I started Zoloft 5 months ago and i am also on the depo birth control shot. And have gained 15 pounds in the two months. I haven’t been eating as healthy the last two months but could it be both those medications making me gain so much weight
Depo made me gain 40+ lbs in 2 years
Yes, I gained a lot of weight on Zoloft
I’m on Seroquel and I’ve gained at least 20kg
Both Zoloft and the depo shot can cause weight gain
Any meds can. I was on the pill needle and did not put any weight on yet I went in a anti inflammation tablet and put on 15 kgs
Yep. I gained shit loads of weight so I stopped taking them. I’ve lost 31lbs since June.
Depo made me gain 35 pounds in 10 years.
I was in the drop shot for 7 years and gained so much weight