Can I fill out child support paperwork before baby is born?

I was with a guy, we got pregnant. 5 months in he leaves and I never hear from him again. I’ve reached out numerous of times but it’s evident he wants nothing to do with the baby. I’m just wondering what my options are.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can I fill out child support paperwork before baby is born?

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Baby has to be born before you can file.


Contact an attorney.


Paternity has to be established before you can file


Sometimes when you open the door for child support you also open the door for visitation etc…which I don’t think you should keep the kid from him but sometimes just letting them walk away is overall for the best 


Baby has to be born and possible paternity test done. Been there with exhusband

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I filled out the paperwork before my daughter was born but couldn’t turn it in until she was born.

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Contact your local child support office, they will guide you on a possible online application or in office visit when baby is born


You have to wait till the baby is born. You’ll have to check with an attorney about child support. You may have to establish paternity first. And in doing that you open yourself up to a custody fight.


Im not sure if it depends on state or not. Paperwork and everything can be filed but an order won’t be placed until after the baby is born. It would be good to get the ball rolling maybe. You can call and ask.

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Baby has to be born. Most states require an Affidavit of Paternity to establish parentage. If he won’t volunteer, the court can make take one. You may need to see a few lawyers and ask for a time frame.

I’d get the paperwork and fill it out in the hospital and drop it off on the way home.
Even if it’s months before you get into court, he’ll have to pay back support.
If he pays something while waiting, have records for the court. Don’t intentionally screw him bc you’re mad.


Paternity must be established before a court can get involved that way.


The baby has to be born. If he is not there to sign the birth certificate than a paternity test will need to be done

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You can fill it all out, but can’t actually file till baby is here. I genuinely recommend just putting you on the baby’s birth certificate as well. Don’t allow this man the opportunity to pop in and out without putting in effort bcause in the end itll do no one favors. Child support opens the door to all that if he isn’t considered unfit. If it were me, I’d leave it be and if he wants a life with the child, he can pay for court fees himself and deal with child support then. Don’t stress yourself out babe, worrying about child support and things like that will cause you much more stress than you think. Now unless he was all for the pregnancy, said he’d be there for it, with you and he wanted the baby, that’s different, throw him on it, just remember what door you open for him. He will most likely have the right to everything you do, medical decisions, school decisions, etc etc.


Run like hell and consider yourself lucky. It opens Pandora’s box on custody. Sometimes parents want custody just to reduce child support. How will you feel with your precious baby going somewhere they aren’t wanted 50% of the time and you get no child support? Or if you’re capable of working and the other parent doesn’t? Then you’re paying child support and losing your kid half time. I’m not saying he shouldn’t be held responsible, but there are worse things in life than struggling financially. One of them is not seeing your kid.


Dame we have the same sperm doner ?

Usually it is after the baby and if he contests it then you gotta wait for dna

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Baby has to be born. You don’t need an attorney. There should a local child support enforcement agency or some county offices do it where you apply for food stamps etc.


You can start the process, but nothing will be done until the baby is born and a DNA test is done. They wont put someone on child support because “you say he is the dad”


Save yourself and don’t add him to the birth certificate. He obviously doesn’t want to be involved and your just gonna stress yourself out


Did he at all say he didnt want to be a dad? If so, then leave that man alone.


I am baffled that your first thought is child support. I would be more concerned of his family history of health issues. You can take care of the baby on your own. Does the baby deserve to be supported by both parents! Absolutely. However that is not the case in most situations. Hopefully you just raise a happy healthy baby. :rose:


You can go to the count house once you have the baby and file for child support. You don’t need a lawyer for that however make sure you established custody of the child. Maybe once he has to pay he will step up to the plate but at least give him that chance to.

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Apply for assistance, that should get the ball rolling but it will not take effect til the child is born.

