Can I out the father on the birth certificate if he doesn't want to be?

Just be careful if u do get his name on there , depending on where u live his name on there gives him as much right to your child as u have so he could just decide one day he wants the child and take them and u would need to go through court to get the child back


He has to be there to be put on the birth certificate as he has to sign it… otherwise anyone could put any tom dick or harry on saying its the childs dad :woman_shrugging:


Why would you want to

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Yes, the father has to be present to sign he is the father. You can’t give him his last name unless you are married.

He needs to sign. If he doesn’t want to be a part of child’s life, then just give child your last name.

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Don’t be spiteful. By naming him on there you give him as much right as you have to your child! They could fight you for custody visitation etc. If he told you he didn’t want to be in this child’s life leave it alone. Nobody needs that bs especially with a new baby. Live your best life and let that be enough revenge.


Depends on each country or state where you live. Get a DNA test to secure child support.

My fiance has to sign a paternity paper to be listed on the birth certificate. I put his name and info on the paperwork at the hospital but never got the paternity paper signed (on accident, hes obviously more than willing) and I got my sons birth certificate, fathers section is empty.

Also if he refuses then you can take him for a DNA test.

Sounds like he just doesn’t want to pay for his child…
Right or wrong you both have a child to support…
If he doesn’t want to have kids then he should of done something to prevent it from happening…
No judgement…
But that child will need a lot of things in his or her life…
It doesn’t matter if he wants…this is for the child…if your state allows do so and go after child support…
Child support isn’t your choice…
It is your child’s right

Wtf is wrong with you Stevie Dunkin? That child has rights, the right to child support from both parents and the right to know his parents. Good lord you response is selfish. It’s not about mom or dad it’s about the best interest of the child.

Depends on the state. In some, the father must consent (in writing), however if he doesn’t, there is always the court system for getting child support. That would force him to get a blood test.

Depends on the state. I would look at the cons of putting him on the BC though. By doing so you give him full legal rights to your child. So if one day, ten years from now, he wants to meet the kid, he legally can and you can’t stop it. At least if he isn’t on the BC, he’d have to go through extra steps of petitioning for a DNA test through the court. I’d recommend leaving him off (leave it blank, not unknown, BLANK) and raising your baby independently. Cut off all contact to the father and just live your life. You’ll be better in the long run because of it.

The father has to be present and sign the birth certificate. Hes not gonna change and not gonna be around, don’t saddle yourself with that. Just let him go. If he wants to get rights later he’ll have to go to court, pay for a DNA test, and would likely get tossed on child support.

Get a DNA test and put him on there, then file for child support when your baby is born.

No that’s pretty illegal he has to show his id and stuff they won’t (or shouldn’t) let you sign a LEGAL DOCUMENT in his absence but after you get the social security card and birth certificate if you want him on there you can go to child support and put in a motion with them they’ll summon him for a dna test and after that he can be put on it

No way. If got forbid your child ended up in ITU it would be a joint decision to withdrawal treatment. His decision would count and it’s not as if he wants good things for this child. Do it alone I did. Drama free. Although must be said if you knew about his long term partner before you chose to bed him then it’s not all that unexpected

no. not without court and a dna test.

Most times the said father has to be present to sign the birth certificate as well. I know that’s how upstate NY and Ohio!

Yep and get child support

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Its up to you , I didn’t put my spouse even though he wanted to be in the birth certificate ,he’s toxic. Its up to you if you want to or not no one else . Im from SD CA .

It depends on your state. Usually when it gets close your ob will ask you about the birth certificate and who’s names should be on it. In my state,You can put him on but if he doesn’t sign then he can request a dna test proving it’s his child for child support.

Why would you want to put him on the birth certificate if he doesn’t want to be?

Depends on the state you live in

You legally would have to take him to court and establish his parental rights through a paternity test to have him put on the birth certificate. However that really only opens a door for him to take some part in your child’s life. The only “gain” out of any of this is it might get him for child support in the end and that’s even if he pays it. Ultimately if he doesn’t want to be in your child’s life I wouldn’t force it. You’ll only hurt your kid in the end.

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My man and i were together 3 years and just because we werent married, he had to consent to be put on our sons birth certificate.

What did you think was going to happen when u slept with a man in a relationship? Smh

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Yes you can. Also he does not have to sign perternity papers

No, he would have to sign but if you file for child support they will require him to take a paternity test and then they will have his name added

Girl, not to be insensitive but why did you mess with someone that is in a relationship. Do you not smell the trouble, the heartache you and your child are going to endure.

You’ll need to check with a lawyer because certain states have certain rules. Typically though you can place his name on the birth certificate.

Regardless if he’s on the BC or not he is still financially responsible

Why would you do that? If he wants nothing then live and let it be. You cant legally do it anyways without his consent.

Yes unfortunately he has to be there just call his girlfriend

legally depending on which state you live in he may need to sign in order to be on the birth certificate, you can give your child his last name even if he refuses to be on the birth certificate though. my sister had an issue with her kids father, he signed his sons birth certificate but refused to sign his daughters but my sister didn’t want them growing up being full blood siblings with different last names so she asked & they told her she can still give the baby his last name even if he won’t sign so that’s what she did, then years later when the paternity test was taken the courts added him on to her birth certificate against his wishes.

Nope has to have his signature

What if he’s NOT the father… Hmm I know TOO many women who play the card of saying it’s HIS CHILD when it’s not LOL. You need proof and HIS acknowledgment before YOU can put HIS name. 50/50 chance it may not be his if he’s been in a relationship for that long and he wants nothing to do with it.

OOOOOOOOOR I can be SO wrong :joy: but ya still need his signachaaarh booboo :kissing_heart: