Can DFS take your toddler over posting a shirtless photo of them?

He’s a boy? And he’s 3? No

No. I see little boys without shirts on all summer long.

I would be very careful like was said about sickos out there and DFS has too many children with a lot worse problems


ARE there bruises showing ?? Signs of trauma?? No?? Then… NO.

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No, but you should respect your husband’s feelings about it regardless.


I am in the field. No they will not. However, if someone were to report you then an assessment will be done. But quickly closed . No worries. I understand dad’s feelings. But as others have stated. I wouldn’t due to sick people out there.

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Nope lol I take shirtless pics of my boys all the time hell when I had a children’s aid worker she came to my house to meet my kids and I the youngest boy was in nothing but a diaper and my oldest was just in boxers :rofl::rofl: she just laughed I told my oldest to put on pants and apologized she was like no need I’m a visitor to your home looks like they are comfy and healthy and happy

No my son won’t ware clothes in the house his sensory with autism is pretty much gone.
So his thing Is no clothes at home fight mom to get dressed.
I can’t tell you the times I’ve carried him into the hospital with a diaper & T shirt with his medical health. Just recently hid dad & I had to carry him with a T shirt & pull up he’s 4 yrs old ( his L2 is almost gone he’s partly incontinence as well a CP baby)

So… has he never seen people post pics of their sons in the summer time or…?


Is the child a girl? If so then yes because that nudity. If the child is a boy then no. But I wouldn’t post pics of my naked on social media. There are sick people out there

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sounds like something my sons dad would say :joy: it’s petty stuff, he’s using that as an excuse to have control and to scare you.

One question r there really twisted f**ks that think this is cps worthy weather it’s a boy or girl if it’s a kid it’s a kid who cares if they were naked r u kidding it’s people that think like that that makes me sad sexualizing kids is wrong if they r kids let them b who cares boy or girl clothes or no clothes they r kids an parent have a right to brag about there babies yes there are some creeps in this world I know this but that’s there problem kids should never b sexualized by adults at all not even a lil bit but also guess this person has never seen kids in summer time some lol girls run around without a shirt ooo the humanity ugh u got to b kidding me wow


No my toddler refuses shirts all summer. The only time I fight clothes is church and doctor office. Yesterday was no pants day. He was agitated by the fabric of all pants. So I grabbed a size bigger shirt and he was just like that.

it’s been proven most of the pictures of kids on pedo sites come from social media. If you’re ok with pedos having your kids pictures and potentially targeting your children over them be my guest, but i prefer to keep public pictures of my kiddos clothed because I actually love and care for my kids


Hahahhahaha NO but Facebook might ban you :joy:

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Ummm no he drools on every shirt

He’s delusional & trying to control you.

  1. who’s going to report an innocent shirtless picture of a baby? DCFS can’t investigate without being told.

  2. even if someone reported it there’s nothing to investigate. The reporter will be laughed at.

Someone reported me to CPS because I posted that my 15 walked to the library alone. They tried getting me for failure to supervise. My friend works for CPS & let me know. Otherwise I wouldn’t have even known since it was shrugged off. It’s not illegal for a 15 to go for a walk :rofl:. Anyway don’t worry about it. Your bf just wants to control what you do. I bet he comes up with a lot crazy stuff to spark fear in you.


While I don’t believe CPS would take a child for that reason, some of them can be pretty ridiculous (I was almost taken away for not having my bed made perfectly). However, if dad is uncomfortable with a photo of his child posted, why would you post it? If the roles were reversed and he tried to post a photo of your child that made you uncomfortable, you would expect him not to post it. Respecting each other’s wishes is very important in any relationship.
Now coming from left field maybe there’s a reason he’s uncomfortable having his sons shirtless photo posted. Maybe there’s something he doesn’t want to talk about and by no means does that mean try to force it out of him. What it does mean is respect him as a parent of his child just as you expect everyone else to respect you as the parent of the child.


Pretty sure you’ll be just fine :wink:

Won’t take him away…post it…

Hell no. That’s funny.
I’ve actually had my boys taken away in Florida and that’s definitely not a reason. (Yes, I’ve had them back and moved back to my home state)
…now posting little girls shirtless is another story, not really appropriate up until a certain age or it’s uncomfortable in general to some.

Your 3 yr old keeps their shirt on? :joy::joy::joy:


Is this a real question??? People can’t be this

No they can’t but I wouldn’t recommend putting pictures of your kids on social media especially without clothing. People are crazy now.

More and more people have stopped posting their children’s photos on social media because of crazy people stealing them, also so many pedophiles out there. I would hope you have your account settings really private.


Nope iv posted pics in the past of my kids shirtless at that age boy and girl and NOTHING HAPPENED.

That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard. But then again people post pictures of their kids on mom sites where the public can see their kid’s :woman_facepalming:t2: who knows how many fake profiles are on these mom sites and how many are child molesters that join these sites so they can see children and maybe try to track people and kidnap them. :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

Can your husband go to jail for simply not wearing a shirt???


Next time your at a splash pad hand him the phone and say you better get on er.

