Can I nap while my kids are awake?

I have a 7 and 9 yr old, both girls and fairly responsible. Is it ok to take like a 30 minute nap while they are awake? Just curious if they are too young.


I napped on the couch while they played on a phone or video game

I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 3 month old… I most definitely doze off some mornings when the baby falls asleep and the toddler is safely playing or watching TV. I’m a fairly light sleeper anyways but yes I would say your littles are more then capable of taking care of themselves for a little while so you can nap

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3rd shift momma here with a 3 and 5 year old. Both are pretty self sufficient, they allow me to nap while we cuddle and watch a movie as long as I have them snacks and drinks available to grab as needed. They’ve been pretty good for me to sleep a few hours here and there

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Depends on your children and how heavy and long of a sleeper you are. We can’t tell you.

It’s not as much about the age as it is the maturity level of the child(ren). I use to nap when mine were younger but they had to stay in room with me then as they got more mature I could nap in room with door open. As long as you are comfortable with it and kids mature enough then set up ground rules and safety measure then enjoy a nap.


Give them the technology nanny and have a nap… you deserve it :heart:

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I do takes nap when my daughter was 6 and still do. She’s 8 now and very responsible child. I work night shift and I need one before I go to work. So yes, you can take a nap. Just make sure they are safe

Please take a nap mama!! Sounds like you need it!! They will be okay :black_heart:


I always had my kids in the same room with me while I napped. My youngest would nap also but my oldest would sit and watch a movie or something. We also have mom ears soooo… there’s that. Lol.

I be ktfo. My kids are 5 and 8. Been doing it since the little one was like 3. My boys are chill and will either watch a movie or show in the same room while I sleep or stay in their room and watch TV or use their devices. When they’re hungry I just feel them breathing on my face :joy:

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When my 2 year old naps I bring my 4 year old in bed with me and she either plays on her tablet or falls asleep with me. I’ll nap sometimes 2-3 hours. I have mom senses so I know when she gets up from the bed.

I nap when my 4 year old is awake. Sometimes she’ll crawl on the couch and nap with me, sometimes she’ll quietly play. One time I woke up to her covering me up with a blanket lol.

I nap on the couch while my two-year-old is awake occasionally 

I napped on the couch or had them in the room with me, my kids would watch TV while I napped, even now that my youngest is 11 years old I still nap and he just watches TV or play on his game (Minecraft and Roblox)


I do “family nap time” in my house and I’m typically the only one napping lol but the rule is that everyone has to hangout quietly on their beds, they can play with whatever they want. They just have to go back up on their bed with whatever toy, game, book, device, etc that they want. Gives me peace of mind that they aren’t getting into anything and the little break is good for everybody


How have you made it this far in life :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

Heck, I do this even with my 4 1/2 year-old sometimes. She lays in bed next to me or on the couch and has snack of some sort that is super safe, her cup of milk and a good movie. lol


I know you will probably get a lot of judgmental comments for this, but I’m not one to judge! lol as long as they are in a safe space, the doors to the outside are locked and there’s nothing they could get hurt with out or in reach I’d say go for it! I lay down with my 6 yr old all the time to “take a nap” and he mostly plays on the tablet while I take a 30 min nap, but he’s also sitting in the bed with me as well lol


I personally would put them in my room with me, and have them watch a movie while I’d nap. But that’s just me


Shoot my oldest stopped napping around 2 and a half, he stayed on my lap and watched tv while I napped.

As long as they stay in the house. I did it all the time

Yes!!! But my advice is have them lay down and watching movie too

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My son is nearly 9 and I’ve been doing this since he was about 5. I make sure he has some snacks and a drink, I normally put Pokémon on for him and he happily sits and watches it or plays on his laptop. I will tell him I’m getting my head down on the sofa and he will stay in the front room. Sometimes I wake up to find he has joined me on the sofa and fallen asleep next to me.


I don’t see why not :woman_shrugging:t2: just make sure they have a drink and food beforehand and know rules about opening doors/going outside while you’re not awake.

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I do, they know to never open the door and to wake me up if they need me. Mine are 7 and 9


def depends on the kids, i do it sometimes without even meaning to but i put the baby gate up and we’re in the livingroom together with a movie on. last time i did it tho my 2 year old pooped and woke me up with poopie hands in my face :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I nap with my 5 and 7 yr old in bed with me watching their tablets

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For sure! I used to put on a movie, and tell my son he couldn’t leave the room.


