Can my boyfriend put his name on the birth certificate?

I am 8 months pregnant and my boyfriend is not the father of my child. I know who the father is and the father knows as well, but he has told me many times that he wants nothing to do with my or the baby. My boyfriend wants to step up 100% and I want to let him. He wants to raise this child as his own. My question is, can my boyfriend put his name on the birth certificate? Or is there something legal we can do? Please help!


I think it depends on the laws per state…I would ask the hospital

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If the dad doesn’t object at all then yes. But if later on yall break up the bf will have to pay child support…


He can but I wouldn’t let him if it was me.


He’s not the father and should not.


That can cause a whole mess later on if something happens. I wouldnt.


Yes he can… The biological father would have to dispute it if anything.

But your boyfriend should also know that if anything were to happen between y’all, even though the kid isn’t his. He’ll still have ty pay CS because he took responsibility. How it is in KY anyway.

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He shouldn’t do that

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He can sign the birth certificate if he’s present when baby is born, but he must know if he signs the affidavit of paternity that it will be a shit show if something goes down between y’all and he decides he doesn’t want to be there for the child anymore

It’s probably less complicated not to have a father listed on the birth certificate at all. That’s a big responsibility for someone to take on & for you to give away…


how long have you been together for? If you break up he will be responsible for child support. It’s great he wants to step up but he can do that with out being on the birth certificate

He can but don’t. If you split up he’ll be forced to pay child support.

But the dad later may.cause lots of problems

He can, but he definitely shouldn’t

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Yes he can, nothing the bio dad can do later on either


I personally wouldnt …that can cause alot of issues.


I wouldn’t… Just my opinion

You should probably just leave it blank. That way you don’t run into any hiccups down the road

Noooooot a good idea at all.

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He shouldn’t. The father should be in the birth certificate and pay child support

I wouldn’t there can be legal problems and issues later. What if something happened and your son needed some life saving measure and the boyfriend was listed as father and was the wrong blood type or something drastic. Put the real dad and let your boyfriend raise him as his


He doesn’t need his name on the birth certificate to step up and be a father to this baby. Just doing it, says alot about him as a person and what a great father he will be.


I wouldn’t do it. Because if u guys break up that can cause issues. Plus if dad chooses to want to be in babies life and if he can prove you knew he was the dad and let someone else sign you ca go to jail

Do not put his name on the birth certificate, just have him sign his rights over and adopt him. Way easier. And he will not have to pay child support all he has to do is ask for a paternity test and it will come out negative, whether or not he’s on the certificate.

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Id wait until yall married and time put in for simple fact, is you dont wanna deal with that. He can always adopt the baby later and do that but first thing first get the birth father to give up rights legally


So u dont even know this new boyfriend more than 8months and u wanna put him dwn as ur childs dad??? Get a grip!!!


Listen… don’t do it. Trust me…


No. It’s all fine and dandy now. BUT No!!!. Leave it empty.

It depends on the laws in your state.

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I wouldn’t just yet. Later on down the line, he can adopt if you both still feel it’s the right thing to do. And it would be a really special moment between him and the child.

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Don’t do it. I’m sorry said that twice now but you’ve said it yourself its boyfriend not even husband you must be newly in this relationship and your giving him same rights as you… and that la just for starters the child should have correct father written down or none at all that’s opening a right can of worms!


If he’s willing to step up and take on the roll of being the dad then I say go for it!

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It depends on the state. Some require certain things if you are not married. You may not be able to even do it at the hospital, you may have to do it later on. But it can cause a lot of issues later on so you both better be sure its what you want to do. Then call the hospital to find out how it works in your state.

No. Every child should have the right to know who their real father is regardless if he is interested or not.


If hes around no matter what he will be responsible down the line for child support ect on it or not but for example my baby daddy left and wasnt around my boyfriend raised my daughter altho the dad is around as of this last year no one’s on certificate cuz thats not bio it doesnt matter in end

Yes but than he will be legally responsible for the child

He can sign an acknowledgement of paternity right there in the hospital and they will notarize it and everything. All u have to do is both have a valid state id

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He can, HOWEVER once he does that he liable for that child for the rest of said child’s life regardless of his biological father’s identity. If the two of your separate your boyfriend would have to pay child support, etc.

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You can put donald duck on the birth certificate


Sounds like you’re willfully ready to lie. Don’t be surprised when it backfires on you!


