Lorraine) and cream and bake for quiche. I like chopped spinach & artichoke hearts too. Add whatever herbs & spices you like. Cheap, easy & fast breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Look up recipes for tofu. It absorbs whatever you cook it in or soak it in (plain is pretty tasteless though). Cheap, organic source of protein. Chipotle & KFC pot pies, Wendy’s salads are all healthier fast food choices. Bring your own water bottle. Make hot tea, pour over ice for something besides water.
Keep a gratitude journal & practice thinking & saying positive things. Set incremental goals & post them prominently. After you keep looking for the positive in every situation it’ll become a habit & you’ll be happier & set a good example for your kid/s.
Don’t be afraid to reach out to everyone for help. Elderly and retired folks might live to do things with and for you for the sake of some company. Share the load of watching kids, taking them to activities and helping with schoolwork with other parents from your kid’s school/s. Neighbors, religious congregations, co-workers, online friends, hobby contacts can all pitch in to help out.
Being a single mom is the most difficult job in the world. My son has seen how hard I worked to try to do what was best for us he knows all the choices I made were In his best interest. It was hard for a while as far as dating is concerned but I ended up reconnecting with someone from my past and I mean past past like high school, We started off with no intentions other than friendship it took seven months before I’d hook up with him. He met my son as a friend, They both really hit it off…. We got married in 2020. The most important thing is knowing that it is OK to put yourself first if you don’t have a degree make sure to continue your education it’s going to make life easier in the long run there a grants that will help. Kids need to see you take care of yourself so that they know how to take care of themselves when they’re older be honest with the people around you if you need help ask for it utilize the resources that you have available to you and never give up. Eventually if there’s drama with the father that will fade remember we’re all growing every day this is not the end it’s just a new beginning. Feel free to private message me. I was a single mom for 12 years and it was not easy but it’s definitely worth it.
If you’re always looking for the negative, you will find it. Look at the positive things. Are your kids healthy? Do you have a roof over your head? Find something good in every day.
I was a single mom, still am but he’s grown up now. We had very little money (my parents helped a lot), and I struggle with depression on and off. We made it through and he’s a wonderful man and son. He was done with high school a semester early. He was in the Navy for 8 years and now earns a living using the tools he learned in the Navy and makes a good income.
I left my ex when I was pregnant with my daughter (he had an affair a week after we found out it was a girl and not a boy). It was rough for awhile as I had to get back on my feet since all my money went towards his smoking habit. But, right after I had my daughter, I leaned on family for support and I ended up graduating with my Bachelors degree with magna cum laude honors I moved out of that city and built my own community in a small mountain town where I landed my dream job. I’m not all the way where I want to be but I am SO happy and more importantly, so is my daughter. I tell her it’s me and her versus the world
following because I am going through it now…
Divorced my 1st born father. Was on my own for 2 years. During those 2 years I dated a man who ended up being abusive. It took a lot to leave but when I did I took some classes and got a good paying job. About a year or so later I met my now husband, had 2 more children and live in a nice 3 bedroom house and get to be a stay at home mom. Looking back I wouldn’t of pictured myself here today after all I had been through. I was on pills bad and my abusive ex strangled me, spit on me, threw me down and kicked me. Best thing I ever did was leave and find myself.
I have three kids. When I left my husband they were 4 and 3 year twins. I left with nothing but them. We lived in my moms house in one bedroom, I had no childcare so I couldn’t get a job. By chance I applied for government assistance with childcare and we got accepted into catholic charities, they went to school and I took a job around their schedule. It got us by for a bit then they started school, I am an area manager running three offices, still working around their schedule but got a place in an after school program so they can go, and I’m taking classes to upgrade my job, Ones in dance on dance team, ones in theater, and one is in football, I go to a boxing gym, and we’re thriving, soon moving into our own place. It’s been a lot of struggle, a lot of fighting, and a lot of tears. But one day it all comes together if you believe and put in work.
