Nope. You can allow that man his rights to his child. Meet him in public and then after a few hours of him seeing his kid, you go back home and he goes back to his lunch lady.
Look I understand you are upset, and it’s perfectly understandable you don’t want him living there, so do what you have to to get him moved out, but to ban him from ever coming there is punishing your child… as he should still be allowed to see his child, not live there, but again visit his child. Sounds like to me you’re wanting to punish him and not let him be a dad either, and that’s not right, nor fair to him, but more importantly not fair to the child. Every child deserves to have both parents, even if it’s having them separately.
You would have to talk to the police to see what you can do
Okay first off, that saying once a cheater always a cheater… NO THAT IS NOT RIGHT. I cheated once on my husband and swear to everyone I’ll never do it again. But that’s me. Some people can change is all I’m saying.
File a divorce until then he has every right to be there. Of he’s harassing you or hurting you that’s a different story than get a restraining order.
My ex isn’t even allowed in the town i live in But my case is totally different… we weren’t married, who knows if he was cheating, and there was severe domestic violence. But just because you are pissed he cheated (and rightfully so ) isn’t cause to ban him from the neighborhood. Go through a lawyer, get a divorce and do it properly.
If you’re married you can’t kick him out of the home. He has a right to be there. You’ll have to go to a legal eviction or divorce.
If it’s his house too , you can’t make him leave unless he’s a threat to you and that baby …if it’s not his but he’s living there I think you have to have him evicted . As far as not allowing him to enter the neighborhood… don’t think that’s possible
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Wait, is this the same person who saw some girl bring him lunch every day at work?!
Chapter 2 of white trash story oh lordy I knew he was fuckin that chick brining him dairy queen every day girl . A shovel is quiet … y’all is this for real bc omg
You can get a restraining order bur if he hasn’t done anything to harm you it won’t hold. And you can’t keep him from your neighborhood. If you’re both on the house note legally he can be there
Not for cheating you can’t. If it’s about him seeing the baby come to some agreement.
File a trespassing document with officers
Not with standing a restraining order. And my soon to be ex husband is friends with the neighbor and still goes there from time to time
You can charge him with harassment. Call the cops let them now.
Who’s name is the home in? Yours, his or both? If it’s in his name at all I don’t think you can kick him out.
you left too much information out in order to get a good response
Get a legal eviction and or divorce him. I’m going to say that it’s better to not be messy when a child is involved. You are going to have to deal with him you and your child’s entire life. Unless he signs his rights away.
I remember this girls posts.
Is this an update on the Dairy Queen girl?
You are still married so they only way to stop this is divorce otherwise it is still his house too
Lots of missing info? Is his name on the deed or lease agreement? What are your states laws in property of a married couple? Has he harmed or threatened to harm you or the child(ren)?
Without missing info difficult to give advice. I’m sorry that you are in this situation and wish you the best.
Alot of females are on here, saying she needs a divorce. No, she doesn’t. She can get a protective order or a peace order which he would have to stay so many feet away from her and contact thru a 3rd party if the baby is his to get info on only the baby. Then, she needs to file for divorce , custody hearing , etc. It depends on state. I’m in MD
You could try to get a restraining order for harassment.
Good luck. No you cannot have him banned only a court can decide that. Been there done that. Amd unless he is a danger to you or your /his children they will not give you a protection order either just Because he may or may not have cheated. Just file for divorce and let the courts handle it.
He is the father of the baby. You two need to learn to have an adult relationship that doesn’t involve intimacy if that’s what you want, because he needs to be apart of the babies life. No you can’t ban someone from your neighborhood just because you want to. That’s called a restraining order and they give those to people who need actual protection from someone.
honestly he can live in the house. his name is on it I assume???
If his legal address is your home you can’t do anything
Is this the girl who wanted to throw a butterfinger blizzard at the other girl👀
If his name is any where on that house. or if he is getting mail there no you can’t you have to go and file a eviction on him then it can still take up to 30 days
Talk to a lawyer.
Can’t ban him from the neighborhood but you can tell him to not come back unless he wants trespassing charges
We put up purple fence post in Texas as a warning to not trespass. I’d put a sign at the edge of your property and a no soliciting sign on your door. Call a family lawyer in your state. Figure out your options.
Mine tried this too after being a horrible human when I was four months pregnant. After a few friendly talks from some of my male coworkers, he moved. Then the chase for child support was on. However, my daughter is a perfectly well adjusted person without his nonsense.
You have to give them a proper notice whatever your county to your state requires you cannot just kick somebody out of their home so you would be the one in a bit of trouble
Check into getting a restraining order.
