Can i stop child support?

If you get state aid like medicaid or food stamps, youll have to. If your not on these things it shouldnt matter


DCSE is making you? Sounds like more yo the story. Do you have state insurance?

Are not wanting child support because you don’t want him around or having custody? Just asking. But really all you have to do is tell them your not going for child support, the state just wants their money mainly if your on state assistance. When my ex husband an i got divorced i had to put our 3 kids on medicaid an they made him pay just insurance every month but i told them i wasnt pushing for child support an they left it at that.

any money you get from this"deadbeat", put in a bank for the child


Get the child support put it in a bank account for it daughter for college or a car when shes 18

They only ask for a father, child support if you get some sort of government or state aid


The only way child support gets involved if you are receiving assistance like food stamps, wic & Medicaid. If that the case they should go after him because the state is supporting his child.


Wow amazing at how many ppl are pushing her to do something she doesn’t want to do. Honey inbox me if you wanna talk about this. I’ve been here

I agree with just about every comment here, I have a beautiful daughter who is two, the father has been mia for over a year, he is on the birth certificate, but I do not and will not ask for government assistance unless I need it, which I don’t. I’m now married and have never received any kind of notice from the state or government or anything about support of any kind. I don’t need or want his money and I have no intentions of going after support. But if you are on any form of state assistance, wic, foodstamps, Medicaid, Sitters, ANYTHING, they usually will want the father to contribute, and that also means your not able to completely pay for your child alone. Also, it’s tax payers money who is supporting whatever your coming up on short on (as in whatever your getting assistance on) therefore your playing the system. Also, it’s dependent on state as far as laws go and how strict they are on going after the father for what assistance you receive.

It isn’t what you need, if you don’t need it, put it in a savings account UNTIL you can put it into an annuity,for the baby


Put the money in a account for your child.


They only make you if you receive state assistance. It pays the state back.


Do you receive state aide? If so he has to pay but if you don’t then do you momma. My oldest daughters dad went to prison when she was 3 and was released about a month before her 11th birthday. I never got any help financially or otherwise. Now I’m married with another kid ans one on the way. We receive state aide for insurance and the bare minimum for food stamps ans because of that her dad has to pay.

Not trying to be rude but child support doesn’t chase fathers public assistance chases fathers so your obviously not fully supporting your child. The government shouldn’t have to pay more money to you that the father could be providing.


He helped make the child he can help pay for expenses also. If I were you I would have him pay and put the money up for college when she’s older.


He pays child support. You may not need or want hom yo pay . But that money is for the child. If you don’t need it start a savings account or college fund for thst child. Remember it’s not about you any more.


If you get cash assistance they will go after him for child support and they should.

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Ask him to sign over rights otherwise years from now he’ll come into the picture and mess things up.


Love I’m in your boat best way to have avoided it was not have anyone but you sign the birth certificate. (I only signed mine) and claimed I didn’t know the dad after 1 year from the child’s birth is nobody claims that child as a “father” you receive 100% custody and the state can’t require any additional information from you.

Whether you want the support now, or in 6 years you will probably almost definitely need it. If not get it anyways and put it in a bank account for the kiddo! Thatd be a great 18th birthday gift. And they don’t have to know it was child support either.

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If you get any kind of “help” they want a name. Whether you take that money to use or put in an account for her for later years, is up to you. Depending on the state, you can sign off on support & go your own way.

Have him sign over all his parental rights. Then he won’t have to and you don’t have to worry about him trying for any kind of custody later

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My county they made my ex pay child support. I say county because I dont know if it’s a state thing or not. I recieve no state assistance at all. I had to go to the prosecutors office so they could determine if they wanted to be involved they said no and sent it in to the court house. And child support was set up.

Go up there sign a paper boom ntn can be said.

Either put the money in an account for her… or ask him to sign all rights away and then he won’t have to pay

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Yeah umm child support doesn’t just randomly go after absent parents which means you are receiving government assistance and NOT in fact supporting her on your own
You AND him made that child so why should the government support it?


