Honestly its better that way. Me and my ex BD did that at first. Then he got mad bc well I literally wanted nothing to do with him. (He tried to FUCK my best friend) I told him we talk about bub not us and that pissed him off and wouldn’t give me a penny for bub. I would even ask hey you don’t gotta givr me money just get these things he needs. And he wouldn’t so I finally said screw it I’m getting your help 1 way or another even if its forced! And that took almost 3 yrs
If he’s agreed to pay you what’s the difference with that agreement being backed up? You should not cancel anything… just tell him sorry it was to late.
I would stop it. Child support is so stupid to me unless the other parent is on drugs or something. What if your ex goes on hard times and can’t pay? Their license could be suspended and everything. It’s just not right to me…
Don’t stop it. Agreeing to make payments and actually paying are two different things. My ex claimed he was going to pay me in a verbal agreement and didn’t so I went to child support enforcement.
Go through the court system. It’s better for everyone in my long run. Plus, you just never know what the future holds, or if the new baby might have special needs and that will change everything.
Don’t stop it! Speaking from experience it’s best to go through the court.
Just call or go to the office you applied at. And her not wanting to go through the courts and handle it themselves is Amazing and the best choice if 2 parents can and are willing to work it out like this. Congrats!!
You should be able to stop it as long as you are not on or will not be on government assistance.
I’m in texas as well and here it’s best to go through the courts, and they will also help with a parenting plan, etc. Its really the only way to assure it gets handled without conflict and can be enforced.
court is for people who can’t agree and have to leave it in the hands of someone else to figure out their solutions!! Every one telling her not to stop it is giving her the worse advice! She can always file for cs again at any time!! They are doing what most parents should. This is great!
You coyld go through the court system but if you guys dont want to go through. My suggestion would be have a written or typed statement signed by the both you saying he’ll provide a certain amount of c.s. as an agreement and maybe even protection between the two of you.
I live in texas… you can request to stop the order BUT the state has the absolute right to continue the order regardless. Usually they do. No DNA test is required if they sign the acknowledgment of paternity at birth. I would not recommend cancelling the order. For one, he can take those kids and not bring them home for however long & there is nothing that can be done. He cant not give you a cent of help. At the very least you get it all set up with visitation and child support then you all can deviate from the visitation as long as both of you are in agreement. The support can be set to the lowest required (about 150) .
And for those saying he can get his license suspended ect, I am owed over $11, 000 and hes never had any serious things happen. If the other parent doesnt pay, they do not go after the NC parent unless the custodial parent calls in on them every month to get an enforcement letters sent out. And even then you just go court, they raise it $25 and that’s it. That’s how my sons father owes 11 grand in back support because they never truly enforce it.
I would assume they will schedule u a hearing. So when they notify u of this simply tell them u’ve made other arrangements.
Why would u put urself thru it and drag ur child thru court fuck it learn to it on ur own
Do NOT listen to these people… drop it! This system is completely flawed and why in the actual hell would anyone want the government in their personal business and lives?! Blows my mind… they already get to dip their greasy little paws into everything else… let the man attempt to pay you… don’t let them get a cut of what is yours… unbelievable.
Keep the application. U can keep the agreed upon amount and they take it directly out if his checks. That way u don’t have to deal with issues of non payment
Honestly, you keep the application let them tell you the potential amount of support, come to an agreement and have it signed and notarized and submit the notarized copy to the CS agent and let them file it within the court system. It keeps thing where he continues to pay even though if you have arguments or whatever. Speaking from someone who has been there and have had issues of nonpayment.
We tried that between us, never got a cent from him.
If you can avoid it the courts just want to make money out of YOUR situation.
Yup, even if you have agreed to something make sure it is in writing. I’ve been doing this for a decade and promise you it’s full of ups and downs with lots of broken promises. You have no protection if there are no court documents.
So I agree the system is broken bc our kids parents pay child support in Texas that is directly debited from their pay check. They get taxed on the paycheck and we get taxed on the amount we receive. It’s insane to me. My sister is our children’s parent. We couldn’t co-parent because she decided the kids mean nothing to her. I wished we didn’t have to have a court order in place for child support but we do. If you guys can co-parent and be civil I encourage that ! The court proceedings were horrible and the kids had to be there the last time.
You should not worry about a ex husband or common law over anything mine got away with not paying by a lawyer’s request on a review every time stall on payment on child support and a man should pay support for his children .I think to avoid any court problems see if you can cancel but I know that if you are on assistance government I know in Canada you have to file for it or they can cancel your assistance .USA not sure .my ex got away oweing me 26000. Thousand dollars for 3 children … still fighting this .And at the same time he had all his court fees payed off by what I do not know why .So check before you decide just what to do
Typically you can file a withdrawal. Contact them to find out the specific protocols
Get the agreement in writing & submitt it to the court proving you came up.with an agreement.
I think it is great you both cane up with an agreement. I think it is probably in the best interest of everyone that the child support is monitored. It covers everyone’s butt.
My ex and I have never involved AOG in our child support affairs. As long as he makes his pYments without any issues, don’t involve any other unnecessary people into y’all business. It’s been over 11 years and we are perfectly fine with just writing a personal check each month.
I wouldn’t do that. You need it on legal paper. People change, circumstances change. But then again courts really just want your money so idk your call but I’m sure u can
I feel like if you guys already came to an agreement then why not continue to go through it anyways and tell them what you guys agreed to that you think is fair and have them have that in writing and signed so he HAS to be held to it no matter what. For both of your guys security
Dont do it. Get it in writing so you dont regret it later.
Is he a good father?
Is he abusive?
If he isnt abusive and a good father. He deserved 50/50 with you and no child support.
You shouldnt use children agaisnt there father. (Just because breastfeeding isnt an excuse) u can pump for that 50/50
I wouldn’t. Personal is personal. Business is business. But if this is what you want to do, you should be able to go back to where you filed and withdraw the petition. If not there, they’ll tell you how and what you need to do.
As long as u dont get state assistance u can do what ever u want
I made an agreement with my ex in regards to child support. Something we never got on paper because we didn’t want to involve the courts. And he promised he would pay me $50 a fortnight and contribute to have the kids school costs. That lasted a month. After 12months of me constantly asking him to contribute to the costs of raising our children I decided I was done being nice about it and filed for child support. He’s currently in jail on drug charges so his child support bill is climbing and is currently at about $5000.
My point is, even if the two of you come to an agreement between you, get it in writing and authorized by the court. That way you have some protection if he stops paying
Continue with the request so there is something legally binding. Otherwise, he could stop making payments at any time and you would have to file anyway. Since you have an agreement, all you should need is for a judge to sign off on it.
U have to call courts my kids dad did and he had to pay back support for 2 or 3 wks
In Texas you will attend a mediation meeting before ever attending court. You and your ex will be given a standard possession order. You can agree to no CS. If you can not agree, it goes to court, yes, you can stop the process before it goes to mediation, but not when it is in the courts
File anyway with what you two agreed on. He shouldn’t have an issue with that. Just a safety net for the kids and you.
Please go through the court with this. Eventually he’ll just tired of paying. He’ll meet someone else, have another child and he’ll get tired of paying it
and it will be a pain to do something about it. Trust me, I’ve been there. That way if he gets behind then they’ll lock him up. Good luck