As long as you can trust them to follow rules and not go outside or anything I’d say yes take a nap.


I do with my almost 9 year old son. He knows the rules and will wake me up if needed, he mostly plays on his gaming system or on his tablet. I’d say it’s ok….


If I could actually get to sleep while it’s light and the noise from the kids, yeah do it ! If you need rest take it while you can.

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We know what “everyone” does & I’m not saying it wrong.
However do some research for you state. My state law is: there is no age limit to leave your kids alone, as long you feel they can take care of themselves. I work for the system, this kill me sometimes. Make sure your kids are safe. You shouldn’t have any problems so you can nap

But I don’t go into my bedroom and close the door lol.
I put on a movie or give them their tablets and lay down on the couch.
I need my after supper snooze (about 40 minutes) to get me through the rest of the evening!
Also, my house is super small. We are not far from each other lol.

If they let you and the doors are locked and they know not to open the door to anyone. I would do it

i do it lol :woman_shrugging:t2: and mine are 3 6 and 8
i lut the 3yr old down n nap. on couch


I’ve always napped when they were that age

I work over night shifts and don’t sleep well during the day. I sleep mostly in the afternoons after the kids come home from school, they do their own thing 8,10,12 year olds

Go shopping afterwards & leave them too


My daughter would be using the oven and baking cookies at that age while I napped


My kids were staying after school by themselves for an hour when they were 10.


Oh definitely! I have a 5 yr old who is very self sufficient for his age. I’m pregnant with #4 so I’m tired! When it’s the 2 yr olds nap time, I lay her down then me and my 3 yr old go into my bed and she lays down with me and most of the time falls asleep too. While my 5 yr old is watching tv in the living room, playing his electronics or has a snack. He sometimes lays down too so we all nap :rofl:
I’m a very light sleeper so I can still hear if something was to happen.


You don’t deserve a nap for asking this lmao

Dozing on the couch while they are playing and a full on nap in bed are different. Having been a sleep deprived mother and sometimes grandmother is ok. Sitting up on a couch dozing while the kids are playing in a safe environment is fine. Leaving them and knocking off not so much. They can team up quick to get into trouble. Doze off sitting up and as a mother don’t tell me you can’t.


It all depends on how responsible your kids are. My daughter I trusted so much more than my oldest son. He has severe adhd. When he was little and I took a nap I woke up to messes. My daughter was easy though. My bigs are 13 and 15 now and they have a little brother they love to help with that’s almost 8 months. Girls should be ok as long as you lock up your makeup :joy::joy::joy:


I will get bad words from people here but my son is 10 and he is responsible and usually glued to my side so even when he was 2 or 3 if I needed a nap due to my sickness (heart problems and migraines and some days I cant hardly function) so I would lay down on the floor and set a timer 45-60min and ask if he wanted dinos or cars and i would lay down and he would drive all over me or have dino fights on my back the entire time I slept so I knew he was right there and he would br talking away and i would be listening. And even now at 10 I will lay down for a bit and he will play or watch a movie while I snooze or a football game. If you trust your kids and they can get to you or be right there it’s ok to take a few. Do you take a shower while they are awake? Probably and they are fine during that time too

I do this sometimes with my 2 yr old he will sit in my bed with me and watch his tablet the whole time might play with his toys but he never goes out of my room.

mine were putting me to bed by then…

Of course I hav Lil sleeps not everyday but somedays I do I’m a single mum of 3 Lil one n I just nap on the lounge while they play n watch cartoons

I take naps and I have a 4 year old girl and almost 9 year old boy. When I want to lay down my daughter knows I’m tired and needs to rest. I will make sure she has a snack and drink, then turn the TV on for her. I will lay on my side on the couch and she will sit behind my legs watching TV and playing her tablet (my son use to do that too until he got to big) occasionally she will fall asleep on me or get up and play quietly.