I see a Maury episode happening soon. Lol


Morally that is wrong! Not the biological father then he shouldn’t be on it bottom line. Then falsifying a birth certificate so bio dad isn’t on there could equal big consequences!


Sounds childish. You shouldn’t put someone who isn’t the real father on his birth certificate. Period.


Yes but that’s on him if he wishes

Yes. Anybody you want can sign it if willing. Just know the biological dad could petition the courts for dna.

I wouldn’t do that. If you get married or something and he wants to you can do it later on.


You can. But please dont. Let him stick around for a few years then talk about adoption.


Do not do it!! He can adopt later! He could go to jail for falsifying a legal document. A birth certificate is a legal document.


I would not do that. The child has a father. If things go south between you and the boyfriend then what?? Don’t think that a signature will change the fact that the child has a father and that it isn’t your boyfriend. Every child has the right to their father. No he isn’t around but don’t “eliminate” him and replace him. I don’t encourage this for the sake of the child later on.


Wtf don’t do that!! If you break up, he has rights to your child! Obviously y’all have been together less than a year so you don’t even really know him. What group is this even?!?


Don’t do it! That gives him so many rights and allows him to have a say and access to so much!


You can but why would you?
Your boyfriend can still step up and be a parent without having to be on the birth certificate.


Yes just put him name on it and don’t say anything. But once he on there that child is his

No, I’m assuming you have been together less then 1 year. He can be a father figure without being on the birth certificate

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In my state, if you aren’t married they make the father take a paternity test. So I don’t know


I wouldn’t do that; if things don’t work out he will have legal rights to YOUR child. Please use common sense.


He doesn’t need to be on the certificate to be a dad. Leave him off and if he decides to legally adopt later then great but relationships can go down hill so quick, especially with the stresses of a newborn. You haven’t even been together a year :woman_facepalming:


This kind of question makes me question somebody’s judgement calls :flushed:


technically you can put whoever you want on the birth cert. however, your child should have the chance to know who their birth father is, and where half their genetics come from (never know if their father carries a gene for a bad disease and now your child carries the gene and will pass it to any children they have).


Nope, knowing who the father is and putting someone else on there is birth certificate fraud. Look it up


Not a good idea! Do it legally!! The beginning of this child’s life, outside of the womb , starts on a lie??? That’s simply wrong!!!


He can step up without being on the birth certificate.


I rather have no dad on there then a fake one


Why just why…
Should be your name only if that’s the case. If “said new boyfriend after 8 months wants to be on it the answer should be no. When you have been in a stable relationship a few years down the track then consider letting said boyfriend adopt until then don’t put any mans name on there :woman_facepalming:t3:

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No! Don’t put either on the BC


Not a good idea for multiple reasons. If he wants to step up great. He doesn’t need to sign the birth certificate to do that. If you break up that could make things very messy and confusing. I would leave it blank and if you’re ex doesn’t want to be in the child’s life he doesn’t have to but he will have to pay child support. I wouldn’t have anyone else signing on that but that’s just me. It also seems like you haven’t known your current boyfriend that long and you don’t want to jump the gun. He may be supportive now but wait until the baby is here and see what happens


Honestly you are better off leaving it blank. My husband went through the official process of adopting my son once we were officially married as the bio father wanted to relinquish his rights. Do it the legal way, because if you and your boyfriend split he is legally responsible and it will cause a whole slew of issues down the road

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Dont do it. Bad bad decision.

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I wouldn’t allow him to do this right now, if you love him. My son was in this situation. He met a girl that was pregnant. The bio dad didn’t want anything to do with the baby. The mom didn’t put anyone’s name on the birth certificate. My son raised the baby as his for over a year, even has his name tattooed on his arm. After a year, she broke up with him, and wouldn’t even let him see the little boy. If he had signed the birth certificate like he wanted to do…he would have wanted to pay child support. Luckily he listened to everyone on this.

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that’s technically falsifying a legal document which you can get in Trouble for… you can put the fathers name on and he can sign his rights away


What your boyfriend wants to do sounds great and all, but what’s the rush. Why can’t you just wait, he might not feel the same way once the baby is here.


Not a good idea. If he were to do this he could also fight you for custody after the fact if you two split up and you’d have to go through a bunch of stuff to have him removed after paternity is determined. He could also keep original birth certificates with his name on them even if you had him removed and he could probably use those for a lot of stuff even if you did have him removed later. I would welcome him to help you raise your child if you like, but I’d retain the actual parents on the child’s birth certificate. Also, if he really wants to be a part of the child’s life, let him adopt. But personally I’d wait longer than a few months together before giving that power to someone. And the birth father should be helping you! He should help you pay for the child’s needs, he was happy to create life, he should now help support that life.


