Can covid cause you to throw up?

Can covid make you throw up? I have been sick in bed for days but covid was negative but i have every other symptom…what else could it be?


The flu is going around stomach flu in my area specifically as well as the common cold is hitting people hard according to my doctor this year specifically children who are back in school.


Yes my son only had vommiting fever and diarrhea when he had covid

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Yes I vomited once when I had Covid but only the one time and I had it bad bad my hubby had it at the same time and his was like a cold but mine was like the flu but worse. Test again if negative it is flu season as well

Yep my daughter had it coming out both ends when she had it. The only other symptom she had was a fever

Flu A sent me to hospital!! Dehydration from puking and pooping. Was terrible was way worse than Covid!!!

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Yes COVID can and does cause you to throw up. My son did while we had COVID.


There is gastro going around. Be careful with the covid thing I started vomiting as I was getting over it and turns out I had a kidney infection from being run down

yes my toddler vomited a lot with covid …

Test aren’t always correct you should take another one

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Yes, also back when we all tested positive my dad who also had active symptoms tested negative for a while before testing positive but we all knew thats what he had.

It can but so can the flu & other illnesses. If you tested negative it’s probably something else. Still quarantine. Whether it’s COVID or the flu you don’t need to be giving it to others.

My daughter just got over flu a and had all covid symptoms they weren’t going test for it I requested it

Yes it totally sucked

Probably a cold or something… they still exist…

Shouldn’t do
As it’s only a virus
If your negitive
I would say you have a run of the mill tummy bug

It’s flu season so it may be the flu

my second daughter was negative on one test couple hours I tested her againg and it was positive ofcourse I did it with two different test the most accurate for me is BINAX THAT ONE COMES OUT POSITIVE IN SECOND NEVER FAIL ME THEY SALE IT AT WOMART AND WALGREENS THATS WHERE I BUY IT IT ALL DEPENDS HOW MANY DAYS YOU BEEN SICK IF YOUR PASS 5 DAYS OF YOUR SYMPTOM AND IS NEGATIVE I THINK IS JUST A STOMACH BUG BECAUSE I THINK BY THE 4 DAY YOU SHOULD BE POSITIVE IF IS COVID . Retest within 2 days with binax test that one is very accurate .

Yes i vomited with COVID

Yes cov!d can make you throw up.
Yes sometimes tests are inaccurate. I would retest again just to be safe
And yes, other illnesses were around before cov!d that made us sick and throw up. Cov!d is not the only illness. Many other ones can seem like cov!d


My whole family puked when we had vivid

What does the doctor say,?

a bloody sickness bug , like it was b4 covid

It’s a cold… get some rest

I did was worst thing ever

Back in 2019 I was tested for covid 7 times and they all came back negative but i did have covid It affected my heart rate and my lungs. I was sick with it for 6 weeks. It tired me out to the point I could not even get up move around without losing my air. I would try to get up and cook dinner and i just could not do it. It took a toll on me for sure< i never got nauseous…

There are more than one sickness out here. I would contact your pcp.


Literally everything that existed before Covid started blasting everywhere. Stomach bug, stomach flu, another virus, food poisoning…

Ok…I’m going to be the odd one out here:
Covid can “share” symptoms with both flu a and flu b as well as stomach bugs, sinus infections, and other illnesses -both viral and bacterial-
If you tested at least 24 hours after the appearance of symptoms the test was probably correct and you more than likely have some other illness.


a lot of things can make you throw up. if you already tested negative then it’s not covid.

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