Can my 6-year-old sit in the front with me?

Absolutely not wtf kind of question is that


I understand what you are saying.
You have a SMALL car. Probably only 4 seater. Is it safe?? No. Depending on what state your in or driving through, some are a hard no. If you can, trailer your car and get a rental. Or have her ride with dad??
But if you can not yes she can ride in the front. BUT BUT BUT, use a booster, Turn the passenger airbag OFF, and don’t let her lean on the door. Good luck mama. It suck when we have to do like this, but remember you are NOT a bad mom. You are doing what you got to do with what you can. And we have ALL been there. I hope you have a great life and luck in your new adventure!!:heart:

If your car has air bags absolutely not.


It isn’t like she can’t sit between the car seats in her booster. Long ride or not do better

Paramedic here. PLEASE PLEASE keep her in the backseat and just take more frequent breaks for her to stretch her legs.

I mean…will it be worth the risk if you do get in an accident?

“Be safe” is redundant advice if a semi or a drunk driver (someone else) happens to make a mistake on the road. You’ll also probably be charged by the state in the event of an accident if your child is not properly seated by state guidelines. Everywhere, 12 years old is the minimum for the front seat.

I’m genuinely shocked at the amount of “yes with air bag off”. As someone who has an 8 year old, she barely fits correctly with the seatbelt as is without a booster in the back seat and a husband who works with accidents who deals with people’s decisions like this on a daily basis… yeah absolutely not. If there was a moderate to severe accident, it very much so could have a tragic ending. There is no safe option for a 6 year old being in the front seat. Period. There’s a reason why the recommended age is under 12 back seat.

If you got stopped or pass a cop and he sees you’ll get ticketed, DCF will get involved for child endangerment also, that’s what you’ll be risking. The cop will see that there’s basically 3 seats in the back which can seat 3 kids, they won’t care about how tight it’ll be for all 3 to sit back there.
However if you want to risk it the airbags have to be off.
My daughter rode in the front seat of my truck facing backwards as a baby but I had no airbags and no backseats lol I had a 2 door truck.

This happened just yesterday…small child ejected. She did have a seatbelt but was small enough it didn’t help the child.

Nooooo. Even if it’s “legal” in the back, there’s no way they should be without a booster either. I highly doubt the seat belt hits them correctly.
How tall are they? How much do they weigh?


No. In an accident the airbag can kill your child or cause enormous damage. Most cars have a label that specifies children under 13 should not be in the front seat


Absolutely not my 10-year-old doesn’t even pass the five step rule to sit without a booster seat

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All these people. Jeez… Do what you got to do just make sure the air bag is turned off.

You have 3 seats in the back? Why would they sit in the front?

No… rent a larger car… this is neglectful.


Where do you live, and how big is your 6 year old? My 9 year old isnt quite big enough to sit in the back without a booster where I live. I also don’t know the answer to your question, I would say no, but if you have no other option then you may have no choice, but I would most certainly have them in a booster seat. If the seat belt is laying on their neck that is most dangerous, kids can be decapitated that way

No and I assume you didn’t like the answers you got yesterday asking in the other group. It’s completely unsafe so please don’t!


In the front seat, it’s about height. The airbags are designed to be chest height. I’ve worked a case where an airbag take a kids nose off. My BFF is 67 and only 4’11" so she has to set with her seat as far back as it will go for that reason. Your only real option would be to turn the passenger airbag off. But that’s making her ride considerably less safe than the other kids

Only if our car is equipped with the airbags that shut off when a child of certain weight sits there. All children must be in he back seat. I would ask the police department in your area about this.

What kind of question is this…


I get it. Some of us have absolutely no help, no one. So if you gotta do, whatcha gotta do. Just do it. Make sure you have the seat back as far as you can, turn off the airbag and then strap everything in, and check it 5x and go. Gotta do, whatcha gotta do! Especially if it’s going to benefit their lives!

No. Definitely no. It is not safe for anyone under 12. Even then it is questionable with their size. And shouldn’t be out of the booster until they are 8 years old AND 80 lbs.

Good lord these comments bother me. Karen Karen karen

It’s not safe so no if you are dumb enough to need an answer.

I would do it personally. Technically it’s safest in the back but since you don’t have alot of options but it’s not illegal I wouldn’t worry at all alot of people on here are Karen’s.

If there are 3 seatbelts in the back, then all 3 kids need to be in the back. Since you stated the car ride is long, I’m sure they will fall asleep. Put the oldest in the middle, and they two littles by the doors.

