Can I ask a guy if he is seeing anyone else?

When would be appropriate to ask a guy if he’s still seeing other people or not? We’ve hung out/ hooked up once and have been non stop texting/snapchatting/ calling all day every day for a week. He says he really likes me and wants to see where things go. I guess I just want to know so I’m not overplaying my part.


Personally, If you guys are hooking up, I feel like I would want to know at that point.


Yes. That’s just open communication and helps you make an informed decision about the thing. If he is you can broach being exclusive - a real relationship - if that’s what you want. If not you can stay as you are

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I feel as if you are already sleeping together it is most definitely ok to ask…

I always told guys who I just met & on a date, if that they want to see other women, that is fine with me. In which they get all excited. But then I tell them , if that is the case I don’t want to continue seeing them. I know a lot of relationships don’t work out, but at least give it a try, if you want. But I also feel once you get intimate, and it’s good, give it a try. But if they continue to see other women…then nope :grin:

I asked within the first couple of weeks.

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It’s appropriate the moment you become intimate or prior to.


You and him should take the time to sit face to face to clarify your and his feelings on the subject, clarify if this is a committed relationship starting or a casual relationship where you both can date others, or if it is something in-between. Just be honest about what you want, and your ultimate goal.

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If he’s told you he wanted to see where things go I think it’s appropriate to ask for transparency now.


In relationships especially in the beginning its important to be honest and blunt. Never be scared to ask a question especially when it comes to relationships. Never make yourself sit in wonder. If the guy can’t take it he isn’t for you

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Set some boundaries now you’re well on your way to being taken advantage of if you don’t speak up now!

You’ve hooked up once.
It’s definitely too soon to be asking these questions.

Save yourself the heartache, and make your intentions of what you’re after clear from the get go.


I would have asked already…

Young one, these are things you should know about him BEFORE you “ hook up”- we as woman need to see and understand the next step before we take it. :v:t4::sunflower:


I personally think you guys are moving too fast, pull back a bit with the constant communication and the ‘hooking up’,give yourself some time to think,


I would slow down. Its only been a week and u need time to grow together. Jumping into things so fast allows u to miss so many red flags that u will end up dealing with later. Dont be blind to his good looks. Pay attention to that personality and such. I would also let him know now that ur wanting a partner. Dont hold back in fear for any reason. A man that cares, will do what a man is supposed to do. You wont have to worry if so. Good luck :slight_smile:

It’s called communicating, it’s how relationships work


For me, i would have asked him before hooking up

You will save yourself a lot of headache if you quit “hooking up” with people and start having boundaries in place, commitment expectations, and such.


If he wants to see where things go it’s ok to ask

You can basically ask anytime if he is also dating other people this way you can better protect against std’s and protect your heart as well …just remember you are not in a exclusive relationship so you both are aloud to see other people

I mean you can ask, but if that’s something you’re already worried about you need to slow down until you’ve addressed YOUR intentions. You want commitment you should ask for it BEFORE you hook up with someone. Otherwise don’t be surprised if you find out you haven’t been the only one in the last week.

Find your local are we dating the same guy group & post him, get the information you need. And YES you can ask him.

Should of asked before you “hooked up”


Just ask him out right, he would probably ask you, if he felt the same :four_leaf_clover:

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I’d ask now, you have a right to decide if u wanna keep hooking up with someone who is potentially hooking up elsewhere too, that’s your choice and right. It’s not for me atal if it’s going elsewhere so I’d def wanna know xx

If I’m “hooking up” with someone, I want to know if there are other people hes also sleeping with, period. For health reasons #1.


If I were him, and he got this much action this quick, why would he want a singular relationship. 

B4 you even go out the first time.

Prob before you hung out :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: whats it matter now​:man_shrugging:t4:


I think it’s appropriate to ask now. Especially if you’re sleeping together. But that doesn’t mean you are allowed to be upset if he says he is. Because hooking up and seeing where it goes is just casual dating. That’s not commitment by any stretch.


Yesterday girl.
If you don’t open the line of communication/ honesty now they’ll never be.

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I would say definitely don’t over step your boundaries but also let him know you don’t want to waste your time if he’s doesn’t see it possibly going anywhere within the next month or so to let you know so you can move on.

Your still in control, sure you went to chemistry class with him and aparently liked what you found but now you are interested in exclusivity, its time to find out if thats what he wants before another chemistry class

I’d like to see some men’s honest answers to this question!

I’m the type that would come out and just say it​:rofl:. Just say do you have any other girls besides me :rofl:The min we started talking and the min I first saw that person. One time I said you better not have any bitches​:joy::joy: but me

Sure. Why not? If you want to know something, ask.

just ask. what’s the issue

Ask up front, nothing wrong with asking just say you ain’t waiting in line for ANYONE! MAKE YOUR OWN CHOICES!!!

He isn’t committed to you, he obviously is talking to/ seeing/ hooking up with other women. You are just casually dating at this point so hopefully you used protection, especially since you only been talking to him for a week. That’s too fast.


You should have asked before sleeping with him… :woman_shrugging:t5:

Show up at his house. Surprise! Catch him off guard he will not be honest with you.

Immediately. Before I met my husband, I wouldn’t talk/date or ESPECIALLY hook up with someone still boinkin someone else.

I believe you are a little late.Should have done that before you so call hooked up.just saying

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Id ask on the first date because from my experience its the womans fault once the girlfriend finds out her mans playing away and i cba with that drama :rofl:

You’re hooking up with this guy, but you want to now want to know when it’s appropriate to ask if he’s seeing other people? Give me a break🙄. Start with quit putting out until you know that answer. 

If he likes you there won’t be any other ho bags, if there is others. He don’t like you. Don’t waste your time.

Yall “hook up”
And basically just text and talk on the phone. So it doesn’t sound serious. Plus it’s been a week. He is allowed to see other people. You can ask if he has girlfriend to see if he is cheating. But that should have been asked before yall “Hooked up”.

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Snapchat red flag ask him now

I fail to understand why people are so quick to jump in bed with each other , nobody has any self respect anymore , weather it be a quick romance , or a long term relationship , it shouldnt be based off from sex . Does anybody thing of STDs or unwanted pregnancy . Just because they will jump in bed with you doesn’t mean they will stick around if you get pregnant , sex seems to be looked at like some type of game , it’s not what about peoples feelings . Why not wait and get to know each other and go on actual dates , before sex.

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I would’ve done that before yall hooked up? He’s probably got a girlfriend. Dudes are really good at hiding girlfriends.


It’s only been a week
Men’s minds don’t work like ours do
There’s no reason you both can’t see other people

Ask away and see the answers for yourself

Seeing so many of us go through the same crap with these toxic people.
These badly-raised, toxic, self-centered, disordered humans! Why are there so many of them?! It honestly makes me so angry. I had to cut them off to live a peaceful life What helped me the most is educating myself on codependency and narcissism. Lots of good content on YouTube. Check out @ hackman_andrew85 on instagram, This professional can also get you text messages! call logs! emails, social media all clouds (Deleted and non deleted messages and they were accepted legally in court during my divorce. you can reach out to him on instagram @ hackman_andrew85

If you’re comfortable enough to sleep with a man, you should be comfortable enough to ask him a simple question.

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If you’re not going to like the possible answer, don’t ask that question. If you’re that keen on him, ask him if he wants to be with you and make it official if that’s what you want.

I’d have asked that from the beginning…Especially if you’re sleeping with the guy. I mean, Safety first right😆

Yes, you can ask the moment sex is on the table