Go back almost 13 years ago. I was young and dumb. Had a baby with a man 12 years older than me after a dating awhile. That was the start of the most toxic relationship I endured. The struggles I went through that decade were insane. He went to jail and rehab so many times, hooked on every drug under the sun. Took our bill money, our lights were shut off, I had to quit jobs because his family and him were all I had for childcare and he often wouldn’t come home in time for my shift and he had the only car. I felt so stuck and lost. Heknew he had me under his thumb. The fights, the kicked in windshield because it ‘would have been my face’. Every hill I climbed, another mountain was there in its place. I lost everything in a house fire, I had cancer, lost my mother to suicide. You name it…I lived in hell. I had so many men want to take me under their wing and ‘save me’ but I just couldn’t do it. I wanted to do it for myself and my son. I finally got a steady job and car, slowly saved and kicked him out. It was a messy battle but I got my son in the end. I thankfully never faced drug addiction. I was all my son had. I’ve never received child support. I was in another toxic relationship where the man was abusive but it was short lived because I knew my worth and ended it. Present day, I still struggle like anyone but I am happy. I went on to have another little boy. He will be one this week. I have my almost 11 year old and my 1 year old. A man who busts his tail for a company he built. Comes home to me every day. We hardly even fuss at one another. I’m in college and work part time and you know…life is good. I have money for things now. I’m better mentally than I ever was and my boys are thriving. I have a good man. Keep your head up. I do my best to keep a positive mindset now and help those in need when I can. Life can get better honey.
I have been a single mom by choice for over 5 years… I started by joining a New Mom’s Support Group. My son was already about 6 months-old so I was a little late but it didn’t matter. I broke down in tears so the moderators suggested individual therapy. I started that as well as a 10-week Depression Group. All of those really helped my mental health struggles… When my son was 8 months-old I was able to leave my abusive relationship. I rented an in-law unit (landlord was a nightmare) for two months before getting my own apartment. When my son turned 2 I was able to get him into Early Head Start then at 3 he transitioned to Head Start. (It’s called Kindango here in the Bay Area.) So from age 2 to the start of Kindergarten I didn’t have to pay a penny for daycare and preschool. I am extremely grateful. It takes a village and you can’t do it on your own… There are programs out there to help… WIC, SNAP/EBT, affordable housing, financial aid, rental assistance, etc. You just have to research and keep applying. I don’t know how I made it but I did. There were many nights I would cry myself to sleep because I was so frustrated and defeated. I believe it gets better and easier with time, self-love, self-acceptance, and healing.
I left an abusive marriage with 3 kids under 7. I applied for all the state and government help I could get, got therapy, and went to school on Pell grants. Eventually I met someone wonderful and he adopted my kids as his own.
It wasn’t easy at all, but it was damn worth it.
Following. Been going at it for almost a year now. And it’s hard.
Pray over your family every morning and when things get rough look at your children and remember what your life is all about. I raised 3 beautiful, successful,kind and strong young men
You will have hard times but keep your head up in the end it will all be worth it. Look in the mirror and say I Love you
I was a single mom for 5 years with my daughter. Her “father” (sperm donor is really a more appropriate term) is a heroin addict and chose that lifestyle over being a father. Being a single mother is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I would do it one million times again if it meant shielding her from pain his addiction caused. It was unbelievably difficult; I had experienced all of the things you described: financial difficulties, mental health challenges, etc. Right after her 5th birthday I met my now husband who has since adopted her, healed a huge hole in her heart, and we have a 6 year old daughter together as well. Hang in there. Xo!
I certainly wouldn’t want to go back to that time. Good luck sweetheart you’ll get through this darling. Baby steps!!
My children got me through it.
Anything is better than being with the wrong person in a toxic household
My ex. Left me for another woman. 2 kids that I had to fight for. I had a mental break down, and all my female parts removed due to medical problems. A year later I got full custody, the family home which he tore the hell out of because I was getting it with the payment. And old truck that was a gas hog. Fast forward 20 years, home paid for and fixed, watched my oldest grandchild graduation. I have a new truck paid for. Not a twenty year old truck breaking down all the time. Was it hard? H-ll yea. Did I want to give up ?yep at least once a day.
Do give up before the miracle!!!
