My wife babysits an 18 month old little girl. She is a little physically delayed, she just started crawling at 14 months old and doesn’t talk but does shake her head when she doesn’t want something. My wife is her favorite person in the world lol. We have her 12 hours a day 5 days a week and she ends up spending the night at least once a week.Last night she started SCREAMING in the middle of the night. Her eyes were closed. I took her out of her bed and she continued to scream like I have never herd before and she was throwing herself and kicking like she was trying to get away from me. I thought she didn’t want me and wanted my wife. I gave her to my wife and she continued to scream and fight. I took her back and walked and talked to her she opened her eyes but kept screaming and throwing herself. Her eyes were open but were blank it was crazy. I told my wife to put a movie on for her and I think the TV light’s changing when she was logging in to Disney+ snapped her out of it. Once she calmed down she clung to me and I couldn’t put her down or get back in the bed. Finally I was able to get in bed with her and she stayed stuck to me for 2 hours before she went back to sleep. She has NEVER done anything like this before! We have 4 daughters and I had a big hand in raising my 2 younger sister. I have never experienced anything like this before. Of course we will let her Dr know what happened. Just looking for insight.
My son does this at 9 months old. When it happens, I just hold him and rock him until it passes. You’re not supposed to wake them as it could prolong the process. Obviously, have the mom consult with the doctor, but otherwise, there’s really not much else to do except comfort them and hold them so they don’t hurt themselves.
My son had them from about that age until he was 3, almost every single night, it was awful for everyone involved. He’s 12 almost 13 now and hasn’t had any in a very long time, though he does talk about his dreams more frequently then My other kids and he has bad dreams if he takes melatonin (I hear some ppl have that issue with it) he has been diagnosed with a visual spacial learning disability, combined with ADHD and an anxiety disorder.
My son does this at 9 months old. When it happens, I just hold him and rock him until it passes. You’re not supposed to wake them as it could prolong the process. Obviously, have the mom consult with the doctor, but otherwise, there’s really not much else to do except comfort them and hold them so they don’t hurt themselves.
Sounds like night terrors
My daughter who was a preemie had them for a while. Probably at its worst at 2 yo and now at 4yo I don’t even remember the last time it happened. Not much we can do per her doc. We would just try to soothe her back to sleep but it would take forever. There was no real cause or way to prevent it but she seems to have grown out of it. But it was hysterical screaming in a phase where she was kind of sleeping and kind of awake and it was incredibly hard to calm her down. I hope it gets better for you like it did for us with time❤️
That 100% sounds like night terrors. On a side note, what amazing babysitters to have. caring and loving and concerned. That’s anyone’s dream babysitter.
Definitely night terrors. My eldest son had them from 18 months old until he was 4yrs old
Sounds like night terrors. My son had the same thing for a couple months when he was 1 and as suddenly as he was having them, he suddenly just didn’t have them.
The only thing you can do for it is be there for them… be their rock and a calming presence for them until they come around and realize your there, my daughter has had them since she was a baby and it supposedly runs in their family as my husband even gets them
Definitely night terrors. My daughter had them for several years, exactly as you described
Praying for her and you !
My daughter had night terrors when she 1 and 2 and she had them often. Sometimes her eyes were closed sometimes they were opened. Yes they scream the worst scream and freak out when you touch them DONT try to wake her just hold her until it passes they can last as long as 30 minutes my daughters always did. Hopefully she grows out of it. It really is a struggle and hard to deal with but just be sweet and kind while it’s going on you can’t stop them from happening.
Yes. My daughter had fits like that when she was a toddler as well.
Sounds like a night terror , my grandson used to have them , it happens . It’s best not to wake them up , sometimes caused by rapid growth , or change in general .
They definitely can. My son got them when he was 2. We used to carry him around, sing to him, take him outside, try putting on TV shows. Getting him settled was hard but holding him after seemed to help settle him back into sleep and comfort him.
Waking a child up from night terrors can cause seizures, so it’s best to be there and calmly talking to them but do not try and wake them. Just tell them it’s okay, you love them, etc., until it passes. It’s extremely difficult for everyone to go through. Wish you the best.
Yes and it’s best to leave them and just keep reassuring them that it’s ok, it’s ok and try rubbing her back while saying it.
My oldest daughter had night terrors before her first birthday, I payed close attention to her daily activities and they usually happened when she was over tired(over stimulated during the day). We started with calming activities in the evening before bedtime, dinner, quiet play, calming bath, story and prayer time, right after dinner she still had them, just way less frequently.
My niece and daughter both experienced things like this for a short period. My nwice has this for much longer.
With her episodes picking her up didn’t help. We couldn’t try and wake her. If we woke her up she panicked for hours. We soothed her. We sang, put a lil sugar water on her lips to stimulate a different sense. We lit a candle for smell, turned on pretty lights and gently rubbed her back until it settled down more. After 4 it was never a problem agaib
I have seen this before once when I was an au pair. But the child was 4 so a bit older. I was only 20 at the time and got really scared when I just couldn’t make him wake up from his obviously horrible nightmare. I was sitting and holding him for hours, before he calmed down. I was used to screaming and fighting, but I don’t know anything about nightmares or night terrors. I felt so powerless. I felt as there’s nothing I could do. As he was stuck in a parallel universe.
