My baby is 2 months and eats entirely way too much. I thought about trying rice cereal to help him be full. Any thoughts, tips, or reasons to just not do it. Thanks.
I did that with my baby. She was so constipated after. I felt so bad
Nope not at no 2 months and you dont put anything in a bottle except formula or breastmilk. Baby can have solids at 6 months with all signs of readiness.
Talk to his doctor first
No. Babies digest breast milk fast so get hungry faster. Cluster feeding is normal as they are growing. I’d just feed on demand
Talk to your pediatrician. It’s generally not a good idea and not advised.
I know people that have done this, but talk with your pediatrician first.
Don’t put it in their bottle. It’s a choking hazard
Nope, too young, they cant have til 6months and even then dont put it in a bottle, its a choking hazzard
What do you mean by “eats way too much”? You can’t overfeed a breastfed baby, but I know that’s not the case with formula
Cluster feeding is normal. 2 months is too young and aching anything to the bottle is risking aspirating
Our pediatrician had putting oatmeal in our son’s bottle at 2 weeks old. With my daughter they had me putting rice in her bottle by a month old. My other 2 had normal formula. Ask your pediatrician and follow their orders
I gave my daughter small amounts of rice cereal in her last bottle for the night at 1 month. She was full and started sleeping through the night. She never had issues, all babies are different.
I think it’s too early, should be around 4-6 months before you can add rice cereal
My son is eating it (he’s almost 4 months) but we got the ok from his dr.
No solids shouldn’t be introduced until at least 4 months but more like 6. Divine eats to much ? One of mine was doing 5 8oz bottles during the day and 1 4-5 oz in the night At 8 weeks when I went back to work rice is just a filler and the iron they put in it constipates babies. If they are hungry feed them
Noooo!!! They’re tummies can’t handle it and it can cause them to get backed up and have pain trying to poop i know for experience after I told my husband and his family NOT TO GIVE IT TO HER and she had to go to the doctors all to find out they put cereal in her bottles please please please do not do it
No food before 6 month. Rice cereal has no nutritional value either, so I wouldn’t start with that. At 2 months old I don’t think your baby is eating too much. If anything he might be cluster feeding and about to go through a growth spurt.
I’m a dad and my grandfather if they start drinking more milk than what they’re supposed to have time for a little bit of cereal send it out extra but if you ask any mom out here they’ve all done it or any Grandma they’ve done this those doctors are too overly cautious even around the block and I know what you can and can’t do and every kid will react differently from food
It is completely normal for a baby this young to eat every 2-4 hours. Do not add anything unless it is ok’d by the dr regardless of what others say
It’s more that they get constipated. Their Tummy can’t handle it. They will eat it but ul regret it when they are screaming in pain from not being able to poo
I didn’t start putting rice cereal in a bottle until 4 months. They generally recommend 6 months but my little man is a ham and he was already taking 6 ounces at 3 months of age. I don’t give him cereal all the time though. Just once in a while and he enjoys it
First of all the only way he could be eating to much is if he is puking. He is a baby who is growing!!! If he is hungry you feed him… Period. I would wait on rice cereal. Like wth.
Talk to your doctor and actually listen to and follow the advice they give you
What leads u to conclude he eats too much? Is it Bc Google says x amount should be consumed every x amount of hours? Or is he going over the WIC allotment? Is he overweight? Does he feed frequently? Are you tired of preparing bottles etc?
If you unpack the idea that he’s overeating- get to the bottom of why you think this… you may realize perhaps he isn’t in fact overeating.
Sometimes as new mothers we overanalyze things and second guess ourselves.
Talk to the doctor. It’s important you don’t start a regimen of some new like this without consulting the physician Bc you could cause constipation issues, and other various digestive ailments.
Nooo don’t add cereal !!!
Talk to your doctor first. I had to add a little to my youngest 2 boys bottles because they both had severe acid reflux. But it was literally only like a Tsp per 8oz for my boys.
What do you mean by eating to much food? I’m asking because if it’s a weight thing the adding cereal would not be wise because it’s terrible crap nutrition, If you say that because they breast feed then they really can’t be over fed, and generally formula is going to fill them up…if they aren’t spitting up after a bottle from being over fed I would guess they aren’t actually eating to much. not to mention the gut issues it could cause…just because people say “I did it and everything was fine” doesn’t make it fine
We were adding it for weight in our son’s bottle around 3 weeks of age. Didn’t help with his reflux unfortunately neither did oatmeal. It was all under the guidance of pediatrician though. This was before we knew he was Milk Soy Protein intolerant. Typically it’s around 4 months but I’ve seen many kids around 2 months getting a little bit at bedtime to hold them over.
Talk to their Doctor about introducing any kind of food. My son started eating food at 2 1/2 months because he ate a lot
Talk to your pediatrician about your concerns. Each baby is different they are just little people after all
Please talk to your dr.
Every baby is different.
My now 18 month old was eating cereal and baby food at 3 months.