Worked for csa and paternity tests first get paperwork now

The baby will have to be born and you’ll have to establish paternity. Idk what exactly happens if he signs over his rights though, I think at that point they don’t have to pay child support. I would get in contact with a family lawyer if you can! 

Start the process but papers won’t be filed till they’re born

If you need insurance assistance, apply for pregnancy Medicaid right now!

you have to wait until the baby arrives…I went to domestics on my way home…same thing happened to me…Sorry…:frowning:

Take it as a blessing and raise the baby on your own

I have an 8 month old and when I told her dad at 7 weeks pregnant he told me to abort… All I had to say to him was I’m having this baby and I don’t need u or ur money… Haven’t heard anything from him since that day… Just to be a b**** I sent him pics one day and said just in case u forgot u have a beautiful daughter out here in this world and she looks just like you and still got nothing back…. His loss my blessing :two_hearts::two_hearts:


Girl you better not put him on the birth certificate or anything either. Just let him leave and raise baby by yourself


Don’t even worry with him…more trouble than just working and doing it yourself.


Let him go boo :expressionless::roll_eyes: it’s not worth the chase. All that matters is the baby will have you and you will have them. It’ll be tough doing it alone, it’ll be even harder to chase a “boy” who doesn’t want any parental responsibility.


You can’t get child support when pregnant

Here in Ohio , my sister in law tried to get her baby daddy for child support and they wouldn’t allow her to unless he signed the birth certificate of both of her kids ( twins ) after getting a dna test and she’s had no contact at all with him since she was just a couple months pregnant and her twins are almost 2 1/2 years old . Her other option was just get her him to sign over his rights for her kids and her not get child support for them .

If you really want to, you’ll have to establish paternity first once the baby is born. But from experience- keep his name off of everything and let it go. It’s not worth the hassle. Sometimes it’s a blessing that they disappear.


I would talk to the guys parents and let them know that they are going to be grandparents. Most people want to be involved in the baby’s life

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Once baby is born if you apply for assistance with food or medical with baby they will contact you to put him on child support. Or you can contact child support but only after baby is born.

Apply for food stamps and medicaire now, courts cannot begin any custody or support in any state until a live birth happens

I’d leave it, not worth it. Imo we as women have rights to choose when we don’t want to parent (terminate pregnancy) so men should get the choice as well… it sucks but can’t force him to be ready.


I’d leave it but it’s up to you. A lot of men when they’re paying feel the need to come in and try to dictate your life and get ‘their money’s worth’.

It’s so much easier being a single parent than trying to chase someone to parent


Trust me… do it alone. All kinds of help out there. He will make it horrible.


You can file for it after the baby is born with child support enforcement. They will have him either sign off that he is the father or do a DNA test. Once he is established the father they will put an order in place based on his income and yours respectively. For custody you will need to file a separate thing with the courts and have him served. Regardless of how active he is right now I would still take this step because you never know what can happen down the road. At least file for full custody. If he doesn’t show up he won’t get visitation awarded.


There is no way to prove that baby is his until DNA is processed and even then, some states require dad to sign the birth certificate before they will do anything about child support. He can sign away his rights as a father which would mean that he will never be legally responsible for that child

Do NOT put him on the birth certificate. Thats the best thing I ever did


Uh no. Because until it’s born it has no social security number, name or birth date. You can’t do anything until it’s born. I’d consider just not putting him on birth certificate or even letting him be involved. For real.


I think not sure, he has to sign the birthday and legitimate the baby I’m not sure. For dang sure I wouldn’t put him on the birth certificate nor legitimate him bc you probably won’t get child support either way. And it could come back to bite you in the butt if he comes around years later.

No you’ll have to wait.

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No you need to wait until the child is born. After the birth, paternity must first be established. You will need to file a paternity petition first and once paternity is determined you can pursue support


I wouldn’t request it. I would just give her your last name and not put him on the birth certificate.
Only because if he wanted to be a dad he would be without force.


