Can I ban my husband from entering my neighborhood?

Hi! I just had a baby and I found out my husband has been messing around with a girl he was getting lunch from. I packed his garbage bags and he left. But now he’s back on my half-porch like “I love you baby” and “I’ll live out in the garage until you feel ready” I feel like he’s just going to cheat again. How do I get him off my property without assault charges being brought? Can I ban him from entering my neighborhood?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can I ban my husband from entering my neighborhood?

Not unless you own the whole block.


Leave him and don’t take him back. Once a cheater is always a cheater. You can file a restraining order, or have the police issue a trespass warning.


You can’t ban anyone from a neighborhood let alone a street, you could get a restraining order against him and that limits what he can do… he can’t speak to you or be anywhere near you vice versa… which means you’ll have to go to court so he gets visitation… Remember yea he fucked you over but don’t keep the baby from him. The baby is innocent. Don’t stay bitter it will eat your heart up and soul

Don’t let him back in

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Y’all are married. He owns half of that house.


If you own the place call the police for trespassing

Matthew William Xavier half porch bloke is back :joy:


Don’t let him back in. Once a cheater always a cheater. Call 911 and say you want him off your property but don’t want to press charges

Once a cheater always a cheater…
Move on girl …
You deserve better …


Y’all married hun lol

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You can’t do anything, cheating is not illegal, he can enter your house anytime he wants, it’s his house too, your still married.


This has to be a joke you cannot ban people from neighborhoods unless it’s a gated community and y’all are married


Looks like the Dairy Queen won this fight :trophy:


Unless he is being violent he has just as much right to be in the house as you, they won’t remove someone if they aren’t being aggressive


He should go stay with her.


I swear some of this crap is fake or these people are really stupid!


Not the whole neighborhood🤣 Is he on the deed/please? That will answer your question as to your ability to kick him out. Although if he’s established residence there than you’ll likely have to go through an eviction.


“Packed his garbage bags” :joy::joy: sorry about your situation but that’s funny,


Honestly the way you got him out of the house wasn’t even legal. Not saying he deserves to be there but now you’re going too far


Who was he getting lunch from? Like was someone personally making him lunch?


Here we go with the “half porch” stories again :joy::joy:


we’re they the new pink garbage bags?


No, just no I’d he loved and respected you or himself nobody else would ever exist. Move on and go for what you deserve.

No you can’t ban him from the neighbourhood.

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If he’s on the deed or lease then there is no legal way make him leave other than a restraining order🤷‍♀️ tell him if she makes his lunch he should go stay with her.


The porch comments :skull::skull::skull: but Once a cheater always a cheater. Don’t take him back because the trust between you two would never be the same. DIVORCE!


Get a protection order against him. Also u can get him for tresspassing at least in my state u can

Amanda Mitchell I guess throwing the butterfinger blast didn’t work :joy:


Ok this is just opinion and I base it off past experiences there are some guys who may cheat once and feel guilty and never do it again then there are the one I call opurtunists they are only coming back until they find somewhere else


you have a child together you can’t cut him out completely he has rights take him to court and get an order for custody and after that’s dealt with he shouldn’t enter your vicinity unless he’s picking up or dropping off yalls kid

also trespassing is really only for assault cases like protective orders and stuff so unless he’s threatening you they probably won’t do anything to keep him away from your neighborhood just bc he cheated on you good luck tho


Well I’m not sure about in your state but if he left he gave up the right to claim the house. It’s that way here


“ban him from my neighborhood” LMAO.


In PA if it’s the marital home he can come back as long as you are married or unless there is a PFA. I wouldn’t go lying about a PFA either, it would not be good.


Omg it’s the farm witch :joy::rofl:


You was on here the other day wandering if he was cheating with this girl and now he is. This is a piss take I want to see the next installment :joy:

Lmfao this reminds me of that one post on here where another OP was like “this lady keeps bringing my husband DQ everyday” or some shit… anywho, it also said something about a porch too it was funny AF :weary::sob::joy::joy:

Put him in the garage and set out some bug bombs :joy::joy::joy:


Does he own the other half of the porch?


