Is it safe to take Vicks DayQuil and NyQuil while pregnant !? I was never sick during my first pregnancy but this cold is kicking my behind
No. My doc said the only safe thing I could take was the Vick’s Formula 44 but you should really consult your doctor.
Ask ur doctor or pharmacist
Can you schedule a online visit with a nurse CVS or somewhere. That’s how I found out I was preg with my first lol. Eat fruits and veggies if you can and teas, a honey that is not raw but pasteurized, to help or smoothies
the Tylenol Acetaminophen regular 325s will be safe for cold and headache or chills, use some Vicks on your feet and socks and chest! Hot showers will help, and wet cloth on your forehead and also a humidifier.
What does your doctor say
Safe over-the-counter medicines for cough and cold
Aside from acetaminophen, the following medicines are safe to take if you are feeling under the weather due to a cold or cough:
Robitussin and Robitussin DM (Guaifenesin + dextromethorphan)
Vicks VapoRub
Cough drops
No- ask your doctor but the general rule is no. I can’t believe a doctor wouldn’t give an informational sheet out to pregnant women telling them what they can take during pregnancy.
No , I have the flu they said only Tylenol and robbutussin
Mucinex (regular)
Sudafed (not the pe kind)
Nasal spray
Are all the approved medicine from my OB, I am on my 4th pregnancy and have COVID
I would double check with your own Dr but this is the list I got
Plain Robitussin, Mucinex (plain), Tylenol and you can use Vicks vapor rub and saline nasal Spray. Humidifiers, sit in a steamy bathroom but as far as I know anything that contains antihistamines or decongestants needs a doctors approval.
ask your Dr bc taking things during pregnancy can be very risky. there are things you never know that could have an effect, like for example you could put yourself into an early pregnancy by taking too much vitamin c. crazy right?!
but I believe I was able to have regular coricidin when was sick during pregnancy, but for sure! double check with your Dr.
Google and web md will always say no to this. However, my ob told me that if I was that miserable and not just taking it for every sniffle, and used it extremely sparingly, using it once or twice in the 2nd or 3rd trimesters would be fine.
been through this awhile ago
only regular tylenol
There are some cold meds you can take. Your doc should of sent you home with a list. Speak with your doctor first
i always suffered never took anything i was always told with 3 prgnancies never take anything. i have a 28 yr old an 11 and 12 yr old. docs said no meds.even with a headache.
I think only regular Tylenol but verify with your doctor
That’s something u need 2 ask ur doctor not us
Ask your doctor. Don’t listen to advice from random people on the internet.
So this is a Facebook page? We aren’t doctors! I wouldn’t trust strangers with the safety of my child!!! Call your pharmacy! Or better yet your doctor
I think only Tylenol, robitussin dm, mucinex (original)
Please reach out to your OB for the safe list
Ask your doctor or if they are closed Pharmacist. Walgreens and CVS have 24 locations