My daughter had night terrors and it was absolutely heart breaking. Doctor said it could be do to over stimulation during the day but there wasn’t really a definite reason as to why. I was advised to comfort her but not to wake her up. She is 4 now and has grown out of it.
Sound like night terrors.
My son went through night terrors. We didn’t know they were a thing till he had them. His were more so just screaming. There was a time it took over a half hour to get him awake. We had to google how to deal with them. We used “soft voices” and cuddled and reassured him that we were there and its okay. By “soft voices” we had to be a little louder since he was screaming so we had to make sure he was hearing us.
my daughter is 4 she has had night terrors since she was a year old. The doctor said it’s normal for kids to have them. She did say not to wake them. When my daughter has them I lay in the bed with her and try ti calm her with a soothing voice.
Yes my baby has night terrors they started around 6 months they don’t happen often like once a month. I hold him and kiss him when it happens. White noise helps.
I could be totally wrong here … Any chance she wanted her mom or dad? My daughter (3rd born) will scream and cry like that unless I pick her up in the middle of the night. It seems like you guys figured it out. It’s so hard when they’re little and you can’t figure out what’s wrong
Sounds like what my daughter used to go through, long story short it ended up being night terrors. I wasn’t supposed to try and wake her up and I thought I was doing the right thing but the more I learned about night terrors the easier it became to handle these frightening nighttime situations.
Yes at 18 months that is common all you can really do is comfort her and very very gently wake her up
Yes they do, and you handled it perfectly I think
Ofcourse! Our little one had night terrors every night for four years
My daughter did this as a baby and on and off throughout childhood. I always thought it was night terrors. Its like she didn’t even know we were there.
Sounds like night terrors. Do not try to wake her up. My son had these terribly. It was so scary. We videoed him and showed our doctor. He was about the same age which is considered young for night terrors.
At around 6-8 months my daughter had extreme night terrors. She would scream until no noise came out, shake uncontrollably, wouldn’t respond to anything in front of her face, it was like she was looking right through us and didn’t see us, this would last for hours. She started doing it suddenly one night and ended just as suddenly after a couple months.
Sounds like her first night terror
Poor little girl. Terrors can be so scary for the one going through it, but also the caretakers watching it. She is a lucky little girl to have a couple, like you and your wife, who care for her as if she was family. Her mother must be so relieved to know you are present and invested in both her baby’s physical and emotional well being. Some of my children and grand children experienced night terrors/ nightmares, it was scary for all of us but they did out grow them with no lasting impressions, that we know of.
That definitely sounds like a night terror. One of my boys started having these before he was 2 and that lasted off and on for years. They are awful.
Night terrors usually are noticed around 18 months. 2 of my 3 kids had them and it was horrible. My oldest was the worst, and if I would pick him up they lasted longer and got worse. I found that just simply rubbing his bad and softly talking to him helped the most. Since they are not actually awake picking them up or moving them can make it worse for them. They really eased up when he turned 3/4 he’s now 6 and hasn’t had one in a very long time!
My son did this from a few weeks old. They told me it was night terrors. Turned out he had epilepsy. He only had seizures while sleeping.
Yes my son had them around that time in and off for a while it’s so sad
It seems like night terrors, my son is 7 and still has them. I try to not interrupt the sleep, just calmly lay them back down, sometimes he’ll take a drink and lay back down too. I have to just let it happen if not it makes it worse but I also try to calm him as best as/if I can and make sure he is safe while kicking or rolling around.
Idk if that’s the right term for it but my 18 month old grandson def screams out during the night sometimes and goes right back to sleep
My son was the same way so I bedshare.
Yes. My son started at 15 months old & we are currently dealing with a sleep specialist at the age of 6 bc they have not stopped & only gotten worse.
Absolutely they can and do
My daughter did that. Night terrors are awful. The baby seems awake, even talking, but it is like sleep walking. My daughter saw and heard things and screamed. She saw creepy crawlies on her pillow and was terrified. We thought she was awake and had some mental. Issue. Thankfully we had a good health visitor who explained it was like sleep walking and she would grow out of it. It wasn’t easy, but knowing she would eventually stop was a help. As long as the baby hasn’t got a fever it should be OK. If there is a fever you need urgent medical advice.
Thanks to you and your wife for being wonderful people
My daughters night terrors started around 18 months, she still gets them and is 5 now. Definitely sounds like it could be night terrors
Yes, my son had them really bad for a while.
My son started doing this at a younger age (9mos) doc said night terrors at first.
Then he started with the projectile vomiting (even just spit up would come up fast) I took him back to different doc and found out it was reflux. It would burn his lil esophagus and he was screaming out in pain and pushing me away screaming etc.
Tell them check for it, try propping up the upper body part of the mattress she sleeps on
Definitely especially if exposed to horror films
Yes, my nephew used to do that when his sugar dropped too, we found he was diabetic when he was 18mths old.
Yes, my boys did the same thing around that age.
