Can Prozac cause these issues in children?

Hello everyone. My son who is 4 has separation anxiety, social anxiety, ocd, and a sensory disorder. He has been put on a low dose of prozac. He has been taking it almost a month and we are scheduled to go back to his Dr for a follow up at the end of this week. My question is for anyone who a child with these difficulties. Taking the prozac has helped him enormously in various positive ways but he has also started acting out in ways he has never shown almost like regressing in a lot of areas. Coloring on walls and cabinets. Peeing on his siblings bed on purpose (he is not potty trained, we are working on it), straight up not listening about anything, his sleep habits have changed. He gets his medicine at 7 at night. He falls asleep by 8 8:30 but is up every day ready to start his day at 4 AM. It makes him very tired and irritated by mid day and everything just spirals from there. A little side note for this. I do not typically agree with medicating children however with his daily struggles I had to try. Nothing else that was tried helped in any way shape or form. It breaks my heart to watch him struggle. I truly just want to help him. Have any other parents experienced this stuff? I do plan to talk to his doctor about all this but I’m new to the medicating children and am looking for insight and similar situations. Thank you in advance


Keep him on medicine . It helps a lot


I’m on Prozac and I don’t like the side effects. I am an adult and know how to regulate my impulsive thoughts that that medicine can give you. He is a child, he doesn’t know not to act on those thoughts yet. I’d talk to the doctor and take him off Prozac, try therapy with him- he’s young


Seek further support for yourself and your child. If medication helps them then make a plan that your happy with for your child. And give lots of kisses and cuddles which I’m sure you do but reassurance from mummy is always a positive x

If he has a sensory disorder I would be more interested in getting him occupational therapy to regulate his sensory input and settle his nerves not medication at his age. Sensory issues are common with kids with autism so separation anxiety and other types of OCD or attention seeking behaviors can be present with it. I would be asking school to do an early intervention screening on him and see if he can get services through there so he can enter the school with services and be ahead of whatever things may present in the future. At his age it would be hard to even know if he needs a drug like Prozac and there are so many other options you can pursue. If you are in the states you can connect with your local Autism Society for resources and support.


I would highly suggest having the genetic drug testing done that will tell you which medications will likely result in negative reactions, which could possible result and which would be most appropriate for his DNA/genetics.

Try all the above and get second opinion with other doctor

I am
Horrified that such a young child has been put in mind altering medication like Prozac.


Talk to your doctor bc I had to get help with my son bc he is adhd and odd maybe that medicine is not working for him I know the struggle tho keep your head up my son is now 7 and I’ve been dealing with this since he was 4 as well

Has he been tested for adhd/add and autism
I don’t have any experience with prozac as I’ve never had to use it
But I’m like you in regards to this sort of medication being used on small kids

I would get a second opinion from a different doctor. Prozac is not ideal for children. It’s a very effective medication but for adults

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I know Prozac made me go crazier than I was

Prozac is a depression medication not an anxiety medication. So it’s probably not doing anything to help your child. That’s why he’s acting out.

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Sometimes anxiety isn’t the core issue and is caused by something else… medication doesn’t always help if the main reason for the anxiety isn’t being addressed but yes some people need medication from the start because the brain is missing chemicals that it can’t create on its own… it sucks but it happens naturally


Prozac for a 4 year old???

Yes Prozac can cause acting out. I’m going to tell you from my personal experience as someone who’s been on and off meds since I was 12 years old there are side effects that are very unpleasant. I’m very very very surprised that a doctor prescribed a 4 year old toddler of all people Prozac. That doctor needs to be ashamed of themselves because they’re supposed to try other things before ever putting a child on a medication unless that medication is a life saving medication.


Wow this is awful. Get him off drugs, look into occupational and play therapy. Paint, outside play and attentive parenting is what he needs. Diagnosing a tiny child like that is wacko


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