Babies don’t overeat they turn away when they’re full. At two months your baby can be drinking anywhere from 2oz -5oz at a time.
Anyone you tells you to give a 2 month old (that doesn’t have severe diagnosed acid reflux) rice cereal is an idiot who doesn’t know any better. It is NOT recommended and is NOT safe. Source… The AAP and the WHO
Personally I would not
Eating every 3-4 hours is usual for this age.
I’d check with the pediatrician. At 2 months old they suck for comfort which can lead to misreading cues and overfeeding which gives them stomach aches and they fuss so you feed again. There is a long list of reasons so safest bet is visiting the pediatrician for advice.
His stomach isn’t mature enough to handle food until 6 months. He gets all he needs from breast milk so I wouldn’t take a chance of hurting his stomach.
Is he puking a lot or projectile vomiting? If not then he’s NOT eating too much! He’s a baby, he’s growing, he’s hungry!! Please ask your doctor before giving him anything like that. It might be fine but you still wanna ask your doctor
I would definitely say no. Ask your doctor of course. They will probably say the same thing. It’s not time. If anything ask your doctor about enfamil AR. It’s heavier than regular formula. My first son had to be on it because of bad acid reflux. My second son is 4 month old today and eats ALOT too, but I would never think to give him rice cereal. I feed him when he’s hungry, and he will let me know when he’s full. He’s 4 months today and 18 pounds. Doctor says he’s healthy
Rice cereal has small amounts of arsenic in it. It is also empty calories & you don’t need to give your babe it. It’s also a choking hazard in a bottle & not recommended.
Maybe your baby needs boiled water cooled down instead of milk all the time try 2 give a little inbetween feeds maybe thirsty more than hungry the solids are introduced earliest 6months
I did it with both of mine. But talk to your pediatrician first.
Eating a lot for a baby is normal. If you are not producing enough milk or they are in a growth spurt then they are going to want to cluster feed and feed often. At two months old it is not crazy that they want to nurse every 2-3 hours. I would consult your pediatrician if your a really concerned. I would not add rice cereal until you do.
2 months is much too early I would say wait till 3-4 and start very very slow
My youngest was about a month old and was drinking almost 5oz. She wasn’t over eating either. I’d talk to your pediatrician. Best luck mama
If baby is hungry, let them eat. There’s no such thing as “too much.” Remember rice cereal is recommended for 6mo+.
Its fine i gave my son baby food at 3 months…
Babies no when they are full or hungry. Feeding on demand is normal for this age.
Cluster feeding is normal. Look up cluster feeding and growth spurts.
Rice cereal is unnecessary calories.
That is to young to start eating anything besides formula
Absolutely freaking not.
This is a question for the doc. Rice cereal is only to be used for babies with severe acid reflux or feeding troubling. 2 out of 3 of my babies had both but with my 3rd we just fed him bottles with no rice and he just ate till he was done. but please talk to the doc cause it could cause tummy troubles in the future
Feed breastmilk or formula on demand without worry about how much.
Talk to your pediatrician
Yes. U can start a little at 2 months to thicken it to keep him full longer. Experience with 5 boys here.
When they have growth spurts they eat a lot more than usual. Definitely don’t give rice or cereal right now. I feed my baby every hour right now
My 3rd born son had to been put on oatmeal at 1 month because he was eating too fast where he would puke after every meal and then acid reflux so once we started to some oatmeal in his bottle plus acid reflux med he is doing alot better. And my other 2 boys also had to been on oatmeal at 2 month
Not recommended , empty calories and solids baby can’t digest. I took this advice for acid reflux for both mine and I feel their stomach issues are a result!!
You can add rice, a tablespoon. To formula. That what we do for the little one at the daycare. Doctor prescribed
My daughter was on rice cereal at 2 months. Her pediatrician told us to giver her a tbsp per ounce of milk and it helped with her acid reflux and kept her fuller for longer. I would definitely ask the pediatrician but we had no problems at all
Personally I think my son was about 3 or 4 months before I started giving cereal but ask your pediatrician for the best advice on keeping your little one fuller for longer. Maybe a different formula is necessary or something but be sure to ask your babys pediatrician first before making any dietary changes
Wait till 4 months to do rice
I used to mix it in with the solid baby foods for my daughter
But, wait 4 months before you give that to your little one
Please ask your pediatrician instead of FB!! I started rice cereal with mine at 2 weeks and she was absolutely fine.
Unless there is a medical need like acid reflux, do not! They could be just have a growth spurt requiring more formula right now. Please consult your pediatrician.
My baby is 2 months and gets a teaspoon of rice mixed in with a 4oz bottle. He is on nutramigen and famotidine for severe acid reflux so the rice helps to thicken the milk a bit in order for him to keep it down. For everyone saying “absolutely not” every baby is different. Ask your pediatrician.