Cathy Miller this could be Hazels nights.
Yup I have 6 kids. 1 has had night terrors since about 9 months. He’s 5 now and he only has them once in awhile now.
yes… my youngest got night terrors till she was in kindergarten…
Babies/toddlers can absolutely have night terrors
Could be night terrors or a neurological issue. That’s how I found out my son had a brain issue as a baby and he had seizures shortly after that. Could be just nightmares but if it keeps happening its good to check with a dr
My son is 2.5 he has had night terrors on random occasions since he was very young. I usually just gently put my hand on his chest or his face and shush him or just very quietly say its OK mummy is here.
You should avoid waking them and just try help their body to calm down.
Nightmares use to have a cousin who scream in the middle of the night and cry wonder how her parents deal with them - I’m sure she is fine in the household where she lives just make sure
Yes. Night terrors happen to young kids.
Sounds like a night terror
Could be a silent seizure. My daughter had them for a while before we figured it out.
My son had night terrors and I gave him orange juice to bring him out of it.
Yes, my oldest daughter is Autistic and as a baby she never wanted to sleep and then as a toddler she had night terrors, she grew out of it around 6 years old
My daughter did this at preschool age. Wake up screaming bloody murder, eyes open but sleeping, unconsolible. All I could do is hold her and rock her whole she went through this. Doctors told me she would grow out of it, just keep her safe.
Night terrors. As for the delayed side, my son was extremely delayed. He turned two this past April and didn’t start walking until January this year. He’s finally catching up. Each kid goes at their own rate. My daughter was on track, but he’s just behind. He’s 2.5 and still in 18 month clothing. He was 8 weeks premature
My son used to do this around that age. We finally linked it to when we gave him Tylenol before bed when he wasn’t feeling good. It would happen everytime.
My niece does the same thing she’s 16 months (she’s doing it as I’m typing this lol) tell her doctor though to be on the safe side
Run her hands under cool water and it will bring her out of it. Usually, right before they start screaming their little legs with thrash around and you can stop it from happening by rubbing their backs and talking quietly to them.
My daughter did this a handful of times. You did basically what we did. We talked to her gently until she woke up, then she knew mom and dad were there to comfort her and she slowly relaxed. Sometimes she could go back to bed soon after but other times she couldn’t sleep for hours. It’s heartbreaking but it hasn’t happened in at least 6 months now!
Get her levels tested -
It could be something as easy as she was still asleep even tho her wires were opened,
But it could also be her vitamin D is low which can actually cause Night terrors in children.
My son used to do it. Scared the bejesus outta me until I talked to his doctor and he advised me on how to comfort him through it. Babysitters like you are one in a million!! Thats one lucky little one!!
My son who has autism was like this. Also was physically delayed as well as mentally delayed. He used to wake up screaming all of the time, didn’t want to be picked up but also didn’t want to be left alone.
Night terrors can be horrible my kid had them caused them not to be able to sleep and hang to me like crazy . I hate them for our babies. So scary
Definitely sounds like night terrors. Especially the open eyes but blank part. It’s literally terrifying to watch because you feel hopeless.
I am curious as to what the parents think it is and if they have witnessed it before . I would ask your own Dr what it could be . I would suggest to the parents to take her to the Dr to get her checked out - this could be anything .
Night terrors……she was still asleep.
Our grandson had night terrors anytime he was given any type of Hyland’s medicine. It was crazy, but he did all of that too.
What did her parents say? Has she done this before?
Does her actual parents have involvement? If so is it not their job to take the child to a dr? But yes kids have night terrors, if this is the first time it has happened i wouldn’t rush her to the doctors she isn’t unwell
Does sound like night terrors ! I think my grandbaby gets them too !
My son does this sometimes. He will actually tell me things while crying but I eventually figured out he’s not awake. It’s wild. And sad cause I don’t think there’s really much you can do till they snap out of it.
Yes. That does sound like a night terror.
Yes my daughter had them since she was born
My granddaughter does this sometimes it’s scary but don’t wake them they will lay back down and they say they don’t remember them at all thank goodness
This reminds me of an episode my then 2 year old had and it was TERRIFYING. specifically the “blank” eyes
Yes they can! My son did until about age 3 and half. You can tell when they are completely unresponsive to any sort of soothing, we could always tell when he was coming out of one as his muscles would start to be responsive to us. As hard as it is we ended up sitting on the bed with him while he thrashed as the carrying hugging soothing etc has zero impact on a night terrors. Luckily he never remembered any of them.
That is definitely night terrors! My son got them from the time he was 6 months old on and he is 7. It turns out he has a seizure disorder and him having seizure activity at night is what caused the night terrors. Not all kids who have night terrors are having seizures. This was just our experience. But all you can do for them is try to calm them down and not wake them. It has to run its course. Just try to soothe them the best you can.
My son has them they started when he was about 3… if it happens again I’d join the children with night terrors on Facebook it’s been really helpful. Check with GP like you say- but it wasn’t helpful for me… the group was
Hes not had one in several months now I’ve followed all the advice x
Night terrors can be caused by vitamin deficiencies such as magnesium.