Record yourself telling him that if he wants to see the baby you’ll meet him in a public location but that if he doesn’t leave your property you’re calling the cops on him for trespassing and harassment. If he doesn’t leave immediately call the cops and say “Me and my husband are separated and he is moved out but he keeps trespassing on my property to harass me. What can I legally do about it?” IDK if this works if his name is on the property or not but they’ll be able to tell you one way or another and you’ll have evidence of you telling him to leave if they do send a police officer to talk to him/you. Either way keep documenting telling him to leave every time he shows up and if they do come out the first time keep calling the police every time he shows up. This creates a record of the harassment/possible trespassing and will help you keep custody of your child in the future.


Doesn’t he own the property with you? A house and the belongings, not to mention the child, belongs to both parents. I don’t agree with his cheating and I’m sure I would not give him another chance but there are laws regarding these things.


Yes you can just go door to door and tell your neighbors warn the others about the lunch lady ! Tell the neighborhood wives not to let their man leave hungry and horny!

Move if he has his name on the place at all and get a personal protection order.

Get a restraint order


The lady is just asking for help.She apparently hasn’t been in too many relationships with guys who cheat.Help her don’t make fun of her,that’s why a lot of people don’t ask for help.


Let him go live with the farm witch. I bet she works at the Dairy Queen


For anyone who is wondering- I have googled “What is a half-porch ie trailer park” & there are no answers


If you buy all the houses on the street, maybe :woman_shrugging:


It’s really different in the UK.

Girl! Call that farm witch and tell her to come get her lunch buddy and his trash bags off your half porch, cuz you aint about to catch a battery!!! Do not throw a butterfinger blizzard from dq at her… call the police and get you a restraining oder💁🏻‍♀️

Was your husband the one being brought Dairy Queen from a few days ago? :eyes:


Lol no…you can’t…you can’t even kick him out of your home. Police won’t do much, seeing as how it’s a civil matter. Unless he’s causing a disturbance, they can’t even make him leave.


No you can’t ban him :joy:
It’s BOTH of yours neighborhood until he takes up residency somewhere else AND you don’t own the neighborhood
If his name is not on the lease, deed, title, whatever you can file to evict him
If he is on the documents you can’t make him leave
And no cheating is not grounds for a restraining order :joy:


O lost the farm witch keeping going on and on lmao


You can divorce him.

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If you’ve asked him to leave and told him not to come to your property repeatedly, then you should be able to threaten harrassment charges. Restraining orders would depend on rules of your state, but you might be able to do stalking. Send a formal letter and put up no trespassing signs.

When did trailers start having garages??


Oh this sounds so familiar …


The farm witch put a spell on him. :rofl:

No but fr change the locks and call the cops. He’s been kicked out he needs to leave.


Your property yes. Your neighborhood no. Grow up.


The real question is … what happened to that Dairy Queen Hoe?!?


You need to evict him and no you can’t ban him

It’s butterfinger blizzard time


No you can’t kick him out either as assume he’s on tenancy or mortgage.
No you can’t keep him away and plus fact he’d have to see the child,cheating isn’t reason for restraining order or stopping child visitation.


I would get a restraining order if he is making you uneasy in any way. If your name is on the house then your good, if you both have claim to the house technically he can stay in garage. But you can still get a keep the piece kinda paper. But get a lawyer right away, I believe I remember your last post about the girl delivering him lunches. Sorry you found out it to be worse than suspected.


Hold up is this dairy queen farm witch?


You know, I don’t say this to be rude, but honestly, do you guys sometimes read a question of a situation and it makes you feel like this person was like “okay hold that thought, I’ma just quickly log on to Facebook and hear what everyone thinks I should do, I’ll give you an answer as soon as there’s enough comments, sit tight” or am I the only one? :flushed::smile:

I keep seeing this being said that if he’s on the lease or deed she can’t do anything which is correct but the state I live in you do not have to be on the lease, deed, or be receiving mail you still can’t kick them out! If they don’t willing leave you will have to go through the eviction process!
As for banning him from the subdivision I doubt that. You could try for a restraining order but idk if they would do it and that usually says they can’t come within a certain distance around you.