Is the the same one the lady was bringing him Dairy Queen every day?
You can get an order of protection banning him from being on your property. Go file for separation at the same time and divorced
Did you throw the blizzard or did you throw a McDonald’s breakfast sandwich? Inquiring minds wanna know…
Are you married to him?
Restraining order and divorce
Get a R.O. from law enforcement - it’s cause stress and you feel unsafe.
You can’t even keep him out of your house if that was his residence. Meaning he was getting mail there.
Tell him to go live with the farm witch
Go file separation papers and eviction. It’s his home legally also so you can’t just throw him out. Unless he has been violent they’re not going to give you a restraining order either. He hasn’t abandoned the property by taking a couple garbage bags of clothes off and then returning within 30 days so you can’t get them on abandoned property either. So go to court file separation papers or if your state allows straight to divorce papers and of course your child custody papers and start going through the motions.
Ok for those saying restraining order, those are for when you are in danger. This chick is mad because her husband cheated not because he abused her. If he lives at that address or has his name on the lease or mortgage he can’t just be kicked out. You will have to go through a divorce the proper way. I’m sorry for what happened to you but if he hasn’t done anything abusive don’t make yourself look dumb asking for a restraining order just because he cheated
You can file a PFA even if he has not hurt u or the baby. You can tell them he has left and now hes back and wont leave you alone and that you are scared because hes stalking you. They will issue a temp order til u can go to court. However the court will let him be part of the childs life because he is the father.
Did you buy the house before marriage? If not, he’s legally part owner adn you cant just kick him out of his own property. Even if its legally yours, you have to give him a 30 day notice of eviction. File for divorce and through the courts work out a custody agreement.
You and your half porch you gotta stop this
Is this the lady that was buying ff for the husband in the trailer park?
Change the locks and let him live in the garage he’ll eventually get sick of peeing and pooping in bottles. Evictions can take around 30 days and it depends on who’s house it is. Pfa/ro may not apply if you can’t prove abuse, they usually won’t issue one just because you are upset and want him to move. They really aren’t cut and dry like that. It’s up to a judge, you have a hearing and have to provide evidence of abuse.
All of yall suggesting an order of protection etc. She is annoyed by her husband not in fear of her life. Taking this before a judge makes her look petty and it will not be granted. OOP’s are there to protect people in danger not because you simply dont like someone.
I read this like 5 time’s and this can’t be real or from a woman !!! This situation sounds like it came from the mind of a man that is trying to see if women have common sense ! Anyone with common sense knows a restraining order is a bandaid for this type of situation but if you read it a few time’s this is no real situation at least not in real life !
Cheating isn’t a valid reason for the court to issue a restraining order or a VPO, file for divorce and figure out custody.
The only recourse you have is a restraining order.
maybe not the neighbourhood but definitely get a restraining order
Get a divorce and restraining order. I know you don’t like that, but it’s the only option besides getting a divorce and move far away from him
Oh sh**, ya’ll! She back! Did you throw the Blizzard off your half porch at the farm witch in her 90’s crop top?! I can’t breathe!!
Podés pedir una orden de alejamiento
I have no advice, but I just want to say thank you for the update on the farm witch!
You have to file an eviction and go from there. If he is on your title to house or the lease he has no reason to not be there.
This lady is asking for suggestions and help and some of y’all are so harsh. There’s no reason for sarcasm, Her emotions are raw and she’s confused
I don’t know if this satire or real but it’s better than day time television show from the 90’s. Yes girl, you can ban him from your neighborhood, it’s called a restraining order and benelli.
First, please explain the half porch? That’s my first concern. Why is it just half? Did he do something to the other half or was it already gone? I gotta know, WE ALL GOTTA KNOW!
Remember he did you dirty and not your child so unless he’s a terrible father…
U can’t get a restraining order for cheating …and he lives there so it sucks but unless he is doing something to harm or asssult u the cops will tell u to let him back in and then deal with it as adults do like one moves out …or u both stay or u both move out …it’s not the cops job to mediate relationship issue’s they r to busy saving lives.
Forgive and go to church get help if it’s worth saving…people change think of the baby needs it’s father.If it happens again out the door!
You need to get a legal separation or divorce and a restraining order.
Tell him to go sleep in the graveyard with the farm ho
Unfortunately you can’t ban no one from anywhere unless you own the whole lot. Call the cops have them remove him, and get a divorce and ppo against him.
