Thirty-one weeks pregnant, second pregnancy. Is it possible to start pumping, or is it true it will induce labor? I’ve been leaking SO much & I just feel like I could be freezing & saving it for baby. Or should I just let it go & not worry about it? I plan on asking the doctor at my appointment in a few days but figured I could get some stories or advice from other mamas beforehand.
I’d wait until atleast 37 weeks you don’t want to risk it
I wouldn’t pump because yes it can start labor. If anything maybe get one of those Haaka things that suctions to boob and collects ??
Pumping can stimulate your nippples too much and put you into labor. Also you can start producing way more than you need to, I’d say if you want to save your milk buy one of the breast cups that collect it and freeze it rather than manually getting the milk out yourself
It definitely starts contractions I’m 35 weeks and it definitely starts to contract even in my last pregnancy too
You could drip catch it, but not pumping
They make little rubber milk catchers you can put on your nipple that will store what you’re leaking
You can get inserts to put in your bra to catch what you leak and then you can freeze what you want for baby
There are bra inserts that catch the milk. I forget what’s they are called, but I’m sure you can google it.
These are super helpful. Then you’re not pumping but not missing any milk
Or something like this but I definitely wouldn’t recommend pumping
Wait it can send you into labor
I was told to massage my breasts and collect the colostrum into syringes - then again I am a type 1 diabetic and my bubba needed as much as I could produce. It didn’t induce me xx
I’m 37 weeks pregnant and still breastfeeding my 2.5 yr old. It can cause uterine contractions, BUT unless you are at risk for preterm or been told by your OB not to, there’s no problem pumping. You might not want to so early only because you might exhaust your colostrum supply and need to drop or spoon feed it to baby once born.
I’m curious how mothers did it back in the old days. No birth control and breast feeding… I am assuming back to back pregnancy’s you would continue to feed your 1st baby while growing the second ? So I would think you would be able to pump? A good question for a nurse or doctor
It could induce labor be safe to just wait maybe talk to your dr
Go get the little bags you can sicken to ur nipples and catch breastmilk
Don’t pump… get a breast shell that catches the leaking milk.
Do not pump any sort of nipple stimulation can jumpstart labor.
Wait, there is no need to start saving up now and you really don’t want to risk anything. Your body will produce what baby needs when baby needs it but if start pulling you’re going to throw your body out if sync with your baby and it could cause mastocytosis which is extremely painful
Do not pump while pregnant. Leaking is normal. Your milk won’t actually come in until 2-4 days after birth. What’s leaking is colostrum, which baby will need. And yes, nipple stimulation can cause labor, but typically only if your body is already ready to go into labor.
Are you currently breastfeeding?
Collecting colostrum is now recommended. I was told to hand express and freeze colostrum in case there was an issue/delay for feeding it would be available for your new bundle.
Get milk catchers momma dont risk pumping right now I got mine on Amazon for like 13$
It can induce labour BUT you can buy those little contraptions that catch your leaky milk and then store it. X
My dr told me if I could find a way to catch it, fine. But don’t pump because it does induce labor. So maybe something like Macaila Chatfield posted would work for you!
Get this for your bra if you’re leaking, this should help so you dont need to pump, I leak sometimes, I’m about to get these
I would say just buy the collection cups that fit inside your bra and save what your body is naturally expressing, but not pump or manually express.
I read that briefly n thought u meant to fart
So I had this issue with my second pregnancy. I talked to my OB about it and she gave me permission to use the hakka for a couple minutes on each side just for relief. Nothing over that because it can start labor. But they said I can use to hakka for some relief. And I usually have the ounce or so I expressed to my oldest. But it would be something you need to check with your OB
Nooo… go ask your damn doctor
I wouldn’t worry about it
Ask your doctor, a friend of mine was given a pamphlet the other day to start expressing prior to birth. They give you a kit with syringes to collect milk etc.
milk savers that sit in your bra, or a haakaa.
