Can pineapple cause miscarriage?

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I heard it helps u go into labor I ate and entire pineapple each of the three kids trying to induce labor don’t know if it worked

If I remember correctly you have to eat a literal ton of them. Like you’d be sick of them long before you ingested enough of whatever the thing is that would chance miscarriage, but like with everything else concerning your pregnancy, if you’re worried about it don’t do it.

I ate pineapple and tuna fish :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:
mixed together when I was pregnant with my son

I guess if someone threw one into your stomach hard enough🤷‍♀️


I never heard this before. I ate everything

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Old wives tale. Not true

Definitely not true. I ate ALOT of pineapple my whole pregnancy.

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No just heavy metals.

Never heard of this before…:thinking: