Can I ban my husband from entering my neighborhood?

He doesn’t even have to be on the deed/lease depending on the state. All he has to have is residency there longer than 3 days or be getting mail there and as long as he hasn’t committed a crime, you’d probably have to legally evict. You can call your non emergency police number and they will tell you that too. But I’d probably just reach out to an attorney.


It’s not about you sweetheart. Can’t have that selfish attitude now that you share a child. Ok, he pissed you off and hurt you, he’s still the father of your child. Your child still needs their father whether he hurt you or not. Time to grow up and stop thinking of yourself. You can’t kick him out of your child’s life because he hurt YOU.


I’d love to be in court with you when you tell the judge your reason for a restraining order :slight_smile:


If they have the heart(balls) to cheat once they’ll do it again! The next time he’ll be more careful in what he does but he’ll do it again!! I’m not sure why anyone would want a man that showed so much disrespect to them? You just had a child??? That pretty low in my book!! Get some free advice from an attorney,then do what you need to do!! You are the only one that can make the decision on which direction your life is going to go. Best of luck!

How are we supposed to answer if you can ‘ban him from your neighborhood or not’ like we are your home owners association with any kind of authority? I swear this group is getting to be pure stupidity.


Is this the I think Wendy’s trailer park trash co-worker? I remember the half porch :joy:

Let him sleep in the garage because Hun you are SOL and FYI if you let him stay out there long enough he’ll invoke “squatter’s law” and you won’t be able to get him gone from the property and no you can’t block him from the neighborhood like WTF :face_exhaling:


Make his life a living HELL, he will get tired if that and finally be like He can’t wait to leave.

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You are right. He will
Cheat again. I would call your non emergency police number and ask about your rights.


Ah yes I remember the first half of this story about your half porch. What’s happened with the farm witch?


Can’t wait for chapter 3


Is this the one where she kept showing up with ice cream or lunch for him?



They won’t give you a stay away order for him cheating on you those normal are for violence and harassment not just him on your porch. Is he on lease… you’ll need to evict him squatting rights husband or not


He’s trying to live in the garage bc he don’t have nowhere to go . Oh well he should have thought about that when he was screwing the lunch girl… call the police have him removed from property


A shovel. Just use a shovel. Its quiet and you can bury sh*t with it.


He lives there. You can’t ban him from anything. You can get him legally evicted and file for divorce but that’s not immediate.


There isn’t much you can do, he hasn’t done anything. Has he threatened you or physically harmed you? Cops won’t do anything.
Honestly, you sound childish. You have a baby together now. Time to be adults.


Lol she said neighborhood


Oh no not the half porch cheating lunch eating man again


Only with a court order

You can not kick him out if he receives mail there and has been there for 30 days… You have to properly evict him through the courts so if he is fighting to stay then legally he can and you can’t do anything about it and the cops will not help you unless he is physically abusing you or causing a disturbance in the apartment complex.

No you cannot ban someone from a neighborhood just cause they cheated :woman_facepalming:


Tell him to take his ass over to “Lunch Girl’s” porch. Since he likes her so much he can take all his meals with her. :tipping_hand_woman:t2:

Nope. If you’re married, the house is marital property, and you need to get a divorce and decide division of said property. Let him live in the garage. Just make sure he stays there.

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Dear Lord. I got exes that I would have liked to ban from this country, but. Here we are.


Tell him no he cheated he sacrificed his family for the lunch girl day no you don’t want to see him and he can work out arrangement so he can see the baby stay strong sad he took for granted he could just come back home me i’d call the police and ask them to remove him i’d change the locks and totally ignore him


There isn’t much you can do unfortunately expect tell him to leave and leave him outside don’t engage with him, if he becomes threatening call the police otherwise what is he really doing?

Is this the same girl that was seen at his work handing his Dairy Queen a few weeks back when you drove there to see what was going on?


If he keeps harassing you then a harassment order but the other side to that is you have a baby togeather so you need to at least try and get on and he’s going to hsve to come near you to see his child but you don’t have to be with him ask him to move out he cheated but that he can, see his baby and just be adult about it

You’re married. That’s HIS house too, you’d be laughed at if there’s no domestic violence involved. Sorry to remind you of this but you also share a child that he has equal rights to until you file for divorce and a visitation agreement.

