Let him sign away his rights. No one should make anyone responsible for a child they do not want, period. Not trying to sound rude but you made the choice to go through with the pregnancy and he’s obviously made his. If he signs his rights over then a future husband can adopt the child as their own. Why make drama you don’t need.
You might have to wait, they tend to want a DNA test before making someone pay CS. Well in my area that’s how it works.
No you have to have a birth date.
Better off cutting your losses and raising your child completely without him.
I raised my son without visitation and without child support. It made life a lot easier and less arguments. If you go for child support then he can ask for visitation or custody. (Revised statement)
You have to wait until the baby is actually born to file for child support. I would print the papers, fill them out, and then date them the day of birth and have someone drop them off for you. Typically, child support is established from the date of the petition for child support. So basically, if you submitted your petition for child support today, and it takes 6 months to get through everything and officially establish the child support, he starts out with 6 months of arrears. At least that’s how it was, but it has been many years since I filed for support. Also, if he’s gone no contact, be prepared to have paternity done as well.
If he’s walking away and not looking back u do same and be gone with him don’t tell having had baby don’t put his name on birth certificate you will have less mess and dram if he stays away.
You need to get a dna test
I believe he has to be present and nurse/doctor or whoever is the authority for the birth certificate has to show ID to prove who they are
File for child support as soon as possible. OR, if you can afford it, ask him to terminate his parental rights.
Exact laws differ by state. I don’t think you even have to put his name on the birth certificate. But ask someone who knows - a lawyer or social worker - the ramifications of each choice.
This is why you shouldn’t try out the whole menu
You can’t turn anything in until baby is here. And since he’s not there to fill out an affidavit they will want DNA proof most likely. So all of it will take a lot of time. It won’t happen immediately not matter what you try.
You can get the papers and fill them out, but you can’t really turn them in or anything until the baby is born for birthday, name and everything else they ask for.
I wouldn’t want him any part of the baby give baby your last name and be done with him
Get your tubes tied!!!
Track him down before he really disappears!!
DNA test and it isn’t cheap.
You would be better off not even putting him on the birth certificate once he is On Paper, he gets Rights:100: for 18 YEARS!!! trust me… get Over him now and move on with your life
Totally jumping the gun.baby isn’t here yet and your already worried about child support? Smh
Let him off the hook… sure, keep on enabling men to continue being deadbeat fathers to multiple kids, who never take responsibility for their actions.
No they need baby for DNA test if he denies the child. Doing it early alerts him which could cause him to disappear just keep track of him. If he shows back up try working on getting his social and other identifying info you can give to track him
In NY the baby needs to be born first.
Your baby will need a social or a birth certificate before you can apply. It does not matter if he signs the birth certificate. It does not matter if you have a DNA test (theyll do it if he denies the child). Many places you can file online to start the case. Do it as soon as you are able. They WILL back date it to the day they were born assuming you informed him of the birth AND that youd like some support. Mine thought it was the day of court. NO BUDDY. I asked you since we split to help with him and you refused saying “youll pay when the court says you have to” SURPRISE they back dated it till the day we split and he started out owing 15k because he was stubborn. All you have to wait on is the babies social and in the meantime find out EVERYTHING you can about the father. Even his social if you can. His workplace. His current address and phone. Emails. Any bit of info is helpful. Good luck and im glad you are keeping it and loving it just the same.
U have to have the child first
You have to wait until the baby is born. Sometimes unpredictable things happen and you might loose the baby (God I pray not) but thats still a possibility. Im not trying to sound harsh but that is why laws say that you have to wait. He will have to pay you back from the date you file. The payments are called retroactive.
So lets say baby is born on July 1st. You file for child support on July 5 when your baby gets a social security number… You go to court in September. He will still owe you for the months of July and August + September and so on…
Yes. Yes you can. Since you are pregnant and it’s a BABY person even before it’s born ( in some states, just check) you should file now.
Thank god I’ll never have to deal with this with my kids!!!
With his actions now what makes you think it’s gonna be different when the baby is born??
My sons father has been completely absent since the day I told him I was pregnant. I started the process when my son was two weeks old.
Be prepared for him to come and get at least partial custody at some point if you do this.
When born. Will need social and birth certificate to file. They will require DNA test if he denies the child. All of this is stated after baby is born and here takes a lot of time to even start that.
You have to wait until the baby is born
The courts will then do a dna test to prove he’s the father then they’ll make him pay child support
If you’re receiving state aid, I would contact your social worker. They may need to get the paperwork started. They will have to contact him, sometimes that can present problems and make the delay longer. Not sure if it’s still like that, but had a friend of my daughters several years ago this happened to.
Get dna test first then go after support. I’m so sorry.
Honestly if he’s walking away and having no interest in the child I’d cut my losses now.
It won’t get easier and it will cause you and your child a lot of pain and heart break in the future
Raising children isn’t cheap!! You get what you and that baby deserve!! Irresponsible men shouldn’t get free passes !! Paternity will have to be established and then he will have to go to court. In most states if someone fails to pay child support they go to jail
Get ready to share custody with that child support. Might not be worth the drama
File for child support
Ask for DNA testing to be done
Once bubs is born
To prove he is the father
And watch him squirm
Leave him off the birth certificate. If you apply for child support it could hurt you years down the track when he finally decides to be a dad and he will get some kind of custody, plus you will be in and out of court for years.