Ultimately, it’s your kids safety. Could you live with your choice in decreasing their safety if a drunk driver hit you? I’ve seen kids get ejected on the side of the road. So I wouldn’t even put a 6 year old. Let alone in a seat without a harness in the front.

No‼️ The airbag can kill her. Either by impact or by smothering‼️

If their feet touch the floor when sitting and the seat belt sits correctly across their chest then I’d maybe consider it for short terms, give her relief from being crammed between the carseats. Otherwise I wouldn’t risk it.

I personally wouldn’t risk it and I live in the country with dirt roads. All it takes is one person not paying attention on the 2 way road and hit you head on.

State guidelines in most places are older and bigger then that. My state is 8s they teach you. At least 8 yrs old, 80lbs or a certain height to not be in a booster in the back. My son hit the height requirement by the time he was in kindergarten but he was still so skinny that I still had him sit in one if we had to travel out of town. A child that small in the front…all it takes in one small oops an you could be burying your child or wiping her butt for the rest of her life. She is too small especially on a long ride. The air bag could kill her alone not mention what the oncoming object might do.

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Uh, no? How is this even a question?

In BC, Canada it’s not legal to have a child in the front seat until age 12… just sayin…

Absolutely not!!! Theres rules for a reason… A child was decapitated because of the airbag.


When I moved from Florida to Maine with my then 6yr old she still sat in back seat and we just packed stuff around her safely. No way would I put her in front. Even with airbags off I’d be scared of being hit on that side door

Why not do what u need to do

Wow all of you bigmouths are what pres if Dept of safety or lawyers or just effin know it alls

#knowitall #idiot #fools

If you can help it, no. The airbags deploy with such force that the impact can kill a child’s small body. There’s a warning stating exactly this, on the back of the sun visor in my van.

I wouldn’t. If there is actual physical room for your child in the back, that’s where they need to be.

Certain states do not allow it so if it’s legal and your ok with it it’s your child…in my experience I do not allow any of my children even my 10 year old on the front but that’s me

If in the uk can as long as passage air bag is off

:heart: For the love of God these comments are astonishing!!! NO YOU CANNOT PUT A 6 YEAR OLD IN THE FRONT SEAT!! I DONT CARE WHAT ANYONE OF THESE PEPLE SUGGEST ABOUT AIRBAGS! NOT only is it highly illegal but it’s dangerous. Turning the airbags off in the front will not make it safer for your child. Do you want to go to jail for child endangerment because only a moron would put their child at risk like that. Kinda harsh there right? Well you’ve never seen a child go through a windshield. That’s kinda harsh. If you are in doubt call the police department or fire department so they can also warn you, because they’ve also seen children go through front windshields. DONT!!

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Well It’s not safe and you could, and pray that everything turns out ok, if you can’t turn airbags off I wouldn’t at all. but if you get pulled over that’s going to cause a fine in a lot of places and charge of child endangerment and could get child protective services involved. Depending on cop.
And if something dose happen are you prepared for what that could cause in the long run as well?.

Absolutely not they have to be 13 to ride in the front seat. If you potentially want to have a dead child then absolutely put them in the front seat at 6 years old they should still be in some type of car seat

Just bc the state says they can’t doesn’t mean it’s safe. At 6 their bones aren’t mature that seat belt is going to cut into his neck and if you get into a accident he can and most likely will come flying out of the seat belt. It’s not worth the risks. Not to mention he probably isn’t mature enough to sit up straight 100% of the time if something falls is he going to reach for it? If you wanna plan your kids funeral then go ahead :woman_shrugging:t2:

I mean u can but do u really wanna risk it? We just drove 30hrs to move and my car was packed full with 3cats a German Shepard and my 3 and 8 yr old….would it have e been less cramped with my 8 yr old in the front? Fuck yes. did I. Do it? Fuck no. If something would have happened with her in the front I never would have forgave myself and I probably would have gotten in a lot of trouble. Safety over comfort: safety was the biggest thing with me .


A 6 year old shouldn’t even be in a booster yet. In the backseat. I would say…no.

I wouldn’t risk that. Your putting your child’s life in danger.

Literally every car visor says no children under 12 in the front seat for absolutely no reason. The airbags are more likely to severely injure or k!ll them.

Only if you can turn off the airbag in the front seat. Otherwise it’s not safe.

NO! NO! It is extremely dangerous. A booster should never be used in the front seat. A child under 13 should not be in the front seat.

I don’t care what the law is. Your six year old is no where ready to not be in a car seat or booster. Average age is 9-10 they are ready.

No. A child needs to be I believe 12 or older to sit up front.

Safety first. The front air bag can easily kill her.