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Get a divorce and child support, that using gets them running for the hills. (Child support and a custody agreement is not revenge) Good for you for not believing him! He will cheat again


Grass aint always greener. Thats what he gets. Its that 70/30 thing. I wouldnt take him back after the disrespect . he’ll know he can cheat and youll let him come back


You can get a restraining order against him and he can’t come with in a 1000 ft of ur home or get u a pistol :grin:

Tell that sorry POS to go stay with the hoe he been cheating with


Sorry, but you married him. That’s his house too. Plus, no matter how the relationship between yourself and him goes he still has a right to come see his child and he can stand on the half porch all day if he wants because it’s his house too🤦🏻‍♀️ sometimes I’m sure these are fake.

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If it’s a gated community you can let them know, changed access, ect. But if not…no

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Well, since you’re married, it’s his house too. And he’s legally allowed to be in his home and see his baby as well.
You can’t file assault charges, and you can’t get any sort of restraining order just because he cheated.
If you’re wanting to work this out eventually, you need to talk like adults and get marriage counseling.
If not, you need to file for divorce and custody.
Those are your only 2 options here.


Is he harassing , threatening or abusing you? Then you get a restraining order with your collected proof: texts, messages, voicemails, video, photos.
Consult with a few divorce attorneys, find one you like and file.
I’m sorry you’re going through this right especially after you’ve had a baby. :blue_heart:


You’re married, that’s his house too, you also have a baby that he has rights to infidelity or not. He’s offering a solution by saying he will move into the garage and no you can’t just ban people because you are mad or upset. I’m not saying what he has done isn’t wrong or absolutely heartbreaking but legally right now until you go to court you don’t really have a leg to stand on. If you’re serious about not wanting him back then it’s time to seek a family law attorney or file for a divorce yourself if you can in your state.


If he’s harassing you, that’s still a domestic even if there isn’t violence. They will remove him from the property in that instance. It doesn’t matter if he gets mail there, or his name is on anything. They always seperate couples in those situations.


Maybe try getting an eviction notice first. :thinking:


No you can’t ban him from the neighborhood! Geez! What a world it would be if we could be banned from our homes AND neighborhood because someone is mad at us and wants to be vindictive. I don’t agree with cheating - at all, but I have to wonder about the “off my property without assault charges being brought” part!!! ??? That sounds like “how much can I get away with legally.” And all because “you FEEL LIKE he’s going to cheat again”. You are probably right, but the law can’t even arrest somebody for an actual crime they “feel like” they might commit. Go for a divorce, split the house, cars, etc, have the courts help with custody, visitation and how much child support you each pay.


Theres nothing you can do anymore. Even if he hit you the police won’t make him leave…ego if your married. You have to gonget a restraining order first and you can’t do that without good reason. These guys that refuse to leave are sick excuses for men.

Get a divorce lol. If he’s just sitting on his porch that’s not illegal. If he’s not hurting you then you can’t file charges or for a restraining order. Either go to counseling and work it out or file for divorce :woman_shrugging:t2:


you can’t ban him from entering a neighborhood, was that really a question? And you’re married, that’s his house, and his child. He has a right to be in the house as do you. I’m sorry he cheated, That’s terrible. I wouldn’t trust him again either… If you want him out, file for a divorce.


Leave me alone said 3x means harraments after that so don’t respond to his text just say leave me alone…then go for a PFA

Lmao y’all better than me cuz I’d handle it wayyyyy different than all of u :joy::joy: if u want that mf to stay away then scare him into doing so it can be done trust me​:grin:


Are some of the made up problems

This has got to be the trailer park girl & the dq mess!! :rofl::rofl:


Have to go to court.

If he owns the house/rents the house/name on the house, he has all the same rights to the house as you do, in fact since your married, it is what it is. Only to ban him is to get a restraining order, but if simply just cheated and tkjr mad, you may have to live with him until you figure things out.

Call law enforcement to help you. He willingly left the property for however long when you packed his bags. What he’s doing is harassment and falls under domestic. File for a restraining order. Settle the rest out in divorce court if you do not want the marriage to continue. The restraining order will not keep him out of the subdivision but it will keep him away from you. You must decide what you want now that he has left/returned. No one stays in a home with a spouse they plan to divorce and no law says they must.


Wtf. That’s still his place of residence too… stop it.

Put him a dog house on the porch and put a shock collor on him, throw him a bone ,shock him if he complains!


Ban him from YOUR neighborhood​:flushed::woman_facepalming::rofl: girl…please.How bout go about all this the legal mature responsible way…that may help​:woman_facepalming:


She said ban him from the neighborhood :sob:

I wish they would tell us if this is the DQ chick lol I bet it is

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Ok i hope this one is a joke… cause something is wrong with every statement


I think this is the same girl that said it was the neighbor in their trailer park who was cheating with her husband. So I think when she says “neighborhood” she means their trailer park.

