Can I take a bath at 3 weeks post partum?

I’m 3 weeks postpartum with an uncomplicated delivery, my bleeding has stopped and I have no stitches, am I able to take a bath ?

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I’m about 3 weeks postpartum also and took my first epsom salt bath last night. I’ve personally done it with all of my kids after I stopped bleeding and have never been told not to.

Yes! Try an epsom salt one to relax better

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I’d wait til doctor approval. You still have a risk for infection and baths are quite germy.

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Yes! As long as your bleeding has stopped, it is perfectly safe to do!

Generally 4 weeks I believe
Ask your doctor.

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Our post partum unit had whirlpool tubs in each room, and I was encouraged to take a few before discharge.

It’s 6 weeks unless your dr released you to. The issue is a high risk of infection. No matter what your delivery is like or bleeding you still have a dinner plate size wound in your uterus from placenta and baby.

I would say a shower yes, but soaking in a tub no. To much bacteria