When a baby is first born they get colustum which is very important & the prefect amount. If you start pumping now , yes you can give that to your baby when your baby is born , but if you are either cup, syringe or bottle feeding the baby take , you both will miss out on those first few days . Yes if the baby starts breast feeding then will get murture milk which the baby should get for a few days. The important parts of breastfeeding a baby is to give the baby what they need at each day of their lives.
Also a little FYI…if you start pumping you give out different hormones & one of those hormones can put you in labor… early.
Ive heard of people doing it to help induce labor, but just to start saving milk I wouldn’t. If you feed them often you will have enough
I got advised not to breast feed whisky pregnant I had 6 weeks inbetween pregnancies
My doctor told me not to pump. I could however get the milk savers and put them in the bra to catch what you release. However doctor told me not to pump because it will induce labor.
No, it will induce labor.
Do not pump. You can buy milk savers that go in your bra like a nursing pad and collects the colostrum
I wouldn’t advise doing it until you are at least 37 weeks. I used a pump to induce labor and for me it worked. However I was 37 weeks and 2 days and already 5 centimeters dilated and 60 percent effaced. I was at home and had only used the pump for about 15 minutes total. I felt a painful pop in my abdomen but thought it was just gas bubbles on my stomach from lunch earlier that day. I stood up to go the bathroom and the fluids from my amniotic sack came out. That happened at 7:15pm on February 8th and I went to the hospital and had my son at 8:17. The contractions were so painful and I was already dilated to 10 and my son was already wanting out, so no time for a epidural.
I don’t know from a medical point but I remember that once I had bubs it brought on contractions to help empty my uterus out after bubs, I would chat with the doc first. As you don’t want to induce labour that early x
No dont pump it will induce labor
Dont pump. But get this. It’s like a nursing pad but it collects the colostrum.
You can let it leak into storage bags but DO NOT PUMP!!! It can induce labor!!!
I started pumping when pregnant and my child didnt come early
Ally Calcagno try pumping !
Dont overstimulate the breast
I say don’t I know it’s possible but not worth early labor
L&D nurse here-dont pump until at least 38 weeks
That’s a myth… not sure why everyone is saying their doctors said that. Don’t believe any “my doctor said” ever. Generally, breastfeeding while pregnant is safe. Though trace amounts of pregnancy hormones can be present in your milk, these are not harmful to your breast milk feeding child. Additionally, oxytocin is released in small amounts during a nursing session, so it is not enough to induce preterm labor. Unless you are high risk already, you are fine.
Generally, breastfeeding while pregnant is safe. Though trace amounts of pregnancy hormones can be present in your milk, these are not harmful to your breast milk feeding child. Additionally, oxytocin is released in small amounts during a nursing session, so it is not enough to induce preterm labor. Don’t believe anything anyone says about what their “doctor told them”.
Don’t pump so early. Get those pod milk collectors. Cheap online you put them in your bra over your nipples and it collects the drops
So much misinformation.
Yes nipple stimulation leads to the release of oxytocin (the same hormone produced with labour). BUT it is NOT enough to kick start labour! Unless your body is truly ready and already starting to labour it cannot bring on labour itself!
Although it’s not recommended to pump as colostrum is quite thick and you typically don’t produce a lot of it, so it can get lost in the pump. It is better to hand express and store accordingly.
It’s also recommended that even if you do experience any type of cramping when pumping, to stop. But studies have shown it does not induce labour.
Unless you’re already breastfeeding a prior child your doctor is going to advice against it
Doctor told me not to until 38 weeks because by then the baby is full term
i breastfed throughout my entire last pregnancy but since i was doing it the whole time i guess that’s why it didn’t induce labor? i would ask your dr
Many women will breastfeed another child, while they are pregnant. However, it is not advised to pump or express milk for fear of bringing on labor, should you not be currently breastfeeding.
Breasts leaking during pregnancy is normal. Invest in some washable nursing pads and wear these inside your bras to help avoid staining and any wet patches from happening.
Cotton/Bamboo washable nursing pads are best as they are super comfortable and allow the skin to breath.