Can DFS take your toddler over posting a shirtless photo of them?

Question is if I post a picture of my 3 year old son without a shirt on can dfacs take him from us? His father seems to think they will. And I can’t convince him otherwise. And before the well the father should approve what I post. It isn’t that he isn’t approving that is the problem. It’s that he honestly believes our son could be taken for only that reason.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can DFS take your toddler over posting a shirtless photo of them?

I’ve posted pics of my daughter without a shirt, actually she was just in panties. She was singing happy Birthday, no one said a single word

No lol… I don’t think DFS will even look at it not unless they follow u on fb… I posted pics of my kids shirtless before nothing happened

No my 7yr old won’t even wear a shirt lol

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:laughing::rofl: sorry your kids dad made me laugh
No otherwise they would be after all the naked/ pants only babas on the beaches


Hard no. Theoretically, if you had pictures of his penis/butt, and someone wanted to be an ass, they could get you for child pornography. But absolutely no, not for a picture without a shirt on.

No I have plenty grandsons without a shirt

What? No So weird to even think that. Boys are always shirtless at the beach or outside.

No :joy: now posting a picture butt ass Naked yes they will. But shirtless no.

Absolutely not. It is fine.

Heck no that’s not abuse

I Get Paid 0ver $ 110 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to d0 it but my colleague makes over $ 13850 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless.


Pmsl no is this real xx

If you were to post a pic of yourself top less they couldn’t.

No they can’t that is not child abuse I have plenty of pics of my kids without shirts or shorts on on Facebook

his father must be on some stuff… holy hell no…

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Hell no they can’t. Fb may block you tho. A friend of mine posted pics of her nephew and fb blocked her for child nudity!

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I swear every parent with a little kid has posted pictures like that if so we all would be getting our kids taken away

I’ve posted pics of my grand babies in just a diaper and their big boy underwear and never had an issue. This was only a couple years ago. I don’t think there’s a problem with it at all.

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I don’t think they ever care about shirtless boys. Shirtless babies and toddlers either way are nbd.
Although Facebook flagged a picture of my friend’s shirtless 6 year old son, presumably because he had long hair.

Lol no. Facs takes your kid I’d you’re unfit. Drugs, alcoholic, abuse, neglect.

Nope, they have more pressing issues to deal with.

No. Talk to your husband though. It sounds like he may be experiencing anxiety…and sort of putting off on something minor that he can be in control of.
I’ve done this.
When I started working again (after almost 6 years of not working) I had the same irrational fears…and it was because I was no longer devoting myself 24/7 to the kids and house alone. It triggered feelings of guilt (misplaced) and that triggered anxiety.


It’s only fucking weird and sexual if people make it that way. ITS. A. CHILD.

No no pants, no underwear you might hear from them

Oh geeze so many stupid people! No one’s going to take your kid for being shirtless!

Why is your child’s father so worried about it? That sounds very odd, maybe something else is going on.


Uh no they have bigger fish to fry than to worry about a shirtless toddler.

Wtf is wrong with people. No. I swear you should have to get an IQ test before having kids :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4: and this page just makes me think that even more


Lol no they need to show a judge there is actual abuse or neglect, drugs in the home etc. now if he was out in the front yard naked alone yes they would be called for neglect but a shirtless picture is nothing.

If that was the case they’d line up at waterparks, splash pads and the beach to take all the little boys. Tf your husband needs mental help imo


They have bigger fish to fry like the abusers, pedophiles, and neglectful folks. Plus he’s a boy, they go shirtless their entire lives!!

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Post what you want, you won’t have your kid taken away from having no shirt on . His father sounds like a doofus!

As long as it is a typical pic of a kid, it is fine.

No. I just posted my toddlers in their swim trunks yesterday in the pool, no shirt. It’s summertime☀️

No but we are very careful about what photos of our kids get posted to social media. The internet is not a safe place. Especially for children.


