Can he legally order a paternity test?

Yes he can if he believes the child is his.

Well yes. But if he signed the birth certificate, he’s the father even if he’s not.

From what I know of the laws over there (I may be wrong) that if he orders a paternity test and the child comes back as his he has to pay for the test.

Yes in any state he can request a paternity test. I would sit down with her and explain that even tho her dad is biologically not her dad he’s still her dad. Blood does not make you a father. Being there and watching her grow up and doing everything a dad should do is what defines a father. The other guy is just a sperm donor.

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yes, he get a lawyer & do this, But that 13 yr old, if he really is the father, it really would be up to her if she wants 2 dad or stick to the one she always thought was her dad. But if he really is the father than he should be paying child support & might even have to pay back child support also !!! But again it would be up to the girl if she wants anything to do with him or not.

I find it so incredibly selfish, irresponsible and reckless to lie to a child about who the father is. What an absolute mess.


He maybe all talk wait and see but I’d think about telling your daughter the truth

I totally agree with you selfish as fuck from the mother. Now what she wants child support from him? Well she should have thought about that before getting another man to sign her kids birth certificate fucking dumb and very irresponsible

Wait I’m confused how is it that your family member signed the birth certificate yet he’s been “dad” since he/she was 6 to 7 months old? in court yes he can request a paternity test

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Is it fair to keep the truth from the child? Better the ones that love her tell her then someone who is a dead beat dick head

If he’s the dad (on birth certificate) yes he could. He would have as many rights as the mother, but a DNA test won’t make a difference if he signed a “Voluntary acknowledgment of paternity” at the time of birth. Most hospitals in Illinois have the father signed them if they’re not married to the mother. This document clearly states he is waving any rights to attest paternity at a later time and is taking full financial responsibility for the child until the age of 18. Your friend can call the Child Support hotline and inquire.

Yes , my brother did back in 1995 and was his !!!

He can you just don’t have to tell her until she’s older, shes does have a right to know.

Yes he can… sucks but if he is the dad not much can do

Yes he can it’s not right but that’s the law and a very sad situation but the girl is 13 so it may just back fire on the guy she knows who has been there for her been her father and that says it all

Sit down with the child and talk. The child is old enough to understand. Tell them that you love them. It was your choice to love, not a court or piece of paper.

Why did you all lie to her? That’s a disgrace!