You can file now so you can get a date very soon after your delivery date.
START IT NOW! It will be good to finally get fathers for support after becoming pregnant!
You can file for support after the baby is born. He may demand a paternity test, but that shouldn’t be a problem.
Some of the responses on this post are so cringe
Cannot fill out anything until it’s a “live birth”
If life begins at heartbeat, make him pay since that heartbeat began.
Unless you’re ready to share custody then I would just forget about him.
You can file for support but he can request a dna test and that takes time
So you have 2 options really.
Get child support: take him to court and the court will request a DNA test be done and his name will go on the birth certificate which means that the judge may also allow him to have some type of custody of the baby.
Don’t file for child support and don’t put him on the birth certificate meaning when he wants to be Dad he would have to take you to court, get a DNA test done and you have evidence of trying to reach him which could bite him in the ass.
You have to wait until child is born to file
Do not sleep with anyone you do not have a stable relationship with. Wake up.
Why would you force a dude to take care of a child he doesn’t want? I see absolutely both sides but at the end of the day I wouldn’t let my child’s safety be in question. If he doesn’t want that baby now, what makes you think he will want that baby later. To me its not worth the maybe 25 bucks of child support you might see once a year.
Look into your area. In some you can’t apply for child support until baby is 6 weeks old. Keep all your receipts though. The crib, car seat, diapers, clothes, medical bills etc. You can sue him for half.
You have to wait til the baby is born to file anything.
If a woman has the “right” to choose life or death for her “fetus”, why does the father not have any rights. If you choose to have the baby and he skips out, why put him on child support? They take half their income. How are they supposed to live? Thats why men quit their jobs… Im a seasoned mom of 6! And can damn well support my own!
That would be a question for the child support office or courts. Every state is different so you’d have to ask to find out what the laws are where you live.
My brothers ex filed child support on him when she was 5 seconds pregnant so I’m sure it’s a possibility. Doctors visits, prenatal care, hospital stay, etc etc all adds up and he is half responsible…
I wouldn’t even file for child support if he wants nothing to do with the baby. Because if he decides he does want to be a part of the child’s life, he will have EVERY RIGHT to be in it, especially if he is paying child support and you will have no say so, unless you can prove he is a horrible dad and or uses drugs.
That’s hard. Sounds like you’ve got your head on straight though. Talk to a lawyer and get some legal advice that should set you right. Good luck x
Most states require DNA tests if you are not married.
Babe ignore these stupid ass comments. It’s your right to receive a pinch of help from that idiot. That’s what he is and that’s all they will give you. Go ahead and go by the office to apply. You’re actually being really smart pre planning. Raising kids are tough and expensive. Just because he chickened out doesn’t mean you have too. Don’t be afraid to fight for the help u and the baby deserve. They will paternity test but it doesn’t give him any rights. Go ahead and go by the office and ask what your options are. Proud of u for being brave enough to post. Ignore the immature girls on here don’t let it bug you.
No. Damn… how greedy do you need to be.
I’d put father unknown on the birth certificate and let him go his own way.
after the baby is born, You can file the paper work, he will want a DNA test, which is normal & then it goes on from there. But I do like the above comment, Because if somewhere down the road, & hopefully many yrs from now, You just might met the right one, get married & hopefully that person who want to adopt your child, with 'Unknown ; on the birth certificate you won’t have to go thru the birth father given away his rights or not.
You need to go through your states Dept. of Human Services. Usually, when you are 6 months gestational period, or your 3rd trimester. You sign up for a DNA test, and other benefits if need be. They will make him responsible for part of the cost of birth, child support, and the DNA test. Do this a quickly as you can, as you can, because sometimes it takes months to get the DNA test done, track him down for his DNA. Then, when the process is completed, he he will have to pay you back support, and then what they deem he can afford. This way you never have to ever deal with him on your own.
Take are of your angel
No lol because you have to prove he’s the father…
You can 100% fill it out. Filing would be a different story. But I would suggest having ready and then submitting it ASAP after baby is born. It could take a while, because he’ll either need to admit he’s the father or request a DNA test, but they’ll back date it only until the date that u filed.
Get a lawyer. Get rid of the loser
Yes in some states you can begin collecting child support at 6 months. Every state is different so I would start by going and getting advice by legal aide or Department of Children and Families. Your local WIC office and Food Stamp office may also have advice. Like I said every state is different. Also, just because you can collect child support does not mean you will. I’m sorry this happened to you. What a jerk he is, you deserve better.
Nothing unless u know where he lives to serve him for child support
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I’m so sorry love, you’ll be the best mama that baby need
Get him to sign his rights over. Give baby your last name.
No, and if you don’t know his address or workplace chances are you won’t get child support either. My son’s dad dodged CS for years by moving around and working under the table
I’m pretty sure you can’t actually apply till baby is born… In saying that… He may be difficult to track down. He may demand and be entitled to DNA testing. Good luck sweetie xx