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No. Block the father and set your fb to private so only people on your friends list can see your posts if you’re worried


No they can’t but just be careful what you put on social media because you never know who looking at it x


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eh there’s definitely more to the story

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No, they can’t. But in this day and age, why would you want to with all the weirdos out there. You just don’t know who’s looking at that seemingly innocent picture.

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If your husband is thinking that then simply reply so if dfs can take our child for no top then can the cops take you to jail for being shirtless?

Are you new here ? If that was the case my 6 kids would have been taking away along time ago :woman_facepalming:t3:

Common sense says no, but people’s children have been taken for less. Facts are many protective services workers are corrupt, and on a permanent power trip. I’ve seen many vlogger families harassed and bullied by them, and had their children taken. Once a complaint is made against you, they are permanently in your face until they decide they don’t need to be anymore. The daughter of John Walsh is about to lose all her parental rights because her dad has fame, and is an egotistical prick. So they are absolutely corrupt. I’ve seen them leave children in filth, and go after the good parents who refuse to medicate their children because a teacher thinks they should

So what you’re saying is you had a child with an idiot? :thinking:


Theres PREV out here

WHAT lmao. wtf hahah. No. How do you think people post pictures of their boys in swim suits??? None of them have shirts on lol.

I’m so baffled by this I don’t understand it.


This is getting idiotic… a simple google search would suffice


This scenario sounds so ridiculous… there has to be more to the story.


No ! That’s just dumb !!

No. Sounds controlling and manipulative. :triangular_flag_on_post:


I think your spouse needs to be enlightened what about at the beach or pool he wouldn’t have a shirt on it’s only dirty if you make it that way.


no way hes controling you hes full of it


Uh? What?! Lmfao. 1) the child is 3. 2) the child is a boy, since when did boys not run around with their shirts off? Lol.


I Get Paid 0ver $ 110 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to d0 it but my colleague makes over $ 13858 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless.


They have to prove your kids isbeing neglected, you’re selling the pics, the child is being abused, living conditions are bad. Those are the main reasons

I took photos of my boys in a swimming pool just wearing shorts as boys do I posted afew pics on fb i got banned from fb like wtf, so I brought them swimming tops posted pics and nothing happened I was what the F is this world cming too, boys/men swim with no tops on thats normal well it use to be amd yet fb don’t allow pics of boys in shorts yet they allow woman in bikinis LMAO


Nah I’m pretty sure thats not realistic.

No…but Facebook will put a restriction on you of some kind for it now. Lol

No. They can’t take him for that

I see pictures all the time on here of children with nothing on but a diaper.mostly little girls.

I see children out playing in their yards all the time with no shirt on

I would surely hope not. Lort👀

I would say NO. Take a look at all the kids on Facebook that are still there. You husband needs to see them as well.

What is happening these days
A boy with no shirt on ina photo

No they can’t or won’t.

Lmfao sorry to laugh but no they can’t.

Call them and ask with them on speaker so you and the CPS lady can laugh at him together.

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no, they can not, you can post shirtless photos id suggest just to make sure where you are posting that the only friends you have are the ones you know. i was a former child in care and my cousin is a social worker.

Honestly it depends on the county and state. I did read a woman’s heart wretching page once years back where someone reported a photo she posted of her 2 toddlers (a boy and a girl) running around the room topless giving her a hard time about getting dressed for an outting. DFS did come out to investigate and actually told her the photos were inappropriate since the kids were different genders and half naked, but what made them illegal was the fact their state classified it as child porn. The post was public because she was running one of those mommy pages to show the daily struggle of raising two kids alone. They actually told her that part might qualify it as a federal crime IF they confirmed it also qualified under the federal definition of child porn. She was desperately asking everyone for help to not lose her kids. Her page closed shortly after the case was closed but she had us follow her during the entire 8 month ordeal.
It wasn’t qualified under the federal definition thankfully. She managed to keep her kids but did have to undergo parenting classes.

Basically just keep you posts about your kids private to just trusted family and friends. Check you state and county laws online. You have a boy and he was only topless. It should be harmless but you can never be too careful.

People’s minds are becoming more and more warped. Who would even say anything like this?

Atleast he’s being cautious and cares! :joy: but no they won’t and cannot. Just make sure your privacy settings are for friends only :slightly_smiling_face:

l get paid over $197 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18698 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

Is there more going on possibly that u aren’t sharing ? Is there a case going on with a report of possible SA or related concerns?? I wouldn’t think a child that young and male should cause alarm to be removed for no shirt??

How would they even know?

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What the heck , i mean boys an men run around shirtless all the time in the summer

DFS shouldn’t get involved at all. But FB might flag the post. Depends on how FB is feeling from day to day. I’ve seen naked toddlers butts painted (cute but I wouldn’t put on fb), then I posted a pic of my daughter in the bathtub w lots of bubbles and no private parts, just the chest area and face and FB put my in fb jail for 24 hours because of it and removed my post.

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yes ofcourse they can they need children or they will be outta a job

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Why would you want a top less photo of your child online anyway???

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No. I’ve worked with DCF or child protective services intermittently for years as a nurse. That’s not an offense.

Like, where did he get this idea? Did someone put that into his head? A grandparent or something? B/c that’s just weird and wrong. lol
