Can you take preworkout while breastfeeding? My baby’s 9 months soon to be 10 months old and I want to start working out
I think it’s better to stay on the safe side and just work out without it. You can eat like some hummus or eggs for protein.
I do sometimes but I notice it decreases my milk supply so i opt out alot.
Have a look online Mammas milk bar
I wouldn’t use it but I would definitely talk to their doctor first
You don’t NEED pre-workout to workout.
Call your triage nurse at your pediatrics office and see what they say. Most people will say no to stay on the safe side but if it’s safe for pregnancy it’s generally safe to consume while breastfeeding. I bet that your doctor will tell you that the way supplements travel through breast milk and the way they may or may not effect a growing infant isn’t well understood and to avoid the pre-work out. A lot of fitness goals can be achieved without what I consider to be gimmicks.
Yes, it is safe while nursing. But you should limit to 300 mg of caffeine a day so if you’re breastfeeding, so look at the caffeine content of your pre-workout to make sure you’re within the limits.
Usually all of the labels say something like…not for pregnant or breastfeeding or consult with Dr…I would stick with that. Personally, there’s too many ingredients in pre-workout that I can’t identify, and that would make me avoid it while nursing.
Sure… but your milk will be caffeinated if you take a caffeinated mix. Good luck with sleep lol.
I would probably pick a brand you want and then discuss it with your doctor
Wtf is a “pre-workout”, I thought that was just stretching
I wouldn’t risk it, it’s not worth it and there’s so many energy ingredients in there that baby doesn’t need along w other ingredients not meant for kids, only adults.