The best advice I ever got was to start a Higher Power box. Take it a day at a time fix what you can. Anything you can’t deal with put it on paper in your box , Date it for one year and give it to your Higher Power. I found that in a year that problem was gone.
l get paid over $130 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17963 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
M0re Info.https://DollarProfits811.pages.dev/
My first marriage fell apart. For a while it was me and 3 kids. My career had just started. I also deal with anxiety/mental health issues. I eventually met my now husband who is my best friend. As to how I got through it, only by the grace of Jesus. It was tough, but I leaned into my faith and just knew that Philippians 4:13 remains true. I’m not sure of your beliefs, but just lean into whatever you believe in and just keep going. Best thing anyone ever told me was to remember that your track record for surviving tough times is . Don’t give up.
I was married to my first husband for 10 yrs–raised his two young boys during those years and one day I came home and he had just left, took his two boys who were then in their preteens and left me with the two young childrent we had together. I would watch as he took his “new” family on vacations, bought himself a nice home etc–meanwhile I had a low paying job, lived in a junky rental house etc. I started doing things for myself that I had never done before, white water rafting–took my kids mountain climbing, hiking etc–things that did not cost alot of money. We created our own holiday traditions etc. It certainly was not an easy journey but I learned once I took care of myself I enjoyed being alone without a man. I remember I walked and walked and walked–I would ping myself with an elastic around my wrist every time I thought of him or his new wife and would continue to do so until I stopped thinking of them. I dated a few guys–all seemed to want to get married so I ended the relationships as I was not ready and as I said I enjoyed being by myself. I learned to enjoy going to the movied, restaurants etc by myself when the kids were with him. Eventually I met my now husband and we are doing just fine. BUT I did learn that no matter what life throws at me–I will be just fine by myself.
I was a single mum 6 years ago, I was very young, had just left a severely abusive relationship, was over 30k in debt at 20. My son was only 1 when I left the relationship and he spent 18 months in therapy, dealing with triggers that my ex had left him and he was only 1, I spent 2 years in therapy myself and 6 months dealing with court dealings with my ex. My son and I spent 2 years on our own healing, I got alot of help from financial counsellors through salvation army to help dig myself out of debt. I met my current partner when my son was 3. My son has zero contact with his biological father and doesn’t remember him. My partner is his dad and will be adopting him this year. Fast forward 3 years, me and my partner have a beautiful life together, my son has a father who worships him, we have another little girl + another on the way and we get married on Saturday. I am debt free, about to marry a man who would literally rather die then ever hurt me, my kids no nothing but love and happiness and we are planning on buying our first home next year. Me 5 years ago wouldn’t of ever dreamed of the life I have now! Stay positive and work on yourself, good things always come to those who deserve it xxx
I was in your shoes about 5 years ago. Living paycheck to paycheck, choosing to pay rent over my car insurance. Driving a beater that I still owed on. My house consisted of a couch and an old tv that we could only watch movies on. No eating table. My room was makeshift with a mattress and frame. My ex was mentally/emotionally abusive. He cheated on me every weekend. Literally. Gave me an STI that thankfully was treatable. He ruined my credit because I was naive and got a credit card in my name for him to pay his debt. He never helped with bills and rarely helped with our kids. I worked night shift as a nurse because I didn’t have childcare and my parents would allow my boys to stay there at night and my mom would bring them to me in the mornings on her way to work. I didn’t qualify for any “assistance,” but barely made enough to put food on the table. I honestly didn’t know what I was going to do. BUT GOD. God made a way. With the help of the man upstairs, I left that abusive relationship. Found my now husband a few months later, and now we are the typical blue collar family. Welcomed OUR first child last year. It’s been a hard ride, but my destination was beautiful.
I m lucky enough not to know the struggle but I have been raised by a strong wonderful single mother who never let go and always kept pushing for herself and her kid and It took a long time but she made it on her own. All I can tell you to encourage you is keep pushing no matter what. One day at the time. You will make it and life will smile at you again. Keep faith. Good luck
Nothing last forever!!!
Sometimes we have to be in the dark to be able to appreciate the light.The most importantly I think is to keep moving and not getting stuck , every little thing will take you closer to your goals.