Can someone please tell me what a half porch is??? Isn’t a porch a porch no matter the size? #allporchesmatter


You can keep him out of the neighborhood. If he has mail coming there then no you can’t just make him stay out unfortunately if he doesn’t leave. That’s still his place too so you’ll just have to file for divorce and go that way if you no longer want to be with him.

He’s your husband, unless he has caused you and your baby harm, there’s literally nothing you can do besides divorce him. That’s his house too.

Maybe throw a butter finger blizzard at him??


You can get a Temporary Protection Order.

If he gets mail at that house or he’s on any of the paperwork for the rent/ownership you will need to evict him and get a restraining order but for a restraining order on the paperwork you have to list the reasons why idk if they will give that to you just because he cheated unfortunately

Everyone is assuming they own the house but if you don’t own it you just need to take him to court to get an eviction and let your current landlord know that you’re taking him off the rental contract

Did you try throwing a butterfinger blizzard at him to see if it makes him go away?


Some states will say u have to give 30 days notice I believe. If u call the cops they can mediate for a certain amount of time. Send him to a hotel for the night. Then u will need to go to court to proceed with the kicking him out


File for eviction now and then a TRO if he doesn’t stay off of the property after eviction.

Assault? He isnt hitting you. He resides there. He has to be evicted or if his name is on the lease/mortgage he owns the property too.

You can file for divorce and have him removed from home until divorce is final…he doesn’t have to be abusive. My husband cheated and I filed for him to leave our martial home until everything was finalized.


I would call the police and ask my friend got it were her boyfriend can’t come within 5 miles of her place or he arrested

You can’t ban someone from a neighborhood. If you live in an apartment complex or HOA, they can file a no trespass on him, but there has to be a valid reason like assault, drugs or destruction of property. As for getting him off of your property (assuming you own) you would have to file and be granted a restraining order.

If you’re truly done with him and the marriage, show him. File for divorce.

Do you own the neighbourhood?

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If he’s on the lease and you two are married you have to go through Court…

You can start with divorce.

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Hopefully you bleached all of his clothes before putting them in garbage bags lol


Call the police and have him removed


Oh gurl I’m sorry!! What a j3rk! I absolutely hate it when you want someone to leave and they won’t. That’s prob the most uncomfortable situation, I would tell him flat out, U don’t want him to live in the garage, that you want him to leave. That cheating is unacceptable and you and ur baby deserve better. Let him know hes able to visit the baby but for now he needs to leave and give u space. If that doesn’t work, I know a guy :wink: hang in there momma! Congratulations on ur new baby! Soak up every bit of it. :green_heart:

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Time to file for divorce and legally get claim over what you want. Cheaters are :wastebasket:


Is he on the lease if so u can’t even kick him out of the house

Oh my God it’s the half porch lAdy!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:


You cant ban him from the neighborhood and unless you actually need a restraining order (if he starts stalking or being violent) is the only legal way you could keep him away from you. If he left on his own I wouldn’t worry about giving eciction notices. But technically you can’t kick him from his own dwelling without 30 days notice. File for divorce. Legally make sure he’s removed from the unit.


Grass is never greener!!!

You can’t even ban him from your house here in tn. What’s yours is his until y’all divorce.

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Get you a protection order and restraining order and don’t change your mind

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:joy::joy::joy::joy: did you throw the blizzard at her?? Please tell me you did!!! Knock his ass right off that half porch girl

Just be like Stoop Kid and stay on your porch scaring him away. He’ll get the hint eventually.

Maybe you can’t ban him, but turning the garden hose on him would probably yield some effective results :slight_smile:


You usually have to file for separation to legally enforce this.

Just act crazy enough and he will stay away


Divorce, file a no trespass, or stalking charges

Unfortunately, no. You can ask the police to remove him, but if it’s his residence you can’t keep him from it


You can try to get a restraining order. He can’t come within a certain distance from you. But not sure what’s involved in getting one.

Save some money move away he will cheat again it won’t get better if anything it’ll get worse.


He cheated on you, not his baby. Don’t be one of those moms. He has a right to see his child, and a judge is going to see it like that too. You need to put your emotions aside over what he did to you, grow up, and figure something out for your child so he can see him or her. If you don’t, he can take take you to court and the judge will force something into place because you’re intentionally keeping him from seeing them.


yes you can tell the law he is a thret and they will tell u what to do

Get him court order to be evicted

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You may have to hire someone to murder him….

Why do people keep talking about their “half porch” in these posts? Lol