All yall yelling for a restraining order are nuts. If he doesnt present a physical danger to you or your child please dont waste the courts time on a restraining order you will likely be denied for. In the mean time when he shows up ask him to leave if he doesnt call the cops and most likely they will make him leave for 24 hours hopefully that will deter him further. Just remember he did you dirty not your child. Dont hurt your new baby by keeping him away from his father even if he is a cheating ass.
If his name is on the house nothing you can do. But even if it isnt he can legally be in the street sitting outside in his car ANY time. There is a no entrance on to property (if his name isnt in the lease or on the house) then he can get in trouble for crossong the property line(if the correct paperwork is filled out. Call your local officers to ask about the no entry paperwork, again inly if his nane is NOT on the residence) but under no means can you ever restrict any one from public roads and/or side walks. Unless of course you have a restraing order and for that to happen you would need him to threaten you and have a obvious reason as to why you feel threatened by him. Honestly from the information given there NOTHING you can do. You keep him from the kids and you just higher his chances of gaining custody… Be civil, let him see his children and divorce his ass. Show proof of his infidelity and you can get half of everything and win everything yoy want in the divorce because he BROKE your marriage contract. And you will win. Ignore your emotions, do not act on them and let the law handle it.
File for divorce and tell him to go live in his lunch lady’s garage because you don’t want him anymore andunless it pertains to your child you have nothing to talk about
At that point I’d get him a shock collar and padlock it on him. Any time you feel like it ZAPPP! PROBLEM SOLVED.
No but you can get an order to keep away from your door!
You might be able to get a restraining order, but he does have a right to see his children. I’d get a custody agreement in writing, including an agreed-upon handoff location, to prevent this behavior. File for divorce immediately since you’re clear on your decision.
Law enforcement is going to give you the best advice or an attorney since you are restricting someone from their residence too. You need to find out your LOCAL laws.
Well unfortunately you’re married and he can LEGALLY come to, enter and even live at your residence until you get an order to get him out… Sorry that’s the law for married ppl. And for those saying to “get a restraining order” those aren’t given out to ppl who cheat, that is PROTECTION from abuse so PLEASE DO NOT USE THE COURTS IN THIS MANNER, file for divorce and get him out the right way.
With him being your husband…it’s legally his house & neighborhood as well…
Please explain this half porch to us. What happened to the other half. Did he or the farm Ho do something to the other half. Inquiring MINDS NEED TO KNOW.
Girl stop w the half porch nonsense nobody knows what that is
Its called a restraining order
Gosh…put his goods into another garbage bag…just change it so he sees you serious …please please don’t take him back
Tell him to go get therapy to go get help maybe he will change maybe not I believe it’s worth a try good luck
I would not take him back. Giving him exactly what he wanted. To mess around with someone else and then to come back to the comfort of his home… bye bye home boy. Id tell him he doesn’t deserve to come back and you will be filing for divorce. If you dont want to do counseling and gain his trust back. Thats the only other option. But if he got away with it once he’ll probs fo it again. im sorry
Is this the dairy queen lady?
is all I gotta add to this
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Maybe you should have packed him lunch. We gotta eat. Maybe it was your fault he cheated. Should have made him lunch and she would have never been feeding him. Solved.
if u get a ppo he can’t came within 500 ft of u anywhere or he can go to jail. but each area rules is diff
Maybe not the neighborhood but probably your property. Don’t answer him, feed him or give bathroom privileges. Hope it’s cold or buggy where you live
Unless there is abuse and you can obtain a restraining order, he has just as much right to the entire property as you since you are married. If he refuses to leave, it will be decided in the divorce process and the judge will give a move out date to whoever needs to leave. I’ve seen it not happen until the divorce is final.
There has to be a reason he is still your husband and you haven’t made him your ex. So either go to counseling and fix what was broken and unknown or divorce him and place a restraining order. You can’t stand on a line you have to pick.
Wait is this the same person that said this girl was bringing her husband lunch everyday and he didn’t see a problem with it?
Get a restraining order and tell them he’s basically stalking you and won’t leave you alone then he can’t come withing 100 ft of your house I believe. Also call the cops if he won’t leave and that’ll be more evidence for the restraining order.
I noticed also the MEN of this thread have nothing nice to say and think it’s the women’s fault. HOW TYPICAL it’s always “our” fault huh? You guys do no wrong waaaah. Get over yourself if your not going to give advice move on because you only make yourself look like a jack ass Infront of all the mom’s here.
Is this the lady who’s husband was getting ice cream everyday?
This can’t be real
You. Cant. But. You. Can. File. Evictiontheres. No abuse. Lessyou. Want. Try
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