Hi I have flight coming up soon with my 2 year old daughter , does anyone know if I can bring my baby trend jogger stroller on the flight, i know it’s big but it’s the only I have and we plan to use it at Disney world . Also any tips to keep my 2 year old entertained on the 6 hr flight she will be 1 week from turning 2 so I believe she will be free on our way there so she will be sitting on my lap , on our way back I will pay for her 1 way . Thank you .
Yes, they will check it at the gate and when you get off at your destination it will be waiting for you right outside the plane door
Make sure the stroller meets the new size requirements for Disney. The new stroller size rules went into effect May 1.
Yes but make sure you can use it at Disney. It’s gotta be under 52 inches long or 31 inches wide
Ugh I had my worst experience with my 9 month old on a jet blue flight to Florida
I had a window seat yes he was in my lap and yes he was miserable kicked the seat in front of us kept trying to get off my lap whining …your better off buying a ticket and using your car seat
I’ve learned my lesson
You’ll have to check the stroller. Take hard candy on the flight to help with plugged ears for the little ones. Also recommend a new toy that you give them on the plane so its new and exciting and holds their attention for a while. Also bring several sheets of wax paper and a pack of stickers so they can stick and restick stickers
I get the wanting to save money thing, but at almost two you’d be way more comfortable getting her her own seat both ways. I downloaded some age appropriate games/shows on my phone for her to play and brought some coloring books. I also let her have a small backpack and she picked out a few toys to fill it with. These Water Wow books are awesome, my daughter loved them at that age! Melissa & Doug On the Go Water Wow! Reusable Travel Activity Pad 6-Pack (Alphabet, Number, Safari, Vehicle, Animal, Under the Sea, Refillable Water Pen, Reusable Pages) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MYV4CLW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Qbn0CbAG8KYFW
Stickers sticky notes my daughter played with bandaids but they are more expensive
If it folds, they’ll put it in the luggage compartment.
Buy a little suitcase (like shoe box size) to carry on and glue a lego board to the lid…fill it with lego pieces, some paper and crayons, stickers, and animals simple yet works a treat
Depends on your airlines. Southwest Airlines will let you check a stroller AND a car seat, in addition to two bags, for FREE.
You just have to check it sometime they use to let you give it to them at the gate so you could use it in airports. But I just read article day or two ago Disney and Universal studios banned all large strollers and wagon from the park. Because of the large crowds they were expecting this summer. In the article it gave dimensions of what they were allowing. I would check. You could take it for outside the park but if it is to big. It is just another way to make money. RENTAL is not to expensive however it is first come first serve.
Under the new rules that go in effect on May 1, strollers must be smaller than 31 inches wide or 52 inches long. Most single strollers should be fine