Wow dude not gonna happen :rofl:

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If so my 10 yr old would of been taken along time ago. A couple times I have posted him in his underwear (boxer briefs that look like shorts) dancing with no shirt.

If one can show pictures of women in swimming suit that one can barely see, and men traditionally are shirtless in their bathing suits, I doubt if a shirtless photo of a three-year-old would be enough to get you in Facebook jail. A naked shot though…Not acceptable.

Lmfao no. Or my boys would of been taken years ago. This is ridiculous

Lawyer told me to not share any photos of kids like that regardless. Every decision made by a judge depends on their mood that day. We live in a world where Satan spawn are out to use any and everything against you.

Absolutely not! More than half the people in the world would be without their kids then.

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Is this for real?? :roll_eyes: He doesn’t need to approve anything :joy::joy: wtf are you a child!? :pray:t4::rofl::rofl:

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Dcyf in my area struggles to open a case and remove a child when a parent has actually abandoned their children. I think you’re ok.

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No, the only way they will take them is if a video was posted someone abusing them or you post a pic with drugs in the back ground. They aren’t taking kids for no shirt.


No they can’t :see_no_evil: and I was so bloody confused reading this DFS is a sofa company in the UK :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::rofl:


You can’t get them taken away for that, they won’t even bug you for that.

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No they won’t but I will say please ensure your account is private and try to avoid posting said photos. My 4&2 yr old live in their undies and diaper. And I won’t post those pics… rumors say FB is linked to trafficking so please keep that even if it’s not true there are sickos everywhere and anyone’s account can be hacked… But if your confident then share away… It’s a dumb reason to have kids taken… it can be deemed as child pornography though :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2: tiktok nabbed my video of my two yr old in a shirt and diaper as c.p

Umm no I have many pictures of all my kids shirtless. My 4 year old daughter next to never have clothes on

It’s hard to get dcfs to take a child who NEEDS to be taken. Nobody cares about a boys nipples. We’ve known that for long enough


No why would they? And seems like your child father is more worried about something else that is making him think child services is going to come into the home to take the child so you might want to dig deeper on why he’s so worried about child services popping up.


I do not think so. I took pictures of my son naked

:roll_eyes: boys swim in public without a shirt. He’s being dumb


Cps is corrupt they take kids from happy healthy homes but keep kids that need to be taken in their homes. Cps legally kidnaps kids for a profit. With that being said its not illegal to post a picture of ur son shirtless but if someone calls u in for it then they can use it against u


NO! A shirtless photo of a toddler will not get your kids taken.

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Is there more to this story then what is being told?


Lol no. They’d laugh in your face.


If you haven’t noticed men walk around without shirts all the time It’s politically correct. No DCF cannot take your child away because he doesn’t have a shirt on.


No, but at 2-3 the shirtless pics stop usually. It’s just the baby’s growing- so cute pics can be scrutinized at that age n up.

Or if they are shirtless I had the kids cover their peeps in a pic if needed :slightly_smiling_face:. You don’t need permission from anyone to post even if separated.

They absolutely did that too my niece and my nephew their grandmother took a picture of her granddaughter with a empty liquor bottle and someone turned it into dfcs and yes they took them away from them until they investigated it and I know this is true because I was the one they called too take the kids both of them while they were investigating the case.i had them for around 30 day . So in my niece’s case they sure did.that was the only reason they took them .so the lesson we learned is not too be showing pictures to people you can’t trust


No absolutely not when boys go swimming or I walk and they walk without shirts on and they sure don’t go swimming with shirts on no absolutely not that’s a ridiculous thing to say child service will not take your son over something that silly

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Is he actually serious tho… or just being a jerk?

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I see why he’s your ex haha. They absolutely would laugh at him if he tried to report it.

:sweat_smile:No… He’s being paranoid.

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For one his a baby, and two his a boy. Man walk around with no shirt on so why would it be a problem for a boy?

