Hello. I have the cooler IUD. Got it in April. I’ve had normal periods, just a bit heavier and longer. This month I am now 3-4 days late. I feel the strings in place. Pregnancy test negative yesterday. I’ll try again today. Anyone have this happen on paragard and NOT be pregnant?
I’ve had pretty consistent periods with my copper iud but I have been late up to a week a few times
I didn’t have a period for 14 years on mine
Yup. Happens at least once a year for me and I’ve had mine (paraguard) firmly in place for 9 years.
I am on depot and I do not have a. At all for the past six years
I have been on the iud for 4 years this past year my period is either 6 days early or 6 days late and my flow is alone lighter going from 5-7 to 3-5
I’m had the implant for almost 9 years (getting it replaced when needed) and I haven’t had a cycle since 2016
Call your obgyn but yes this is completely normal. My period got heavier then about 4 months in to getting my IUD i didn’t have anymore periods. Going on 5 years now.
When I had the Mirena I had no periods for 4 years. My GYN no longer used Mirena and used the Liletta and I had periods but they were so irregular.
Yes i was told the copper IUD can cause heavier periods. But im sure the side effects are different for everyone. I had the mirena iud and hated those side effects same with the nexplanon. When on mirena i got so many pregnancy symptoms. I was told that was normal.
Yes it can happen… As your body adjusts to the hormone levels in the bc it they will change your cycle based on your new levels /changes
Yep my periods were very irregular the whole time I had it. Like 16 days on, 3 days off, 5 days on, 1 month off, etc. It was terrible and painful the whole time
I have nexplaton (IUD that goes in the arm) and definitely get irregular periods. Doctor warned me before I got it
I got pregnant with that bad boy
Lots of people are having changes or oddities in their menstrual cycles the past few years
I’ve had the liletta iud for 3 years, my cycles have been super irregular, heavy, and painful since being on it. The 2 times I had Mirena, I stopped having a period after 6ish months.
Yes they can. I had the implant in when I was 15, had it replaced every 2 years, taken out fully when I was 23 or 24, I didn’t have a period for that whole time while on it.
Yup I have a merina and inconsistent flow and sometimes miss months at a time or barley anything
Yes ive been on the mini pill for 11 yrs plus and last Yr started having bleeding after 10yrs of none. They did find fribriods 4 off. I’m 52 this year so they said its pre meanuapuse and fribriods playing up
Not sure if the laugh react on this was intentional, but I’m not sure why any woman would find this question comical. It’s honestly so sad to me that we as women feel so ashamed in our own bodies and afraid to ask other women for advice! Even more sad that most OBYGN’s don’t thoroughly detail all possible side effects or what’s normal or not when on any form of birth control.