Can I get child support from someone on SSDI?

Has anyone ever had experience with getting child support from a noncustodial parent on SSDI (social security disability income?) My 13 year old’s father abandoned him when he was 3 and moved 4 states away after not showing for his court ordered visitation. My son doesn’t even remember him nor does he even have any idea who he is (he’s only seen him once a since he was 1 1/2) I tried applying for child support back in 2010 but due to his “sperm donor” being on just SSI (social security income) at the time instead of SSDI, they couldn’t touch him. Now I’ve reapplied and am just wondering if anyone has any experience with this kind of thing. Thanks in advance :slightly_smiling_face:


If I remember right. They cant take childsupport from ssdi either

Kids can draw off the parent with disability that’s considered child support for the state of Utah.

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Nope. The state won’t take money from themselves. My best friend just went through it. Basically told her to work it out with him to make payment

I don’t think you can get anything if he is on diability but i might be wrong. Call the court in his state and see

I would say yes. But if it’s SSI no. Go get it.

Yes you can but it will not be very much…

Yes, you can. I recieve it from my daughters father.

You need to contact social security. Ur child qualifies for a benefit from social security because his father is disabled.


I have some research ofmn this and what i have found is yes you can. My daughters dad owes 24000 in back and they can take some of his back to pay me that plus your child should be able to draw a check every month with it and if im not mistaking ive ready they are still obligated to pay child support each month. Ssi no ssdi yes from what ive found

But you would be required to still support that child even if SSI or SSDI was your only income. Makes no sense.

My boyfriends dad social security gets garnished for back pay child support so yes do it what’s the worst that can happen! My bf is 36 and his dad pays for him, his twin and younger brother also his half sister from a different mom!! Good luck!!

You can’t garnish for child support but if he qualifies for dependent benefits you can claim them by going to the SS office

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Check into him getting his own check because my ex is on SSDI and his daughter gets a check until she is 18 ( he is 100% disabled and him and her mom have never been married)

The child should be able to apply for a portion of his SSDI. They will mail you the check for the child leaving him out of it. Contact SS office and ask them for what you’d need to do.

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Ssi does not qualify. Ssd does.

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I believe you can. Better to contact ss office

Federal law says SSI can not be garnished even for child support but SSDI can


If they claim children on their disability claim the money for the children go to the custodial parent. I get for 2 separate kids for 2 separate ex husbands. It’s in lou of child support… one of my kids has not had a visitation with their dad in nearly 10 years. He just in the last couple years started receiving disability. He put his two sons as his kids and each kid got their amount. I received a letter from social security of his claim and I had to go to the office to finish the claim for my son. My other her dad was on disability while we were married so I just updated information when we split and keep info current

He should get it. Also u should be about to draw from the father social security. As your local social security office.


Yes I did. Sperm donor was and is on ssdi. I still collected child support. (I’m in fl) he got $771 disability, I got $350 and my son was the oldest of his 6 kids. The younger ones has to share what was left because I had him declared as he abandoned us since birth. My son is 20 now and I know he’s still dealing with the last 5 :joy:

Yes I get both for my nephew

My children got under there father and my grandchildren get theres from there fathers

If he gets SSDI u can get a check but not SSI

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I dont know what my daughters father receive. But I got paper work that they are stoping childsupport because whatever he receives is a form of welfare he can not pay child support. And a few months later they closed my case and will not collect on back payment

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I did get SSI for my 2 kids from their father who was on SSdi. I received 20$ a month for them from him personally and then a separate payment from SSI. Your child should be getting an ssi payment. You can apply for it yourself. It doesnt take long to receive.

Yes but they have to work to be able to get anything . Like work history

If your divorced from him I would erase his memory

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Can grandparents get it if the grandad is on disb and has had legal full custody of the grand child 9 yrs now .???

Yes you can, I collected it for years from the sperm donor

Apply for ssbenefits against the father. My boys got benefits because their dad gets benefits

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Also the will back pay from the time you apply, it took me awhile to get it going

I live in Texas and I get 51% of my ex-husband’s disability check. I get the most you can get. You can also garnish their retirement check

I got $50 a month in child support from my oldest son’s dad. They said he never paid in enough so my son’s account was $0. The sad thing was when he passed away they gave me $300 a month??? I still don’t understand why he was worth more dead than alive??? I live in W.V, I’m not sure if things differ state to state

My son received a check every month since his biological dad became disabled, until he turned 18

Yes.Go to the local social security office.You could have been drawing for years .

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My partner here pays child support from his carers payment for look8ng after me

yes, legit disability …. ssd.

My little brother got it from his dad. Stopped when he turned 18 though. In Wisconsin though idk about other states but it’s worth to check on it.