Not supposed to because of airbags

Fk no. Both worth to risk the child :-1:

My 10 yr old son is dying to sit in the front. My cousin is California Highway patrol and he says that a 10 year old sitting in the front seat of a car has very little chance of surviving in a crash.
So I do not even let my 10 yr old in the front yet. So that’s a hard NO for a 6 yr old.

if you can shit the airbag off yes

It is not safe, the airbag has a high chance of killing your child if there is an accident. Contact your state patrol office on a non emergency number, ask about the laws, if you are.moving to another state contact the state patrol offices in each state you pass.

No. Absolutely not.

All of your children should be in car seats and the 2 younger kids need to be rear facing

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Not legal in all states. Besides that, extremely dangerous. Why would you even consider it?!

Hell no unless you want a fine from police or she is a 147cm tall 6 yr old. But thats in south Australia

Your mean with you in the driver seat or with your husband driving and both you and kid riding in front passenger seat together?

Either way kids belong in the back seat these days due to cars being made cheaper and crumbling in the event of a wreck.

Watch all of the videos of kids of different ages involved in car accidents to see what the outcome is for the child sitting in back vs front…those will answer your question quickly!

The airbag alone could kill your 6 year old if there was an accident…


Absolutely not! Accidents are just that. Accidents. If you get in one, the air bag will go off and kill that kid. Is it worth the risk? The air bag will break the kids neck. Please don’t risk it.

First off, where are you. Second off, why would you ask here instead of checking with the department of transportation or whatever it’s called wherever you are? Some people are actually suggesting this is allowable but they won’t pay the fine when you learn they were wrong. This is dumb in so many ways.

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Do what you need to do within reason. Not on the regular.

I’m sorry, my kids are big for their ages, always have been and they didn’t move from a booster seat until closer to 10. For reference, my youngest is now 12 and stands at 5’6. I just now this year started letting my 12 year old ride in the front because he’s bigger than I am. I’d find a way to put all 3 in car seats of some kind in the back seat.

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No, the airbag would suffocate a 6 year old on impact. Very dangerous

Not if there’s room in the backseat

You’ll be fine. Sit him wherever you need to sit him for the long trip. No need to overthink.

Do what you need to do girl! If you can’t find a way around then you need to do what you need to do!
If you are asking if legally the child can sit up front, call your local highway dept and ask. That’s the best place to go to for questions like this!

No not at all. It is not safe at all for any distance. Not a mile, not 1000 miles. If someone pulls out in front of you or other accident occurs you can’t go back in time and properly secure your child. Air bag or no air bag, your child is less likely to survive in the front seat, it is truly as simple as that. All 3 need to be in the backseat. Also if you are moving boxes and things all of those things need to be either secured or in a separate vehicle.

That stuff in that back seat is more important huh? Get a trailer

Yeah, for sure, only if you look good in orange or stripes.

They are supposed to be in the backseat due to the airbag in the front. Where I live kids under 12 need to be in the backseat. Use your best judgment for the situation. Take extra breaks getting out to stretch and bring good snacks the tight space might not be so bad.

I would ask CarSeat Safety their page has tons of CPST and other knowledgeable people :slightly_smiling_face:

I would say no. Ur child safe in the back seat from a crash.

As a ems professional, i wouldn’t recommend it if you are not able to shut the air bag off. They deploy with a force equal to 200mph which is enough to decapitate your child :frowning: Front seat is for those 13 and up.

Ask yourself if it’s worth your kids life. There is the answer :woman_facepalming:t4:

Does the passenger airbag work? Because It’s about the air bag. And i wouldn’t put them in front. My sister was 10 yrs old and driving my drunk dad home with my brother in the back seat. My sister was in the driver seat and steering my dad was in passenger seat and pressing pedals and well on a dirt rd in middle of no where my dad decided to press the pedal to go to fast which at 10 sis didn’t know how yo steer especially on dirty and well they wrecked and the air bag literally slit my sisters throat in half from ear to ear. Brother in the carseat in back had 1 scratch and 3 bruises. My sister happened to get lucky and a man was driving down the dirt road as my dad was carrying her as she’s dying in his arms and my brother 2 walking beside them the man was able to call for help and drive till he met the ambulance which was then life flighted to a whole other town my mom was out with my dads sister so dad was not to be out and drinking but he was yes he got charges and was arrested. But with this said and with me seeing my sister the way she was I suggest never to put the kids in front till way bigger no matter the state/country laws. I mean my state says my 1yr old can forward face and that’s definitely not safe at 1

Never do that … you may be an ok driver . But their not okay drivers out their

Them airbags could seriously hurt the child

Keep the child in the backseat even if it uncomfortable