Can Braxton hicks be consistent? Like my stomach has been hard for like 15 minutes now and it makes it kind of hard to breath. There is no pain just the tightening. I’m only 26 weeks
You should go to the hospital to be checked out just in case
Prayers in Jesus mighty name Amene
You can experience similar pains while our belly is growing. Hope all is well
My doctor told me to eat watermelon!
Call your medical provider
Omg that’s how mine started. I had her at 26 weeks after water breaking at 25. If you’re stressed go relax and decompress.
My drs always told me to drink water and rest my torso (laying on my left side felt best to relieve tension). If you do that for an hour and the tension continues you may want to call the nurse line to be safe.
Your OB will have a 24/7 line you can call.
I started pre-term labor at 27 weeks. I had no pain only tightening. This question is best for your OB. They are the only person qualified to answer this question and know your medical history.
Definitely sounds like Braxton hicks. Drink some water. It’ll help it go away. If you can talk, walk or breathe through it then it’s not real contractions. With my first I went to the hospital twice cus I thought they were real contractions. Turns out it was just Braxton hicks they’ll definitely hurt but when it’s real contractions you’ll know.
Drink cold water and lay on your side. Also try some sugary things also. If it continues after all that then it may be time to go to doctors just to make sure.
When I was pregnant they said if you get Braxton Hicks but it’s a sign of dehydration you need to drink water
Sounds like to me the baby has turned and stuck it’s but in the air it will make your stach gard until baby decides to move again , probably pushing up on lungs , I don’t think it’s contractions at all
Try drinking water if that don’t help call ur doctor and see what they say
That’s not Braxton Hicks, not even real contractions last 15 minutes at a time
You are having trouble breathing (pregnant or not) CALL A DOCTOR
Braxton hicks started at 23 weeks and i had my son at 36weeks 6 days, the hospital wanted to admit me at 23 weeks but i refused.
Lay on your left side, drink a body Armour or iv in a bottle, and try to have low stimulus around…if it doesn’t improve after 30min/hr definitely call your OB.
Tightness that comes and go or are you saying that your stomach has been tight for an entire 15 mins?
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