I believe he has to be on the birth certificate to pay for the baby but I’m not sure on that one, but I’m sure there is another way around it if you do a paternity test to make sure he is the dad as alot of men get women pregnant and leave them to suffer trying to bring a child up and pay whilst not working

Check with your state. You probably need to wait until the baby is born but at least you can get the information

Eh… I agree with the few ladies saying to just leave it alone. If he said he doesn’t want to parent, he shouldn’t be forced. It won’t turn out well in the child’s favor. We as women have the right to terminate against the man’s will because it’s what we want, so why should he be forced to parent if it’s not what he wants?


No but do send him a message about termination of rights.


I don’t know what state you’re in but in Indiana you got to wait till the baby’s born and because you’re not married after the baby’s born they will give you paperwork for the birth certificate and all that they’ll ask for the father’s information you give them as much information as you have on him and he has so many days I think it’s three here in Indiana to come to the hospital and sign the birth certificate otherwise they forward that information to wherever it goes and he goes on a list until your child is 18 if you’re on any type of State assistance other then medicaid usually they will pursue paternity/child support on the states and your behalf. if not you can file paperwork with the family court basically petition for paternity because you’ll have to prove paternity before you can go after him for child support and he’ll get a court order from the court if they know where he’s at (usually paperwork is sent to the last known address) about when he’s supposed to show up to take the paternity test, you will also receive the same court order and have to show up with your child for the paternity test. My grandson’s father is not involved in his life he was given the opportunity from the day his son was born and didn’t take it my daughter isn’t on state assistance and decided not to pursue establishing paternity/child support so there is no father listed on my grandson’s birth certificate. She prefers it this way because she doesn’t want to force anyone to be a parent and feels that if he wanted to be a parent in her opinion he would have showed up on day one whether they were together or not and because he didn’t she has never pursued him and tried to force him to be involved.

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Don’t. Then he has rights. Let him prove and make those calls to be in the child’s life or get the rights terminated from the get go.

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l get paid over $130 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18849 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

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Don’t bother … But then again I don’t believe in child support anyway :woman_shrugging:t2:


In ny state after child is born

Don’t you dare give that baby his last name or put him on the birth certificate!


In VA you can’t have a father’s rights terminated unless another man adopts the child :no_mouth:. But I know in TN someone left their children and after 7 days their rights were terminated for abandonment. I would at least call the court and ask if you can get the paperwork and apts started. Good luck hun, a lot of the time the hardship of raising kids comes from the other parent. Best of luck Momma!! Sending you love!!

Wait til the baby is born and file…CS takes care of paternity issues…don’t listen to anything else said


Yup do it online!! 8 simple pages to get it started. It will kick in before the baby is born. Don’t be a dummy like I was and raise the baby financially on my own. That extra money will come in handy. Trust me, do it!


I do not think you can file on something that has not taken olace, the day you give birth is the day you list parents of the child.listing him does not make him aparent.

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Not till the baby is born. If he contests paternity then you have to get that done for the courts

If u don’t put him on birth certificate then u don’t have to share the baby.


Not without a baby. Then probably a test. Find out law in your state about name on birth certificate as well.

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Don’t put him on the birth certificate whatever you do. It will come back to haunt you. You can still get chid support with a paternity test


So In Wisconsin, child support and custody are 2 different things. So if you file for child support, that does not give him rights to the baby. He then would have to take you for custody and you have proof he hasn’t responded for 5 months. I don’t see why courts wouldn’t side with you. Make him pay for that baby. No man has a right to abandon children. It’s time to start castrating men who do.


I’m in WA, but I’m fairly certain in most US states you’ll need to wait till parentage is decided (paternity test).
If you think logically, how could they order anyone to pay if not confirmed parent (from test) or signed parentage by male (signed on birth certificate)…

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Yes help financially is mice ,BUT how much will you really get ,if you get any at all. Do you want this man in your life for the next 18 yrs. You may be able to get child support ,but you cant make a man be involved or be a good dad.

