Can babies have rice cereal?

Infants cannot eat too much. If you’re concerned talk to your doctor. My son would cluster feed someone’s and it felt like no sooner had I finished feeding him and he was hungry again. But they are growing so much and so fast! They need all the calories! Food before 1 is just for fun! Please don’t ‘supplement’ with cereal… their little systems can’t handle it.

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You can ask your Dr about added a VERY small amount of cereal to the bottle. I had to do that to my son due to excessive vomiting. He did eventually have surgery to correct the actual issue but they had me start w that super super early. But I wouldn’t change anything without Dr consent. 2 months is way too early for anything thick.

Check with your pediatrician. There’s never too much food for little ones if he’s not throwing up. All babies are different.

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I gave my daughter baby rice breakfast at 8 weeks in the morning with a 5 ounce bottle I would make the rice powder with the formula and then give her the rest after she ate. Just start him on 2-3 spoons and work the spoons up weekly if he takes to it. Not all babies can wait until they are 4-6 months to start solid foods you do what’s best for your baby mama all babies are different you will work out what’s best for him your own way :smiling_face:

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I gave my oldest son rice cereal in his bottles at a month old not a lot though but some cause he was always hungry and cried alot until I did that. Everybody is different. Do what you heart tells you to do

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Should NOT be asking this question on Facebook to a bunch of moms - this should be asked and discussed with your child’s paediatrician and or family dr.


I gave son pablum like the rice cereal after a week old cause he was always so hungry. Just put it in a bottle and made it runny and cut a bigger hole in the nipple. Health nurse didnt like it but I felt it was right. To each their own.

I did a little bit in the night time bottle with my daughter.

Yes, you can. It is fine. I did it with all of my kids. The doctor told me with my first one to do it. It was this little feeder bottle. You put cereal mixed with the formula in it and push the plunger up like a syringe. It condensed it and you just push it into babies mouth. It helped them to get full and they started sleeping longer.

Babies need to eat a lot to grow. Food=Health. I don’t understand why you would try to limit the nutrition that a baby needs. They’re growing so fast and need all the essential vitamins to be health :woman_facepalming:


Dont take advice off us lot! We all do things differently! Yes I gave my son baby rice at 3 1/2 months, but was told to by doctor due to trouble with his milk, reflux,cows milk allergy, my son was guzzling 13oz though 10 times in 24 hours and I was at end of my tether! If I was feeding I was changing nappies!!!
But you should talk to doctor first definitely!

DO NOT DO IT!!! He’s way too young!!! Go see a doctor or health professional!!!


Check with the Dr but there really is no such thing as eating too much as long as they aren’t spotting it back up. I’ve had 5 kids and never started with food till they where at least 4 months or older and it was only to teach them how to eat not as a meal. Cereal in the bottle had been known to block up there little systems so they couldn’t poop and that’s far worse.

Ask his pediatrician. The doctor had me do it with both by kids

Look up gut development for new babies. Look up vitamins that the baby may not be getting bc rice has nearly no nutritional value…

I have 4 kids. Never gave them food until their doctor told me to.

No I should be giving him cereal in his bottle mixed with his formula of he’s so hungry

My kids doctor recommended it bc of their spitting up

I used rice cereal and oatmeal in bottles. It helped fill their belly when they wanted to do nothing but eat. Make the holes bigger in the bottle or supply cup nipple. Actually I used rice cereal at night more than anything to help with the transition of going to bed without a bottle.

Talk to your pediatrician obviously. But imo babes too young. I always waited 6mo before solids. Besides that, no such thing as eating too much. They’re growing! Fast! Fill them up on breast milk or formula. Not empty calories.

I waited for the ok from babies pediatrician. They grow so fast, I cherished the time mine only ate breast milk/formula. Although, I think 2 months is entirely way too early for anything other than milk.

My son just turned 4months and they don’t recommend it since the baby will gain too much weight and because their one reflux in the mouth hasn’t developed yet. Talk to the dr and see what they recommend

Rice is just a filler, maybe you should talk to your dr about possibly switching formulas or feeding more ounces less often

A teaspoon of cereal wont hurt at all. I wouldn’t worry to much the baby will be put on baby food in a few months any way.

All 6 of mine had rice cereal morning and night at 6 weeks old . It certainly will not hurt him .

I personally would but it’s your call mom but if you are worried about it I would ck with your pediatrics Dr

Not just yet, up the amount of onces in the bottle, baby still not satisfied, change formula to hungry baby formula

I mixed rice cereal with my pumped milk and Formula when 2month they need food my girls have always been super healthy strong. Like half a scoop of rice in full 6-8oz bottle nip the hole a bit so it passes through

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Probably just a growth spurt cluster feed. 2 months is way too young to start any kind of solid food or cereal. Please talk to your baby’s pediatrician.

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My grandson was allergy to milk threated to take my daugther son away if he did not gain weight he spit up all milk they tried i spoon feed him fruit baby food and he is 16

My 13 year old daughter was the same way come to find out she had hyperactive thyroid and could not get full so she kept eating and eating and not gaining any weight once she was tested and found out that was going on she started gaining weight after they gave her medication to put in her formula and a doctor recommended I put a little rice in her formula

Nooooo. They are not supposed to have any “solid food” aside from formula or breast milk until at least 4 months. Their stomachs are not strong enough to handle it yet. PLEASE contact your babies doctor for further Info. But 2 months is WAY WAY too young

Why not ask a pediatrician, not a group, most of us are not medical professionals so the health of your child should be put to a medical professional. They know what is best for your baby as we don’t know your baby personally. I understand the difficulty of the feedings, so I wish you good luck. You are doing the best thing possible by even worrying so that’s an amazing mom right there.

Just let him have his bottle specially if he isnt getting sick from wanting to eat so much. I wouldnt reccomend giving cereal at that age bc their tummys are tiny tiny and can only handle liquid at the moment.

It’s really a parenting choice, some peds will say absolutely not. My peds told me to add rice to both my boys bottle. One was 6 wks one was 8 wks because they were eating too often.