Of course. They’re not too young just remind there is no opening the door for anybody. Remind them it doesn’t matter if they say they’re from fire department police department etc do not open the door and to wake you up immediately. Then have a friend pop up and say they’re from the fire department or police department and test it out and if they fail then they’re not ready and if they pass then they are. I would take naps when my son was 3/4/5 etc but I kept him in the room with me and brought his toys into my room and locked the bedroom door on the top. But once he reached 8/9/10 years old I trusted him and I trusted him outside by himself plus he knew how to use a cell phone


I think it depends on the kids. I started taking a quick 20-30 min nap when my kids turned 7 or 8. But they are well behaved and know and follow rules such as no opening the door or going outside. I also make sure they are fed and/or have a snack, are content and are okay with it. If they are then I’ll do it, but they also know they can come in my room anytime during that 20-30 min if they need me for anything

Girl I got 7 yr old boy girl twins and I been napping since they was 5. Lol. They’re fine.

I used to do it when my son was 3 and I was coming off night shifts :woman_shrugging: I’d keep him in the room with either a tablet or movie on and some snacks so he’d hang out on the bed while I tried to get SOME sleep


Yes. Id put TV on in the playroom (basement) while I napped.

Before I had my baby I use to take naps all the time while my 7 year old was awake. But he was about 5 when I started to take naps while he was awake. He knows how to make himself sandwiches if hungry and he usually had little drinks he could open himself. He’s very self efficient when he wants to be. I guess it just depends on your kid and if they can handle a few hours while you nap

Hell I’d take a 4 hour one lol


Mine would sit by me when I needed a nap. If I was sick he would put all of his stuffed animals on me and stay with me till I woke up

Definitely wouldn’t when mine were 7and9.Asking for trouble , I think . Would your parents have done ?

Are you effing kidding me? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yes ma’am and they mess some shit while you’re sleepin Thas an asss whippin they will learn not to disturb momma bears slumbers

Just so you know, if your CHILD (especially under the age of 6) is left unsupervised so you can nap, and something happens which you can’t explain, Dcs can and will remove your children. I’ve worked cases before where the children have been removed because the parent “took a nap”, and they either got hurt or eloped from the house.

Nope they are at a good age lol

A bit young yet
They will get into so much mistive
Often if your exausted
Those 30 min naps turn out to be longer
Don’t worry we all go through that
I’m a nan my last nap was only spossed to be 30 mins
I work up 2 hours later
Thankfully my grandkids are aged 10 , 13 and 16
They had actually finished off my chores for me as I’m disabled

We can’t answer this question for you.

You know your children, we don’t.

If you trust that you can pop a bag of popcorn, and they will hang out in the living room, watching a movie for an hour, then go take a nap.

If you fear you might wake up to one kid missing while the other is running around naked, and the kitchens on fire, maybe don’t take a nap.

Yes! Lock the doors. And tell them not to leave or answer the door.

No ma’am I don’t take that chance ,a lot can happen in a few seconds believe me.

Why not they are not babies


As long as your home is safe, they know not to go outside or have 4 locks on each door, like me :upside_down_face::rofl: I nap sometimes, while my 9.5 year old hangs out!

It’s perfectly fine to take a 2 hour nap while they’re awake.

Definitely ok! I got a 4 year old, a 11 month old and a 13 year old. If I really need it, I have my oldest watch the youngest and my middle has her tablet.

The fact that you’re awaringly worried about it shows you care. You’re a good mama, take that nap!

My husband and I both work third shift. If we worked the night before and the next night, and my daughter doesn’t have preschool, I make sure she’s has snacks/food available in my room. She has the TV on and can also play with my phone. She’ll get up and go to the bathroom and come straight back. My front and back doors are locked to the point she absolutely could not get out even if she tried. However, my brother (older than me) lives with us also and if she does decide to get up and be out in the rest of the house, he’ll get up with her.

My now 8yr old has been letting me nap since she was like 4. Now, my 3yr old, I don’t see that happening anytime in the next few yrs. That kid scares tf outta me if I fall asleep with her around. She’ll get into everything and anything.

I do and my kids are ass wipes :rofl::rofl:

Yes you can. Lock the burglar and tell them not to go anyway. I have a 9&4 years old. They know all they need to do is watch TV

My kid is 10 and 8, they make themselves breakfast and make me coffee. :sweat_smile: Why wouldn’t you be able to nappp? Make sure to tell them not to answer the door and don’t touch the stove. Dassit

if you can trust them and if they are quite why not make sure house locked up and they dont answer door for anyone.