You have a baby with him.
You will never be completely away from him.
It’s hard to go through.
I went through this too.
Even though we are hurting …
We need to remember
A baby needs both mum an dad.
Absolutely kick him to the curb you deserve to be treated sooo much better.
But don’t stop him from seeing bub.
Here if you want to chat


Lawyer up! Find out what your rights are. He originally left voluntarily, after you showed him the door, probably went to his lunch girl and she didn’t want him permanently.
Just think things through and make a plan to stick to, otherwise he’ll think it’s a challenge and try to wear you down. Best wishes!


In NC if married he legally doesn’t have to leave no matter who name is on property. Not sure of anywhere else

You need to find out what the property laws are where y’all live when an estrangement happens. If you live somewhere where his name anywhere on the residency records means he lives there, then YOU might get in trouble for denying him access to HIS home. And if you have not filed for custody of y’alls baby, he might have some grounds for claiming you kidnapped his child.
I get you are angry and have every right to be.
I get you do not wanna be with him and you are more than likely being wise to not want to be with him anymore if he cheated on you.
But legally, adultery involved or not, he still has some rights and before kicking his ass to the curb unannounced, you need to make sure that you go about it legally, same thing with custody of y’alls kid.

It’s his home too. He has as much right to be on your property & in your home as you do.


Don’t waste your time on a restraining order you have to pay for it and it’s not worth the money. My friend was killed while shopping in another town he drove by and did it. It was a public place so he got away with it.


To begin with, it’s just as much his property as it is yours…you can’t get a restraining order,to keep him off of your property, unless he’s harmed or threatened to physically harm you… he’s been unfaithful. That’s not a crime…and how about the child?
The child is his. He had every right to his child,the same as you do…
Get a lawyer and get a temporary order, asap…
You can’t just keep him away without a court order. And also set up a temporary order for him to see his child…good luck.

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No. It’s just as much his as it is yours. You’ve gotta evict him or divorce him.


Gross! Spray him with the hose!


I’d just change the locks and let him yell for attention while upping the music volume :woman_shrugging:


Assault charges aren’t filed for asking the police to remove him. He didn’t assault you. Call them they’ll tel him to go with a warning.


Let blizzard girl have his sorry behind

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Its his house too. You can’t band him from it let alone the neighbor hood. Divorce him if you don’t want to be around him and move on. You have a child together and he has rights to them.

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Have a restraining order put on him. It won’t cost you anything. Just call 911 and have him removed and ask the responding officers to fill out the report and contact a justice of the peace and he can put a restraining order on him.


No you don’t own the neighborhood and i that’s his house, you can’t even ban him from that too!

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Call a lawyer and see what your rights are. Legally if you both own the house you can’t kick him out unless he has assaulted you or your kids.

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Depends what country your in as the laws are different.

Get restraing order on him he can’t come near u n flie for divorce if husband


You’re obviously hurt right now so I understand you not wanting to be around him.
Ask him to give you time alone.
If you still feel you can’t forgive him then talk to a lawyer and check out your rights.


Cant just slap a restraining order on someone for cheating lol


Send him the location pin of the lady who he cheated with and tell him to go move in there…


Cant ban him from your hood for cheating, but seek legal advice on what you can do about the living conditions, if hes cheated he no doubt will do again if you forgive him, most cases they cheat again


Better call a lawyer a real one not one from Facebook and get some advice if he owns the house let him sleep in his garage and put cameras to catch the cheating in action then do more


Restraining order, file for divorce, make sure the house is in your name, see a local lawyer


Lmao shes back… This was the chick that hubby eating DQ from a lady in 90’s halter top.
:joy::joy:… Farm witch …


They normally just cheat again they always come back saying they will change good for you they never change


Good God not this again. :woman_facepalming:


Yes, get him trespassed from property. And also restraining order as well.

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Honestly. What the fuck even is this page :joy:


A half porch is usually associated with a duples being 2 dwellings with same porch with each Tennant having access to their side of the porch this is the only thing I can think of is what she would be calling her half porch lol hope this clears that part up lol

Get a Good lawyer. I know they are hard to find. Whatever he did to you, he will do to her too. Karma can be a real bitch.