Just remember the money is not for you. If you dont need it bank it for the child later on when they need it

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When I got prego and I wasnt married, I applied for Medicaid. They tried to chase the father too. I told them I didnt know, there were soooooo many possibilities (lies ovbs) I ended up not needing support because him and I got married… but my theory, how can they chase a daddy if I dont know who he is… idk, not experienced in this.

It’s required if the government is supporting the baby. That means you do actually need his help if you can’t do it yourself.


Well if you are on ANY government benefits they will chase him because it’s for money he could be helping pay. How did it come about?!? I mean how are they trying to force it?!? I’m not understanding the whole story? Because in my state the only way they go after a father is if the mother signs up for child support or is getting benefits from the state

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Tell them you don’t know who the father is

Either have him sign his rights away, or take the support and open up a savings account for the baby. Either way you’re doing what you can move forward with this dilema.

Take the child support. If you don’t want to use it put it into a college fund for your child. There are many things that could come up in the future and the money would help. It’s his child too

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In most states, the state only gets involved if you receive assistance
Give them ANY information you have & let them find him
Then put the $ away for your kid - field trips, clothes, braces etc

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If youre on assistance he has to pay and he should.

Well if supporting her on yoir own includes any type of gov prgrams such as foodstamps or medicaid he is required to pay child support to at least the state for those programs she is in. They can fuck with yoi too if you dont comply. So dont mess around just give them the info and express to them that you dont want his support to be outrageous.

I would say take the money. He may not want her but he made her. If you dont want the money put it in a savings account for her to have when she is older. Sounds like the State is helping you which means you probably do need his money. I cant think of why you wouldn’t want it unless you are unsure he is the father and dont want to have a DNA test done which they will do.

U are to be commended for that attitude my dear, but that is the least he can do;so perdue the privilege of child support. The more u and your beautiful baby can have… If u do nothing more than buy a savings bond with each payment. A little something for a rainy day… He owes u that much… Good luck my dear n God bless you.


I say take the child support, open a savings account and put that money in there for your baby. Just let it build if you don’t need or want it.


If you are on Government assistance they will go after the dad but I raised two without help from their dad.

Take the child support
Even if you don’t need it
Save it for your baby’s first car or college!
She deserves it!

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If you are not receiving any government help and can support her financially by yourself, (ins., school, home) then ask him to relinquish parental rights.

If u are in fact on government assistance, you clearly DO need the child support. I am not bashing you if you are on assistance, many people need the help BUT the person who fathered that baby NEEDS to support that baby whether or not he wants anything to do with either of you! Maybe with the child support, it could help get you off of assistance and able to sustain the cost of the child & you could work. If he didn’t want a child he should have thought about that before having sex…


So put the money away for her when she gets older…

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He needs to be held responsible. Are you kidding? He cant just be left to go out and make babies then decide he doesn’t want to help take care of them! My baby daddy is on the same bullshit and I say fuck you. Yeah I dont mind taking care of our daughter alone but you bet your ass hes gonna pay child support! He chose to have sex which means he knew the risk of pregnancy and a child to support

I never filed for one for my daughter who is turning 3 and recently I’ve been contacted by the child support people asking for details her father was not around till he had to start paying I gave them his.detail and I sent him a text saying just tell them.we have sorted it out and paying privately and they never called back

Take the money and invest it in her college fund or some kind of long term investment for her … she is entitled to support … it’s great that you are in a position to be able to save the money for her future


Did I miss something? She didn’t say anything about being on state assistance. Is it just because the state is trying to find him for child support? I’m not sure where she is from but I live I. Texas, am on no government supposed and the child support office still started calling me when my ex got behind on payments.

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If ur receiving assistant from the state u have to give a name unless u day u don’t no who he is but u risk the chance of getting ur benefits cut… but what ever you decide to do think of ur baby 1st

You didnt make the baby by yourself take the money to many fathers get away with this

It’s ultimately for the child so save it for her no matter what your relationship with the father is.

