I am almost 7 weeks pp I had my 6 week appt already can I wear tampon for the first period after birth I hate pads I feel dirty I feel the need to shower twice a day
I work with a nurse practitioner/doctor everyday and that’s fine, You are perfectly safe to use tampons at this point. If you sense any irritation or its uncomfortable then just go back to pads. I can’t imagine that you will have any issue at all. Unless there was some extenuating circumstance.
I used tampons my first pp … I also hate pads so it wasn’t even an option for me
I did. Doctor gave me the all clear
Yes! But may feel a little tender.
No u can not use tampons. It needs to come out. Lots of it!
Yes it’s safe as long as you’re healed up
Yes you’re fine if you were cleared and healed at 6wk appt.
Yes you can. Only if there is any issue resort back to pads.
I did with both of my kids. You just want to avoid it while you’re healing.
Wear a pad at night it’s not good to sleep with them in
What did the doctor say?
I by all means am not meaning to sound rude by this. You should have asked your doctor at your appointment to be sure. They would have been able to safely answer that because you could not fully be healed and just not know. I would call them to make sure first but should be fine I would think. I’ve heard to wait until at least the second one though. I’ve had three kids, I always waited until the second and I hated pads as well. Just didnt want to cause more irritation. So if you have any issues go back. But I would call your OB just to make sure.
Yes. I was back to tampons after my 6 week pp check up.
Yes you can as long as the doctor had no concerns
Shouldn’t be a problem
Ask yourDr. He knows you better than anyone else.
After 6 weeks you can use tampons!
My OB never said anything not a okay or don’t do anything she checked my stitches and said I was healing really good and when she pushed on them it didn’t hurt
I would wait until your OB gives you the okay.