Can babies take melatonin?

I was wondering if any mommas have gave there 1 1/2yr old any type of melatonin. And if it has worked for them


My son pediatrician recommended it for my son who was 1 1/2 at the time and it worked tremendously! He would wake up 4-6 times a night like a newborn and was always so restless during the day. Hes now 3 and we have to still at least 2x a week

i have not used it myself but many people i know swear by it!

Yes, it worked great, my son started taking it about that age, not every night but when needed.

I did my little boy at one it helped him sleep thru the night.

I would be very careful unless told to by a healthcare professional overseeing the childs care. Our brains produce melatonin naturally the problem is when you start giving melatoning our bodies get used to it requiring more and more and for some it makes falling asleep almost impossible without it because their bodies dont produce enough anymore


Talk to his doctor first

What is wrong with parents using melatonin as a sleep aid it messes with your body producing the chemical that makes you tired so pretty much your body will get use to the pill of melatonin then you’ll have to up the amount :roll_eyes: cuz that’s a great way to raise a kid .


My doctor recommended it to get her on a sleep schedule she’s also 1 1/2. She was literally staying up till 5am (no naps) driving me insane i was not getting no sleep at all basically. I finally gave it to her… For about 1 month… And I took her off it… It worked so well!!! She now goes to bed at 9-930 and sleeps through the whole night!!!

You can by liquid melatonin and it works better in my opinion than the pills… I even use it when I can’t go to bed and I have many friends and family that has used it to get their kids on a schedule but I recommend talking to your child’s pediatrician because if your child is on any other medication melatonin can counteract it… this can happen with all medications.

:thinking: I would suggest to cut back on Sugary foods and drinks, none after 5pm. :no_entry_sign: Fruit only for the Mornings. See if that works.

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No. I just take care of my kid when she wakes up like normal kids do instead of giving them supplements to make them sleep.


Tart cranberry juice has the same calming effects, might be worth a shot!

I would suggest talking to your childs doctor first as nobody here knows much about your child (i.e health issues, medications etc) my daughter would literally fight to go to sleep and then when she did go to sleep she wouldnt stay asleep and would take forever getting back to sleep and she would be so tired you could tell she was miserable! Her dr recommended a small dose of melatonin to help her fall asleep easier and stay asleep! I did it one night and once she got that good night sleep she fell asleep quicker and stayed asleep longer without it! Every now and then she still cant get to sleep no matter how tired she is or how much she tries and I will give her melatonin if I notice she’s getting miserable trying to fall asleep! And no she does not get a bunch of sugary foods or drinks before bed or near bedtime and it wasnt a typical child trying to fight her sleep! Idr exactly how old she was but shes 3.5 now and she has only had it a few times since her dr first recommended it! Good luck mama and dont pay attention to those who judge without knowing the whole story!


If you give them too much their body will slow their natural melatonin production.

1 mg liquid in milk works amazing my ped told me to do that with my daughter when she was that young shes 5 now.

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Anyone that has ANYTHING NEGATIVE to say needs to take some theirselves and go to bed (my opinion of course) I’m not a doctor but I sure wouldn’t be a shame of asking a true doctor their opinion on this question.


Consult your doctor. I see pro’s and con’s here. Your doctor can let you know if it okay for ‘your child’ !! I have heard great things about it though.


Don’t bash seriously you “perfect mommas” need to get off this page or shut up and be more supportive that’s ridiculous


No not at that age. I did eliminate artificial food dyes that worked great. Some kids get sooo hyped up with red and yellow dyes

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Nope. I have a 1.5 yr old and an almost 3 yr old. I just get up nightly with them. It sucks, but its part of those parenting perks you get.


Not to be a jerk but 1.5 is waaaaaay to young for a sleep aid. Get her a white noise machine and stick to a schedule! Yes I’ve raised 5 kids. My 6 year old and 13mo old have been on a schedule (even before she was born). They go to bed at 730 even during the summer, 8 on weekends. Yes they do get up early 6-7am, but keeping them on a sleep schedule all year round benefits greatly when school starts back up. Patience and routine


WTF is melatonin and why haven’t I ever heard of it or giving it to a child???

Way too young. If you start giving a child sleep aids they will always need something. Routine/schedule, exercise, wear them out. Much more effective

Take them outside & let them run around. Trust me, they will sleep with no problems :sunglasses:

Definitely talk to their pediatrician first

I gave my son the liquid at that age because he would not sleep otherwise and the doctor recommended it

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