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Yes , you ave to open a account for the child and it will go directly into kids father is on sad and I got it…so the answer is YES

Yes! Run to office tomorrow!

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Your child will get back pay. Keep filling they will get him.

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SSI is always very small, set by the state. Last I heard it was about $400 a month. BUT social security disability is based on his earnings if he ever worked. Depending on how much he earned, your child might get something. But it won’t be enough!

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It’s probably different in every state… my mom owed my dad my entire child hood and paid $50 a month every now and then, but she got on disability recently and child support dropped every bit of what she owed him in back pay :woman_facepalming:t3:

I am on ssdi and I get $422 for my son. They will make him pay and he will also have to pay retro for anything he has missed. My friend just got $12000 because her ex never told her he was put on ssdi so he had to pay back 6 years worth.

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In my state (Montana) if your child is in Medicaid you can opt in to have child support handle your case. They can get it from social security.

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My mom got child support from my dad n he in ssi but it won’t be very much him being on ssi

Just be careful because most guys that don’t have anything to do with their child try to sign over rights to avoid child support. Or they want visitation if their paying childsupport

My mom was able to receive checks when my father got on it

You will get it but not from him. The state you live in will pay you but not him. Every state is different I’m sure. In New Hampshire they cannot touch ssdi, disability or whatever. He’d just keep getting monthly bills for it but doesn’t have to pay and dhhs cannot take anything out of his monthly payment or suspend a driver’s license.

Yes. My ex had disability and I received a check every month for support for my daughter. It’s not thru child support tho, it’s thru social security. You have to go to local ss office. Your ex may have to be the one to tell them. My ex did. But i’m sure if you take birth certificate with ex’s name on it that it should work to get benefits.

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you can get ssi for them since he is on it

Yes you can my daughter was paid from his disability

Is he on SSD or you. If he is most definitely. Get to the Social security office and file with their information and his you should get money all the way back to when he got his first check. If you are on SSD your children should get a check off of you.

Yes you can.i have ssdi and i paid chid support.

My brother paid child support and he was on SSI

If it’s SSI you ain’t getting anything no matter how many times you file. If it’s ssdi you may. It’s best to call the ssi office

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Not trying to be mean, but why did you wait so long to ask for child support?

Does he have any other sort of income additionally? Personally, if I was in your situation, I wouldn’t even want the child support. If he’s injured to the point where he can’t work & has no other form of income… Money’s probably tight as it is. I wouldn’t feel right morally taking his money. I’d just provide for the child myself.


If the father is on ssdi your child can get a ssdi check and you can get paid back pay. The amount the child would get is more than child support… you can’t get both

This is in NC

Yes you can. You have to take him to court. It has to be court ordered. I went through the same thing. There father is deceased and now the get survivors benefits.

Not sure. I know about the SSI thing because my kids dad is on it and does not have to pay child support :roll_eyes:

You should be able to file an ssi case as a dependent. When my husband was disabled we recieved ss for our son. It might lower his income slightly

Yes u can… I believe it should be for the federal minimum of $100.
But I believe it does deduct from what the SSDI amount he is given. You can see ur local office for more information… Take ur sons birth certificate and the last order u have from the court.
Prepare to wait all day.

What state are you in? In Texas you can but I think you will need a court order stating he is responsible for child support> Alot of states will (if he gets one) deduct what he would receive from a tax refund @ the end of the year, not be able to get tags for a vehicle, not be able to vote, etc, etc. You would be better informed by checking with your local ss office though than just asking in general. Good luck! Just have your information ready when talking to SS (his SS # , dob, full legal name and address if you have it—) IF you can go into an office it would probably be better than a phone call…just notate person whom you are speaking to, date, and even the time in case you are asked later —better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Again, good luck.

Call the social security office your state. You can get SSI for your son from him as child support. My husband’s daughter did.

You can call the 1-800 number in the US or your local office. They will talk with you over the phone and tell you what to do and what you qualify for, how to apply. They will do a phone interview to start out or a face to face interview as well. I hope that helps.

I believe the required to take it out of his social security disability income. Do you already have a court order established and they just weren’t taking it out

I get child support for my kids and there father is on social security…not sure which one. The take it right out of his check. Plus I also get a ssi check for my kids.

If the order was in place before they got approved for SSDI then you only get a small amount of their. I just went thru this with my exhusband. You may be able to apply for benifits thru SS ONLY if they made enuf money working in their lifetime. My case he didnt so our son didn’t qualify for SS benifits.

My son’s dad is on ssi/Dssi and he has to pay. It’s not much 60.00 a month.

Yes you can. It has to be court mandated

Yes u can that is the only way they can garnishing SSDI is child support

I know if the order was in place before him receiving it u could…I’m having the same problem right now