As long as there is no signs of abuse or neglect of any kind I don’t see why the would. Also they have not taken or investigated me and i have a couple of my son without a shirt on

My precious grandson hates shoes and shirts​:grin::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Nope, Facebook will take them down occasionally but the state will not take them!

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Nope, remember, boys can go shirtless. They won’t take your son. My son is 10 and I post pics of him in the pool swimming without a shirt on. So as long as no private areas are showing, there is nothing wrong and nobody will take him.

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Umm no he shouldn’t approve it ?

Hell no they don’t take kids for stupid reasons they take them when there being abused have no clothes food or if there is drug use you should be good… :grinning:

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Yes it is considered bad because of porno, be very careful what you post nasty people steal them for the wrong reason. Be safe

:joy::joy: no. They wont. But i give him props for being concerned.

No. They wouldn’t even look into a case for that. It has to be for nelgect or abuse.

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I think he’s just being an A$$ and trying to control you

If DCF feels the children are in danger or being abused or mistreated YES. Why in this day and age would a parent post children with out clothes? Too many sickos in the world. But should you choose to post make it private or for family. As harmless as it may be to a normal person a pedophile may enjoy it! Your husband sounds protective a bit over board but still.


So he’s saying he’s not comfortable with you posting pictures of his son, which he believes in inappropriate, and you’re dismissing that?

Regardless if he believes protective services would be involved he’s telling you he’s not comfortable with it.

It’s a boundary you need to explore and gain more clarity about.


No I post my kids topless all the time they are 10 all the was down to 3.

Yeah. No. CPS has more serious cases to worry about then you posting a pic of your own son without a shirt on. People do it all the time. At the beach. The pool. Etc. I wouldn’t continue to argue with him about it. If he’s so concerned that they will take him tell him to call them and ask.


Well fuck all my boys will be taken from me since they walk around without shirts… Ask him why he would.possibly.think that when boys walk around shirtless almost all summer? It’s a picture, but I guess if the boy let’s say has a handprint bruise or a burn that’s questionable than yes… if they feel he’s in danger, but someone WOULD HAVE TO REPORT the picture with reasonable cause because I highly doubt you are friends with the agency… And they don’t just sit and watch… If they don’t gotta

They have to have HARDCORE facts to take children from families. Something that minor won’t even get a glance from them. Hell they leave children in very sketchy situations everyday and don’t bat an eye until the child is sadly murdered or severely emaciated.

I’ve posted pics of my shirtless toddler daughter they won’t take him

Maybe that’s next after overturning Roe v Wade, but for now we can all keep our shirtless children.

Hes got serious issues. Why should he approve what you post. :thinking:

You’re in a controlling relationship by the sounds of things

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My opinion…no they can’t…that’s not a valid reason to do that! . It’s a baby, and I c them on fb, all the time, especially after they’re born!


I would be more worried about the sickos in this world for real

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No they can’t take him away

How bad are the bruises? If none then you’re ok.




Legally no they won’t.

What in the world is this world coming too? These questions are crazy! He is your child you are not doing anything wrong!!


No, but it’s sad parents have to worry about something so trivial.

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Lol… what? Are you posting it to a porn site?

No but I wouldn’t post pictures like that only because of sicko’s.


Um no wth does he think boys go swimming in and that’s out in public and I never seen someone have their kid taken because of taking them swimming he sounds like he needs some help

If that shirtless photo shows suspicious injuries then they can investigate. But otherwise no


Tell husband to lay off drugs because that’s absurd and ridiculous he can’t be taken away for that


Good luck getting any of my boys to wear clothes. Ages 7m, 6 and 7yo. My daughter wears shirts. Lol

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I Get Paid 0ver $ 110 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to d0 it but my colleague makes over $ 13979 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me t0 try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless.


If u take care of your kid no they can’t lil boys play all the time shirtless an swim shirtless it’s life