Ask your pediatrician they are the only ones that can tell you for sure what you need to do for your baby in a safe and healthy manner
My son and my daughter ate rice cereal at 2 month I used to put a little bit of it in their bottles at bedtime and they would sleep through the whole night
I did it 1.5 months old and she was drinking way too much milk. But I started off mixing it in her bottle and making a little bit bigger of a hole in the nipple and she was fine. Just make sure you burp the baby, too much milk is not good either
They make rice cereal for babies
Babies eat until they’re full… there is no such thing as a 2 month old eating too much.
Babies bodies can’t handle grain that young empty calories that will hurt babies tummy and cause gas and constipation and can cause tummy trouble later on. Babies that age should be between 32 and 48 ounce of formula or breast milk a day. Talk to your pediatrician adding fortification or changing the formula ratio!
I’m trying to figure out how a 2 month old baby is eating too much?
My son eats a bunch of Formula ( 6 boxes a month) & there is nothing wrong with him getting all the nutrients. He is a growing boy its good for him. I had tons of people tell me to mix food into his bottle to keep him full, I did research & I completely disagree with the idea & continue to pump Formula into him. Its way healthier & easier on him for now. Soilds are meant for when it’s time for soilds & if money is the problem I would reach out. Keep your baby full & content. Thats how they thrive.
You baby may need to be switch to a high calorie formula at 2 months it could give constipation to give cereal!
No no no. And you don’t even need that crap. Look into BLW at 6 months.
His tummy isn’t quite ready for food yet. Some pediatricians recommend 4 months, I personally, feel months is better for my crew based on research. 2 months is too early and cluster feeding it absolutely normal at this age. Power through mama, no need to stretch his belly, it’ll just make it harder to fill.
Rice cereal is also just an empty starch, zero nutritional value.
This is too young for cereal. The American Association of Pediatrics says no food before 6 months, and I don’t think doctors even recommend cereal until 4 months usually. It’s a choking hazard to put into a bottle so your baby needs to be have stronger swallowing muscles that they can handle something other than liquid.
Here is some old advice. I told my daughter. If your doctor is willing to sit up all night with a crying baby so you can get some rest then you listen word for word. Do what is best for you and baby. Small rice not a lot mixed with mostly milk is ok, but I would explain to the doctor. Good Luck.
Do you feed them because he/she is crying a lot so you think their hungry? You can be over feeding… the formula might not be the right kind mine was like that and we had to switch to soy and he’s been perfect since
Really don’t. Their system isn’t ready and it will go straight through them. Maybe yoghurt at three months at the earliest. Also rice cereal is horribly overprocessed. Mine had Millet instead and it was so much nicer (potential rice allergy but it was really lovely).
Talk to your pediatrician. They will probably advise against it though tbh.
My son is 4 mths doc says ok but he pushes most of it out at this point… So bottles all over the place at this point lol seriously though it’s supply an demand!!!
I started rice cereal at that age and once I tried to take the rice out of it my baby would refuse to drink it. She had rice in it until I took her off the formula at a year old.
I would wait until at least 6 months.
There aren’t any health benefits to Rice cereal, your baby isn’t eating too much
Enfamil AR does have added rice starch that makes the baby feel fuller
My sons doctor put him on rice cereal at 9 weeks because he was drinking way too much formula. He did fine with it and went to a routine feeding schedule besides every two hours. I mixed it in his bottle and just cut a bigger hole in the nipple. All 5 of my kids had cereal that way, but he was the only one that young.
I think you’re not supposed to until they’re 4 months from what I remember. Just up the Oz of milk, or formula in the bottle.
Babies do not eat too much. The baby is eating because it’s hungry ask your pediatrician what age is appropriate to start the rice cereal
Some babies need rice cereal this young my daughter was younger then this when her dr told me to start adding it to her bottles
Not only is it much to early to introduce food at 2 months, Rice cereal has really high levels of arsenic… formula pumping would be the only ways of solving the problem you are experiencing.
If you put like a tablespoon in 6-8 oz. Of milk, it won’t hurt baby. It will help fill him up.
It’ll mess up their gut health most likely for life I’m sure people will jump down my throat and say their kids are fine but it’s been proven there’s lots of studies rice cereal is never necessary it’s empty calories hard for them to process and all around unnecessary
Did the Dr say baby is too big? Otherwise why do you think your baby is eating too much? Babys eat every few hours. You need to keep a schedule of when and how much baby is eating for a few days and discuss it with your pediatrician.
32 years ago, my 12 week old was eating rice cereal off of a spoon. I never put it in a bottle. Rules change over the years though.
I started feeding cereal at about 2 months old. I would make up the formula, then take a spoon of the cereal and mix it with the formula and make it extremely runny. They have special bottles where the hole in the nipple is slightly larger for the cereal to pass through. WalMart sells them or Amazon. They’re called feeder bottles. I did this at my pediatricians recommendation because I had twins that were premature and he wanted them to pick some weight up. You just have to watch carefully when feeding that they’re not eating to quickly and you want the mixture to be runny, not thick. With my 3rd and 4th child, I waited until about 4 months to introduce cereal, because they had no issues.
No 2 month olds can not have rice cereal