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More than likely you will have to do paternity test or both will need to sign an affidavit before you can even have his name on bc (if not married) at least in Iowa. So idk if you can fill out cs paperwork yet cause there’s no proof yet.

You have to wait until the baby is born, then file for paternity and support. They will court order him to show up.

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I didnt even put my sons father on the birth certificate. He wants nothing to do with his son and he never will. No fighting no drama no bitching about money. It is so pleasant.

Don’t put on birth certificate and get a paternity test court ordered !


If he doesn’t want anything to do w the child, have him sign over his rights instead.


Ask advice at Dept of social services. But u may have trouble proving paternity unless he gives a dna sample. Plus, he will also know where y’all r & have a reason to pop in & out of childs’ life randomly, if ever.

At least start the process so that way when the baby is born they will do a paternity test to make sure it is his child and it will go from there

No you cannot you’ll have to wait till baby is born then for child support to start they’ll need to determine the biological father before starting child support. But that doesn’t mean he’ll pay some men will work pay under the table jobs to avoid paying child support and they rather go to jail lose license etc than pay child support for a child they don’t want.

You probably have to get a paternity test first.

If he’s not involved and you decided to have the baby, why have him be? Cut off all ties and raise that baby on your own. Screw him. Or unscrew him


Do not… I repeat do not put him on the birth certificate.


You have to wait until the baby is born before you can file for child support…
P.s Whatever you do don’t add his name on the birth certificate it will save you so much headache in the future.


The question here is do you want him to have any right to that baby if not just let him be and raise that baby on you’re own


I do think you have to wait until the baby is born. The main reason I think k tbis is because I know they call him in through a court order first and make him take the DNA test. The state pays for the test and its super. The courts make him take the test so no worries there. It’s free and easy. After DNA test comes back his then they have new court date with all your proof of income and all his proof of income. And the court decides how much he should pay depending on how much money you both make. Average child support around my area is 350 a month.


Yes check with with your department human services

See if you can file now. Due to the back log of Ag’s office and count system it might not even come around till after you have the baby!

Ick no part ways and call it good. You will be better off and there will be less drama. Do not have him sign the birth certificate


It’s not worth it, you’re better off letting him be gone and not having him involved physically financially legally or in any other way… do not put him on the birth certificate… best of luck


So you can yes they will request dna test after baby is born …. That being said once paternity is established he can try to take custody just be aware and if dads on birth certificate most states consider that proof of paternity and he can just take baby


I’d leave it alone. If a woman can choose to not be a parent, abortion, then a man should also get that choice. I’d send him paperwork so he can sign his rights away and call it a day.


I’m not sure where you are but here in America you have to wait until the baby is born.
Personally, I’m a fan of men paying support while a woman is pregnant but we don’t have that here. Yet.
Many will suggest you leave it alone but I say no! Make him pay and if that involves seeing his child, so be it.
It’s about the child, not you.


You have to wait til after the baby is born. Request a paternity test, then file for child support


Most men who behave this way will ask for proof that it’s his child first or you may need to prove that in order to be able to take him to court to have them award you child support but if you do this he will have rights to this child the same as you do.


So he stuck around until you were 5 months pregnant, and then left? Definitely put him on child support. You’ll have to wait until your baby is born though. Maybe after having to pay child support, he’ll learn to be more responsible.

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You do not get child support while you are pregnant, you have to wait until the baby is born , the court will request a dna to establish paternity

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Well since they want to try to say life begins at conception why not? Good luck actually getting any though most men that get put on cs just work under the table to avoid paying. Because God forbid they should have to help financially pay for a child they helped to make. And no most states don’t do anything to punish those who don’t pay. So I probably wouldn’t bother.


DNA comes first they will give him chances to show in court and if he doesn’t after 2 times I believe then he will be named father since he didn’t show then the child support order can be started