And there’s nothing wrong with changing paths if necessary, goals and dreams can change and that is Oky too
I have no advice that you don’t already know……
But I was you and just know it will just all fall into place one day.
Keep Pushin’ On.
Bug Texas Hugs to you!!!
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I can’t give you advice as a single mom but I can share my admiration of my own mother as a child of a single mom. She worked her butt off and thought I never saw her cry. I did-it made me love her more. Guys would take one look at me and run the other way. We were a team and a package deal and she made it known from the start. We spent a lot of “dates” together at the park alone after the dude ditched her because she had a brat. She deserved to be loved as much as she loved me and when we finally decided that it would be her and I against the world forever, there was a man that came into our lives. I’ll never forget that night. My mom was all dressed up, and boy did I think she was the most beautiful princess in the world. I was only 6 but my mom was most beautiful woman to me ever. my aunt sitting on the couch ready to play with me and we waited for her date. He was 5 minutes late, I could see my mom holding back the tears when she glanced at the clock. The doorbell rang, I ran the fastest so I made it to the door first. He was standing there with two bouquets of flowers. My mom and I I in all my 6 years had never gotten flowers before so I didn’t know what to do when he handed me one of them and my mother the other. He asked if we were both ready and my mom stuttered a bit and said both? He smiled, ruffled my hair and reminded her we were a packaged deal said I asked you both and if you don’t want to go out we can stay in and play I brought games just in case. We ended up going bowling they got married and 45 years later are still in love. Through our time alone there were tears, there were nights we were happy there were nights we were sad, there nights she was hungry but made sure I wasn’t, there was so much raw honesty it taught me to respect her in ways I never thought imaginable. She taught me strength, she taught me never to give up and she did it all by me watching her. You got this mama.
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Don’t give up. One day at a time. Send this post to yourself on messenger. Then you can read all the positive thoughts, love & support from everyone here.
I raised my son on my own. We battled DV, poverty, mental health, at times suicidal ideation (both), financial difficulty. We’ve been homeless 3xs. Once because I got tricked/bullied into refinancing my mom’s house & couldn’t pay the loan. The other 2 at no fault of mine. The 1 property got sold & the other decided they didn’t want to rent any more.we didn’t have a car. We are much better off today. My son learned from growing up struggling. He’s got a great job, 2 cars & a 2 family house. We help each other. My goal is to do whatever I can to make sure he doesn’t suffer like we did while he was growing up.
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No more problems at all… seen and heard it all, long 10 years. But now, (3k) a very happy house, financially stable, mentally at peace, everyone.
I was in an abusive relationship with my son’s father starting at 19 years old. For 5 years I was scared to even breathe. I started to work for a law firm that noticed what was happening. After one really bad night at home, the next day an attorney that I worked with went to the courthouse with me to file for a protective order. It was the scariest time of my life, but I knew my son and I couldn’t stay there any longer. Divorce was finalized a couple years later and things are better. I don’t have to see my ex as much. I moved a little farther away from him and now have a healthy, loving relationship with my BF. He treats my son like his own. We live together now and are expecting our first child. I am definitely in a much better place…mentally, physically and emotionally. Couldn’t be happier. Hope this story gives you hope. It’s hard, but you can do it.
When my children were young, i had a relationship with a man who would not work, i had 4 children and he had 1 that i took care of as well. He would not help with anything. I struggled every day with feeding and clothing my kids. Paying rent and bills were extremely difficult. I would cry when no one was looking. Now, im happily married to a man who absolutely adores my kids. They look at him as there dad. Im loved and respected every day. THINGS WILL BE BETTER, JUST KEEP YOUR HEAD UP.
A great example of a great example of the outcome of a single mother living in “not too great neighborhood” with limited funds raising a successful child is Dr. Ben Carson! Dr. Ben Carson grew up to become a gifted neurosurgeon, the first to separate conjoined at the head! He was a one of several Republican Primary candidates in 2016 and was appointed to President Trump’s Cabinet in 2021! Ben Carson and his wife Candy have been married since 1975 and three sons! Not bad for a man raised by a struggling single mom!
You can do it. Don’t give up!! Prayers hugs and love coming