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Nowhere in this post did she say anything about being on any type of assistance. so people should stop assuming things and read the post for what it is. Maybe she actually has a good job and if she does good for her. some people need assistance from the government and I don’t see a problem with that. and for the people who do see a problem with it can honestly go fuck themselves because we have to do what we have to do for these babies number 1. this group is to help one another not Bash one another I don’t know what you people don’t get but maybe you’re in the wrong place if that’s what your intentions are.

Say you have a private arrangement, and if later on your money situation changes, you can go through them


Hey No Stop! I have been through this. You need to tell child support every thing you know about him. If you don’t, they will not help you. He may not want the child but he has one. And he needs to take responsibility for her. Don’t let him get away with this. They will be after him for the rest of his life. Make him pay now. If you don’t need it, put the money in a CD for her future education.


He made her and he chose not to be around so he should have to support his…I had this mentality too when my son’s father and I split…it took me 1 1/2 to file because I was making damn good money then there were a bunch of lay offs and I was let go and got a much lower paying job because it was right in town for the hours I needed…but on the flip side it also depends how if and how many older kids he has…the oldest will get the most and the youngest gets the least…my sons older half brothers were getting well over $400 and my son only got $50 a month :woman_shrugging:t3:

Have him sign off his rights and if he won’t make him pay child support and save the money in an account for you baby, might help pay for college one day

If you are getting any kind of state help, or did In the past while being pregnant child support is gunna wanna go after him to pay for it… if you don’t give them the info they can go after you

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They tried doing that to me with my first, even tho i was still with the dad, we just weren’t married. I said no, they dropped it. Depending on the state, its required if you want state assistance of any sort

Take the support. Put it away for the future.

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It’s in the best interest of the child for medical history, etc…

A savings account on her name, she’ll know what to do with it when she’s an adult.

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I’d take it and have it set into an account u just forget about until she needs a car or goes to college.

That’s all well and good dear, how ever, it’s his responsibility too!!!

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I would refuse support. Even though he doesn’t want to see the child right now, if you receive support he has a right to see the child later. Some people change their minds later just to be spiteful.

I just didn’t give them a name told them I didnt know.

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First question…did u receive any state help while pregnant? That determines the next step


I went thru this and listen to plenty of friends that said go to court get all you can get and they spent their life in their ex’s business. I choose not to. I had a tough time making it but would never change the choice I made.

If you get state assistance they want his info.

Then have him relinquish his rights


His responsible why should someone.else pay do get support baby will need it :100: you are only depriveing your child it has nothing to do with you !

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You know what you want. (Just say NO)

Take the support it will help in the future for college or other things

You could always say you was drunk and child was result of fling. I did this to get child suport of sons dads back as I didnt want penny from him. He wasnt on birth certificate either

If you feel you won’t need his help fine . Are you sure he won’t want to see his child. What about in 10 years when your child asks who dad is.

Not worth the money nor the fight! 3 children,did it myself

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You are Going to take care your daughter for the next 18 years your situation may not always be what it is now it’s Part of his responsibility to pay for it also

I just went through this and I refused the child support
However if your trying to get any help from the state its required. I only did have to because my child’s father was and is very abusive and so I didn’t have to file

It’s not about you. it’'s about your child…

If you are on public assistance, you must give info on baby’s father. The money he sends in support goes directly to Welfare to reimburse them for what they pay you. You will still get paid by Welfare each month.

Tell them u don’t know who he is…

My mother was granted ,$25 a week from my sperm.donor (refuse to use the word father) and to fight for that never saw never called but on my 18th Birthday got a letter from his Lawyer telling me he was no longer financially responsible for me!

Well if you’re being chased for child support , then you are not paying by yourself… that usually means the tax payers … so yes it isn’t fair … for the tax payers that is . He needs to pay ! It’s not up to the country to cover his butt girl …
not being mean , just telling the truth .