I doesn’t matter take a DNA test.
None of it is to be trusted
Yes. But in my experiences, looking at a penis has gotten me pregnant.
It got me pregnant
Is this a real question
Yes absolutely, in fact the sperm count in pre cum is higher than the actual load, if I remember right. It’s like super concentrated
Yes precum can cause pregnancy
Why are people so rude… no one here knows this person’s situation…
It’s like your parents didn’t teach you guys so well either… if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all…
I feel like this is a good question! A lot of people don’t realize this! A lot of people my mother-in-laws age (mid-60s) believe old wives tales and pass them on not knowing any different. Can’t hate someone for asking this. My MIL legit thought that you couldn’t get pregnant if you were breastfeeding! She had no idea until I told her otherwise.
Yes, no one told me until I was having a general conversation at work in my twenties. Don’t let all these people make you feel bad.
Yes, this is why the “pull out” method doesn’t work very well.
Yes. Precum still contains some sperm. This is why the pullout method isn’t a good form of birth control.
not if you swallow it
Possible, but not highly likely if the man has urinated recently.
Yes and you can get pregnant on plan b too (I did) lol so be careful!
That’s how I got pregnant
Yes. I have one. Pullout method didn’t work
You surly can, I got both of my children from the pull out method.
In a nutshell, yes but it’s extremely rare. Precum isn’t fertile enough to actually fertilize the egg
Richard II Higley. Can ya
Absolutely! The pull out method doesn’t work! Don’t let anyone fool you by saying your chances are slim. I’m telling you that not getting pregnant using the pull out method is pure luck and your luck will run out without a doubt.
Yes! Mine just turned 8 last week!
Think of it this way
If the penis is near or in a vagina it can cause pregnancy
Yup. Sperm is in it.
Does a bear shit in the woods
Any cum can cause pregnancy
Yes precum can get you pregnant.
Any comments near the VJAY will get you pregnant.
But pull out method worked for 4.5 years for us until one night we just didn’t care.
Yes. Anything with sperm can.
I did the pull out system for years , worked like charm I can’t speak for other women tho … but how another women had mentioned the minute you didn’t care to pull out is the minute you could become prego !
Yes your baby may be short though Jkn
Yes learned that in 5th grade when they were teaching us about periods taught us till like 10th grade but I live in iowa so every school is different. Idk how half you guys didnt have sex ed we were forced to watch and learn everything about sex. There was no getting out of sex ed in wapello iowa.
Google would have the answer to this question 1000x over. If you have to ask the question, you should not be having unprotected sex.
Did y’all pay attention to anything in school?
Can It really!? Man I’m LOST lol I’m 29 and was ALWAYS told it was a small chance but unlikely and now I have two kids lmao so I guess so huh?
I learned this back in HS sex ed. YES yes it can.
Google is your friend.
There are so many complete witches in here. Why such negativity? This could be a very young person. I’ll never understand the mindset where you need to feel superior when people ask questions. You have the information just pass it along and save your judgements. People act like they get a prize for pointing out error in others.
Pretty sure that’s how two of mine were born lol
No, on its own it cannot. If the question is “can you make a baby with the pull out method?” Then the answer is yes.
If you have to ask that question, you DO NOT need to be having sex:woman_facepalming:
Not if its in her Mouth ! Come on Ladies say it straight up !
And to add you can get pregnant from unsafe anal as well
Jessica Willis. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. But, yes it can yall.