No name. He can adopt if he proves it over the next few years.

Yes. But if you all seperate he is that child’s father whether you like it or not.
I wouldnt. Your child should know who their real father is one day, good or bad…and then when shes older if you two are still together he can adopt her. In the mean time he can still parent her and be a dad. But just wait til the child is older.


I think it depends on the state you’re in. If I were you I’d put the actual father on there for several reasons:

  • Your child deserves to know who their father is( Not assuming you wouldn’t share this info) Also the child’s father is still responsible for Child Support.
  • If you and your boyfriend ever breakup he’d be considered the child’s legal father and be responsible for Child Support.

On the other hand I think it’s a beautiful thing that your boyfriend is willing to be a father figure to your child.

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Leave it blank for now. Then if your relationship with your boyfriend becomes super serious, like marriage, then you can have him legally adopt your child and then his name will be put on the birth certificate.


Nope put your own last name leave father spot blank if you marry you have no problem but don’t do it bc if it doesn’t work out stuff can get messy a big NO here

Why?? Do you wanna give him rights to your child when you potentially might not stay together? How stupid. It’s also illegal.


He can sign the acknowledgement of paternity

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I would put information not recorded under the father’s name. I wouldn’t put either 1 on there

Make him legally the father when he makes you legally his wife.


Yes he can and if he wants to step up by all means let him not all guys would do that I think hat is an amazing thing for another guy to want to step up and father a child hat isn’t his I would say yes put him on the birth certificate

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I’d leave it blank. What if you break up?


Do what you feel is right. If anything to be safe, only put your name. In the future if the boyfriend is around still, he can legally adopt and you will not have to remove the bio dad through court order or anyone else’s bc theres no name to put. Less money in the future and it allows you to be in control 100%

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If that’s the case why haven’t y’all just gotten married??
He can sign the birth certificate no problem
But if you guys break up he’s liable for that child and paying for that child


I would be honest & put the biological fathers name on the birth certificate. Whether he likes it or not the state will force him to help you financially. Plus your baby deserves to know the truth whether the father likes it or not. Be honest always, teach your baby to be honest. If your new bf wants to help raise the baby, that’s wonderful. But pls don’t lie about something so big. Your new bf sounds like a wonderful young man, but none of us knows what the future may bring.


The biological father needs to sign off, otherwise if he changes his mind,he could have rights to the baby.

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I have a family member that married her husband while she was pregnant with her ex baby. He signed it and that’s HIS baby. Eventually she will tell the baby when he’s older but for now he’s his daddy.

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If he signs, he is taking full responsibility, including financially in the eyes of the law.


Keep it blank. If y’all ever get married he can adopt him

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Do not put your boyfriend on the birth certificate! That’s not fair to you, him, the child’s biological father or the child. Leave it blank and take the bio father to court for child support, establish paternity and live your life the honest way.


My boyfriend put his name on 2 boys that were not his. They both had diff dads also. It is not a legal way of adoption in my state so he doesn’t have to pay child support on them now because he didn’t sign the acknowledgement of paternity at birth. He just wanted the boys to have his name since he was raising them like his own. Everywhere may be diff tho

Yes technically he could be on the birth certificate but I wouldn’t allow him to be until you guys are married and also if biological dad ever wanted to come into the picture he would just have to acknowledge paternity through the courts and he’d be able to go on the birth certificate.

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Leave it blank and then when y’all get married he can adopt


Yeah I’d definitely not add him to the birth certificate if he’s not the father and you’re only dating. Maybe a few years down the road you can go through the process to give him rights but I definitely wouldn’t jump right into it

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He can! But if y’all break up he’s that child’s dad even if you don’t like it


I would think that is falsifying the birth certificate. May have to have the bio father sign papers over to the other guy.

You can put anyone down that you want. However if you break up it’s not “oh well he’s not the dad”, a judge could grant him rights along with having to pay child support etc. If it turns south and bf wants nothing to do with baby after the fact and you try filing child support most of the time they will require dna to be sure he is or isn’t the dad etc before making him pay money for a child who is not his. It’s probably best to do it the right way. Have dad sign his rights over and when 100% sure then have new BF added to birth certificate.


If you break up, he’d have as much legal rights to your child as you. You’d have to have his permission before traveling, as if he were the birth father.

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